I love my a/c

I have a feeling it’s going to be hot today…not this hot, thankfully, but the a/c kicked on at 5:30 this morning.  You read that right.  I hate it when that happens.  Thankfully, it’s been a relatively cool summer, so we haven’t had very many hot hot days.  And I guess it would be too good to be true, to imagine we could get through the summer without hitting the triple digits at least a few times.

Yahoo weather says thunder and rain today.  Really.  They do.  Those of you who don’t live in Northern California probably don’t think that’s weird, to have high 90s and scattered showers, but I kinda think someone at Yahoo is yanking my chain.  We’ll see.

(Accuweather does not support Yahoo’s claim, but they do remind us that the air quality on hot still days SUCKS, so if you’re local, limit your mid afternoon bike rides, OK? You know who you are….)


  • ML

    When we got home yesterday, the a/c had gone out and the house was boiling! Gus figured out it was the capacitor, he replaced the old with a new and now we have cool air again. Yeah!

    It’s been extremely hot here, so I can relate to your love for your a/c

  • Gina

    It’s been pretty hot here as well. Thunderheads develop in the late afternoon over the mountains over here, so it may just depend on where you are at.

  • Autumn's Mom

    Yahoo said that the last time it was supposed to be super hot. Strange huh? I’m bad. I’m at work w/ the A/C on and the front door wide open..to air out this stank hole.

  • ally bean

    It’s been so hot this summer that our AC is going day and night. That’s not how it usually is. It wakes me in the middle of the night when it flicks on. Of course, I’m very happy to have it.