J likes…

In keeping with my NaBloPoMo vow to travel sequentially through the alphabet, stopping at each letter at least once for a post, I’ve decided to make a Thursday Thirteen today, of things I like. None of these are going to be deep and profound, I’m afraid.

You all already know that I love my family and friends, and kindness and justice and gratitude and honesty and butterflies and NPR, right? OK, so we’re going a bit more shallow here. This is just things that make me happy if I happen to have them around, things I notice that I like. And I apologize in advance, because this post is going to switch back and forth between the first and third person a lot. J likes good grammar, so I know how annoying that can be.

  1. J likes horses. I used to think I wanted to be a jockey, or a vet. But I got to be too tall, and too heavy, to be a jockey, and I’m too squeamish for the vet thing. And my love for horses is kind of abstract, because while I think they’re perfect and beautiful and can commune with their people, and while I think their noses are soft like a baby’s butt, and the spot up under their mane where it meets their neck is soft and hard in a most delicious manner, and they have the prettiest faces (esp Arabians), I don’t spend my spare time or money doing anything with horses. It used to be that I didn’t have enough of either. But truth be told, if I were as passionate about horses as I used to be, I’d be with them somehow. Still. I like them a lot.
  2. J likes potato chips. Probably too much. Lately I’m into the Kettle Chips, Salt & Pepper variety. I tried them when we were in Oregon over Christmas, and wow, are they addictive.
  3. J likes to read. I truly enjoy getting all sucked into a story, and feeling like I know the characters. I have sat down to write fiction once or twice, long ago, and it’s not as easy as they make it look. Kind of like athletes. They make it look easy because they work at it. I love the fruits of their labor.
  4. J likes to swim. But I don’t really like to deal with make up after a swim, and washing hair, and all of that crap. So I don’t swim as often as I should, considering we have a heated pool right in front of our condo.
  5. J likes Tuna Tartar. Especially the way Cherry makes it. And how they make it at Va de Vi, a restaurant here in town. Mmm. Raw tuna.
  6. J likes seeing all of the flowers blooming and the warm weather of spring. (There are rumors that it could be in the mid to high eighties Friday and Saturday!)
  7. J likes the changing colors on the trees and the crisp weather of Autumn.
  8. J likes going to the movies and eating popcorn.
  9. J likes chardonnay. Probably too much.
  10. J likes vacations. Hawaii, Oregon, Tahoe, Monterey, wherever. Love being on vacation. Especially if we beat the odds and no one gets sick.
  11. J likes cooking using her new knife and dutch oven. I’m SO glad I got them.
  12. J likes late summer fruits and veggies. Esp. tomatoes. Mmmm. Tomatoes.
  13. J likes blogging. Probably too much.