I is for Inspiration

As in, I don’t have any. Posting via the letters of the alphabet is supposed to help, but sometimes even with a prompt, I can’t think of anything. So, let’s see, maybe I can babble my way through enough to count as a blog post. Hmm.

Well, we closed on my Grandma’s house, got the money for that, and distributed it to her beneficiaries. I bought myself a new purse with a little bit of mine. Most of it went into savings, we have some expensive home repairs that are going to suck a lot of fun out of life in the next couple of years, but I did want something fun to show for it, a bag that will last and make me think of my Grandma. The Saturday before closing, Ted and I drove to the house and walked through one last time. Seemed strange to see the house empty like that. My grandparents bought the house in 1980, and it was really out of date and needs a lot of TLC. I am glad that a family bought it, and I hope they love it and the neighborhood.

Speaking of which, I had a dream last night that I left some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies at the house, so I broke in to get some. The new family had already moved in, and I scared the daughter and made her cry, and the father threatened me with a gun. Weird dream.

I’m listening to a book that I’m enjoying, ‘The Lincoln Highway’, by Amor Towles. I’ve read two of his previous books, ‘The Rules of Civility’ and ‘A Gentleman in Moscow’, and I really liked both of them. One thing I like about listening to books is that I can mult-task, mainly by taking the book along with me when I walk Mulder in the mornings, or when I’m cooking dinner. One thing I dislike is having no idea how far I am into the book. Mostly the benefits outweigh the down side.

It rained a few weeks ago…maybe you heard about the huge storm that hit California. Mostly we were very thankful. It’s really early in the season for rain, and as the ground was really dry, there’s not a big risk of mudslides and flooding like you get with a late winter storm, where if it isn’t a drought year, the ground may be saturated. It hasn’t rained again since, but it’s raining right now. I love it, because I’m inside and cozy and nothing to worry about. Thankful that we’ve had early rain this year, so fire season is over. See that green grass? That’s from my walk this morning. I love it.

Did you watch ‘Maid’ on Netflix? I loved it. Highly recommended. Watch it so we can talk about it.

How about you? Anything interesting going on? Anything inspiring?


  • nance

    It’s tough to do a blogpost every single day, even with a sort-of theme or helper. I’m far more lax, and I still get stuck for Inspiration every ten days to two weeks for a subject. I’ve promised myself that I WILL WRITE A POST TODAY. Sometimes, I let myself off the hook, though; I’m not as tough on myself as I used to be. But I must get it done.

    Your dream fascinates me. I know it’s a realtor’s trick to bake something to help sell the house by having a homey, inviting aroma, and then they serve the cookies to the people at open house. I wonder if that was in the back of your mind somehow. And being happy about a family owning the home, but hoping it was a good family and not someone who would be undesirable, someone different than your grandmother and aunt, or someone they wouldn’t approve of. Our subconscious really works through lots of things on our behalf.

    Finally, I have been observing the rain in CA with cautious optimism, hoping it’s coming down with enough steadiness but without too much force so that the ground can absorb it and heal from it. The green grass looks encouraging!

    We are looking at (aacckk!) sn*w for the weekend. The lake is full and warm, and it will be a huge factor for quite some time as the winds sweep down from Canada. Yuck.

    • J

      Snow? I guess it IS November, but still. Seems early for it.

      I’m not sure how my Grandma would feel about the people who bought her house. She was fairly racist, though a little less so as she got older and her grandchildren married and had children with folks from different backgrounds. The family that bought the house is Hispanic, which was part of the pleasure of it for me, somehow. The fact that it might make her uncomfortable made me happy. Petty? Yep. I hadn’t thought about the cookies and the open houses…the realtor that tried to help us sell back in 2007 as the market was crashing used to do that. Maybe that is indeed where it came from.

      I was thinking about you and your much more reasonable blogging schedule as I tried again to find a subject for my blog post. Why did I decide to post every day in November? I have no idea. But here I am. Sigh.

  • Joared

    I recall heating cinnamon in my oven which I had read about which I must admit created a marvelous aroma throughout the house. I did this prior to a tour local area realtors took through the house where we lived in Arizona. As our luck always has seemed to be, it was a buyer’s market. We did get one offer and amazingly then, all cash, at a price that allowed us to break even, no profit, but we had to be out to move to California so glad we didn’t lose.

    • J

      I’ve never heard the cinnamon trick, that’s awesome. Selling a house in a buyer’s market is hard. We had to do that with Ted’s father’s house. Very frustrating. I’m glad that you were able to at least break even, that doesn’t always happen.

  • Ally Bean

    I’ve not heard about Maid, so will look for it. Thanks for the suggestion. We’ve been watching Psych and Murdoch Murders lately. I have this idea that when we finally start traveling again I want to go to Santa Barbara– and Toronto, Canada. Is that interesting? Beats me.

    • J

      I have not been to Santa Barbara, but I have heard it is beautiful. Someday I should make the trek. I HAVE been to Toronto, although it was many years ago (1995). I liked it a lot.

      I don’t think I have heard of Psych or Murdoch Murders…I’ll have to keep my eyes out for them. 🙂