I Need A Chauffer

Yesterday, I walked everywhere, and boy, these dogs are barking. I started with a walk to Noah’s for breakfast, which is just about a mile and a quarter each way. Not too far, but my shoe selection was based more on heat than comfort. In other words, I was wearing sandals. Next, we had to go to the old work office to move what little bit of stuff there still remains into a storage space. The office is in a business park, and the storage space is actually a small office two parking lots over in that same office park. Yesterday was also one of my coworker’s last day, so after the move, we were going to go play pool and have a drink. After that, I was going to go meet up with Ted and Maya, plus Cherry, Eric, Liz, Ben, and Liz’s sister, at the Alameda County Fair. Well, I wanted to look cute for all of this, right? (not the moving, but the drinks and getting together with friends) Stupidly, the answer is, yes, of course. So I changed from my comfy(ish) sandals to cuter, less comfy sandals. We must have walked across those dang parking lots with crap to move 100 times (I’m exaggerating, but it was starting to feel that way). It was about 95 degrees yesterday, which only added to the fun. By the time I got to the fair, I was seriously regretting my shoe choice. The fair, by the way, was GREAT. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a county fair before…certainly not one as big as this one. We saw cows and pigs and goats and lambs, one pretty horse, prize winning jams and jellies and cakes and pies, amazing woodworking done by high school aged students. We saw people get hypnotized and act like idiots. We saw Ted announce Smash Mouth on stage. (YAY! That was VERY cool!) We talked to a prize winning goat raising 4-H teen, who was so enthusiastic and knowledgable, it was great. 🙂 Maya and Jackie took Ted’s cell phone, and went on rides without any parental supervision except the occasional phone call, for about 6 hours. A great day was had by all. I couldn’t find any deep fried snickers bars to taste, but that was probably for the best anyway. At the end of the day, however, I couldn’t find my car. I told Cherry and Eric that my car was in the red parking lot, and it wasn’t, it was in the green parking lot, so we ended the day off with a LONG walk, probably over a mile, in very tired feet and uncomfortable (but cute!) sandals. Thanks Cherry and Eric, for being willing to hoof it all over the place to make sure I got back to my car safely! By the time I got home, my dogs were seriously barking….I could hardly walk from the car to the house. That is why, seriously, I think I need to pay someone to drive me around. Or at the very least, to hit me in the head when I try to make such stupid shoe decisions in the future.

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