Home Alone

There was a time, years ago, when I was practically never home alone.  Ted was working on his dissertation, Maya was in pre-school, and I was working across the street from her school.  I would get up and go to work in the morning, leaving Ted with Maya.  He would get her up and ready for school, and I would pick her up in the afternoon.  If I were home, either Ted or Maya were also here, usually both of them.  I remember once in awhile, envying Ted his quiet time at home, time alone to spend however he chose, though of course that wasn’t the reality of it…he was working, and couldn’t really take time off to watch TV or read a book that wasn’t for his research.  But to me, never in my own house alone, it seemed a lovely thing.

Now, Ted leaves early in the morning, I take Maya to school, and my office has closed and moved to another state, leaving us locals to work out of our home.  In other words, I’m home alone almost every day.  Now I’m the one who resists the temptations of TV, books, chores, whatever, so I can get my work done, with some time aside for blogging as well.  After taking Maya to school, I pretty much plant my butt in my chair, and I sit here all day long at my desk.  If I’m motivated, I may take the dog for a walk at lunchtime.  Sometimes, also at lunchtime (though that lunchtime can be at any point during the day, I don’t really confine it to the noon hour), I’ll go to the grocery store to pick up something for our dinner, or run other errands.  But mainly, here is where I sit most days.

Yesterday, we were invited out to Ted’s parents’ house for a Super Bowl party.  They have one most years, and it’s a lot of fun.  We eat junk food, sort of watch the game, and laugh at the commercials.   But this year I wasn’t in the mood…what I was in the mood for was time at home when I wasn’t going to be in front of the computer all dang day.  I wanted to get all of our laundry done, including ironing.  I wanted to go to the grocery store, and get ingredients for clam chowder.  I wanted to make clam chowder, and have it for dinner.  I wanted to get lost for awhile in my book, without having the noise of the TV in the background, attempting to distract me.  So I stayed home, and Ted and Maya went to the party.  They had a great time, enjoyed the last minute, movie-like ending (go New York!), enjoyed being with family and just relaxing together.  Me? I considered going to a movie, but opted instead to spend some quality time getting the house clean, getting the laundry done, making my clam chowder, and reading my book.  It was the kind of quiet, whatever I want to do kind of day that doesn’t come along too often, and I really enjoyed it.

Next weekend, Maya and I are going to a conference, and Ted’s cousin is coming for a visit (he lives in England, and is in town on business), so it will be a busy, fun weekend. I like the balance, busy weekends with lots to do, and quiet weekends, spent doing not too much.  How about you?  How was your weekend?  Busy?  Quiet?  A combination of both?


  • amuirin

    My yesterday was similar to yours. My parents and grandparents were all going to a big superbowl bash at the casino. I was going to take Sierra to a friends and all go shopping, but then my mom called yesterday morning almost in tears saying she hadn’t slept, and she had all this stuff to do, her program to finish, and since she’d be home, I could go to the bash and I could leave Si to her, cus she just couldn’t go to the party and, and and

    Poor mom. She’s been sick, so instead of going anywhere else, we went to her house and sent her to bed, worked on laundry, went grocery shopping, I had si bring her homework and work on that quietly, and I typed up some of her school program, then we made a simple, tasty dinner, mom woke and we all just sort of hung out and watched girl t.v. and talked.

    It was a really nice day. What seemed such a big deal to her overtired mind was easy divided up, and I miss having my mom to myself. Always her husband is there or I’m dropping Sierra off and running. Long ago it was just my mom, my brother and me. At that time, I didn’t want anything to change (though I’m glad now she married my stepdad) but it felt like that time for a little while. Maybe cus of the personalities of my dad/stepdad, I’ve always felt there was something sort of peaceful and fun about a household with just kids and women.

  • ML

    Having some alone time is the best, isn’t it? My weekend was pretty quiet. The weather is so rotten here that all I want to do is stay home where it’s warm and dry.

  • Angie

    Our weekend was insane. Basketball all day Saturday, working Sunday, small family gathering Sunday night to watch the game.

    Your quiet day to yourself sounds like a dream. I definitely need to schedule one of those for myself someday soon.

    Doesn’t the silence feel so great? Not to mention what you got accomplished!

  • Autumn's Mom

    I love days like yours. Sometimes though, I plan a day like that and in the middle of it, I miss PEOPLE! So I may stay home in the morning but by noon I’m texting and calling friends..What are you doin? Wanna hang out?? Save me from the QUIET! Sometimes, I wonder where I went and who I’ve turned into!

  • starshine

    I know what you mean about liking some activity filled weekends and some slow ones. We had a nice slow one that included seeing “27 Dresses” on Saturday and playing Scrabble while watching the Super Bowl on Sunday.

    Glad you took the day for yourself. That’s important. And I’ll bet it made it easier to face Monday.

  • C

    Wow! I know what you mean! Sometimes it is really nice to have time to yourself that doesn’t include working or chores. I always thought that working from home would give me more time to do the things I need to get done, but actually, it’s quite the opposite! I almost never have time to do anything that needs to get done! LOL! I run an ESL Study Holiday Program (www.islandesl.com) and when I don’t have students, I supply teach at the local schools.

    Oh, I do have one vice that I’m embarrassed to admit having. I’m addicted to Scrabulous on Facebook. When I do get around to checking my account, I am often found playing Scrabulous against friends, family and students. So sad! LOL!

    P.S. Hubby and my dad watched the game yesterday. I am also embarrassed to admit that I never really got the game. A friend tried to explain football to me ages ago. I still don’t get it. I know…so sad!

  • Joan

    I’d love 1 or 2 weekends a month where I didn’t leave the house on Saturday or Sunday. A few friends said that would drive them crazy.