
This morning I woke up and contemplated not getting dressed. Just staying in my jammies all day, watching tv maybe, reading my book, taking it easy. Then I got out of bed, jumped in the shower, and got dressed. I’m just not the ‘all day jammies’ type of person. Even when I’m sick, I like to have my shower and get dressed. Even if I’m not planning on leaving the house, I really like to feel like I could leave if I wanted to, and I just don’t feel that way without a shower and clothes.

How about you? How often do you stay in your jammies and lounge around the house? Is it a luxury? A necessity? Or does it give you the uggs to even consider it?


  • Jenny

    I LOVE being in jammies all day. But it sort of sucks when people stop by without notice. Then you look crazy. But it isnt often I get to do that. Usually only if I have to be in bed, like sickness or injury that it happens. Too much to do each day you know?

  • Jimmy

    No jammies for me. Just “fruit of the looms” or blue jeans and a tee!
    I like to shower before bed time, and first thing in the morning.

  • Karen

    I did the jammies all day thing a couple times over the holidays but felt so lazy and unkempt. So even if I’m in all day, I’ll at least get into my yoga pants and hoodie, just in case I have to run out or if someone drops in.

  • Angie

    I wish I was the ‘jammie all day’ kind of gal. If I’m sick, yes, I can sleep, lay around and stay in jammies all day, but for the most part, a shower is a necessity and getting dressed always makes me feel better.

  • Starshine

    I don’t usually stay in my jammies all day, but I LOVE jammies. And typically, when I get home in the evening, the first thing I do is get in my jammies. Because it’s fun to hang out in the evening in my jammies. I like the word jammies.

  • Joan

    Last week I wrote a post about my monkey lounge pants. On the weekends it may take me a while to get showered and dressed but it is a must for me. Even the days right after I had my children, I got showered and dressed – the process may have been stretched out over a few hours.
    Recently the only time I remember staying in my pj’s was a bout with the flu a few years ago.

  • bibliomom

    I always shower first and then if I have no place to go for the day I’ll either slide back into my jammies or into the worlds most comfortable pair of jeans that have a hole in a place that make them not wearable in public. Comfort is so important.

  • Autumn's Mom

    I’m a Jammie girl. Like Starshine, the first thing I do when I come home is put them on 🙂 That’s not to say that I also don’t enjoy a good shower and a fresh pair of clothes (haha almost said jammies!)

  • V-Grrrl

    The week between Christmas and New Year’s are my main pajamas days. I eventually change into “real” clothes, but I spend a big chunk of the day in my fleecy periwinkle robe.