J Needs…

Here’s a twist on a meme I saw on Scarlett’s page, and thought might be fun. Here’s what you do:

1. Go to Google.com

2. Type your name and the word ‘needs’ in quotes in the search engine and hit the button. Give us 13 that make sense, if you can. (Scarlett used 10, but I went for 13, so I could make it a ‘Thursday 13’. 😉 )

Let’s see what “J needs”…

  1. J Needs Your Help! (This is true…sometimes, I do need your help.)
  2. J needs to work on her parenting (Sadly, this is often true. Actually, I think all parents need to work on their parenting, though. Not something to take for granted.)
  3. J needs a new pair of shoes (well, I don’t NEED a new pair of shoes…)
  4. J needs to get out in the fresh Eire (Is that a way of saying I need to get outside more? Definately true.)
  5. J needs a good home and she needs it ASAP (Hear that, housing gods? We need an offer on this place, so we can move!)
  6. J needs some time and patience with a friend who is willing to work with her (that could be so many of you…)
  7. J needs a team of committed people to pray for her (couldn’t hurt, right?)
  8. J needs to try to put her emotions aside and make a cold hard decision about what is best for her career (sigh)
  9. J needs to remember that many successful folks work their way through college and earn impressive degrees without burdening their parents or incurring massive debt (why would I need to remember that? I did that!)
  10. J needs to wrap a gift for her mother (sorry mom, your next gift may be unwrapped…)
  11. J needs us to do this (yes please, whatever this is)
  12. J needs to keep her nose out of her life and her things (my own life and things? how would I do that?)
  13. J needs to have the spotlight shined on her (well, maybe just a little…mostly that kind of thing freaks me out…)