J’s Index – Alaska
*Note: If you are subscribed to my posts, you may have seen this one already. I accidentally posted it instead of scheduling, but I didn’t intend to have this post go live until I finished my other Alaska posts. So I took it down and am re-posting it now.*
This post is an homage to the Harper’s Index, a summary of our trip to Alaska. The photo above is from our whale watching trip. It was so beautiful, it looked like a painting to me.
Number of Flights Taken – 7
Number of Boat Trips – 2
Number of Rental Cars – 3
Number of Airbnbs – 3
Number of towns visited – 4
Number of train rides – 1
Number of miles covered on the train – 356
Number of hours spent on the train – About 12
Number of live moose spotted – 1 (by me only)
Number of live eagles spotted – 1 (all of us)
Number of live bears seen – 0
Number of Taxidermied animals spotted – too many to count
Number of trams taken – 1
Number of whales seen – at least 10, likely more
Number of times we saw the Aurora Borealis – 0 🙁
Number of times the Aurora Borealis was going on, but was not visible to us – 4 or 5
Number of Ice Cream shops visited – 2
Number of Sunny Days – 2 out of 11
Number of balance issues that I had – 0
Number of days I did my vestibular exercises – maybe 3
Number of days I did my planned daily yoga – 1
Number of t-shirts I bought – 4
Number of childhood friends I met up with – 1

I’ve been to Alaska three times and never seen a bear. One moose. Several whales on our Kenai Fjords cruise and many other animals. Including mosquitoes.
Margaret, LOL on the mosquitos. The state bird!
Love this index. Mine would have included Number Of Times I Was Offered Salmon And Received Incredulous Looks When It Was Refused– >50
Nance, LOL, that’s hilarious. I will say that I purposefully avoided seafood in Fairbanks, I figured it would be better closer to the ocean.
Hi J!!! I am so far behind on reading posts and have to admit I just won’t be able to get back to reading everything I missed during the recent weeks of my blog being down + a ton of other “life chaos.”
But what I’ve seen of your trip looks incredible. What vistas! Everything is so big and gorgeous!
Yay! Elisabeth! So glad to see you here! I’m sorry you missed my Alaska adventures, there was ice cream involved in a couple of days. 🙂
Tobia | craftaliciousme
This index is so fun. If I do a big trip next time I thnk I want to have one too.
Awe, thanks Tobia!