How to waste a day…
It’s 8:30 P.M., and god, I’ve been watching a stupid 90210 marathon ALL.DAY. They’re just now getting to Season 4. What a loss of a day.
So, here’s what I have accomplished today:
1. Walked dog.
1.5Â Watched the workers tear down one of our car ports (we live in a condo complex), which was hit by a drunk driver last night, smashing it up and causing stupid amounts of damage.
2. Made baigan choka with the eggplant Cherry left me.
3. Went to pick up curried lamb and rice to go with the baigan choka.
4. Watched episode after episode of 90210. Can I tell you what a waste of time this is?  I mean, we OWN the first 3 seasons on DVD, but why watch the DVD when you could be watching episodes on SoapNet WITH commercials?
Now, excuse me. Looks like Andrea is trashing The Peach Pit in a restaurant review for the college newspaper. WHERE IS HER LOYALTY??
OK, I’ve wasted my day.
Updated to add that I also finally went through mom’s suitcase, which I had packed full of her pottery bowls. She took a pottery class back in ’80, and made a nice set of bowls, and I packed some up for Richard and my cousin Jenny, and a few for Grandma and Uncle Forrest, too. So that felt kind of almost productive. Of course, while I was doing it, I watched 90210. 😉
Love it, hate it, can’t look away. That’s 90210 in a nutshell and why it was on the air for 10 years.
We should always have a baseline when evaluating the days we are productive. Seems you have just reconfirmed yours.
But I have to say, did you have to don such a hairshirt and punish yourself with 90210?
yeah, it’s whole lot better than cleaning/ trashing/ reorganizing like i did. that sucked, and now i have a bigger mess than i started with. but less stuff! 🙂
wanna waste more time? waste it like i did last night on it’s a laugh a minute.
Overlooking 90210 altogether, I’m more interested in the baigan choka. Is there a recipe somewhere on this blog? How is it different from baigan bharta?
Rob, there’s a recipe here for the baigan choka:
It’s different in that there’s no peas, the onions aren’t cooked, and it has different spices. Both are yummy, though!
Autumn's Mom
Well you wasted one, I wasted three!!! hahaha We finished season 1 of Heroes and Big Love. Tried to watch the movie Smart People, which should have been titled Boring People. I don’t think I saw day light but once this weekend. Delicious!!
Awesome! Sometimes I think we need days of absolute relaxation to be able to face the grind again.
Because I’ve always had a thing for blond guys, I had a little crush on Ian Z. back in high school. 🙂
You got into the kitchen and cooked… that ain’t no wasted day!
I’m glad you found a good use for the eggplant.
Hope you enjoy the new 90210!
90210 was one a my fav shows back in the day. I watched the new series the other night. It is just a current typical teen age show. It just does not have the appeal of the original 90210. I’ll give it another try in hopes it delves into Kelly’s & Brenda’s character more.