
In seventh-century Ireland, a scholar and priest called Artt has a dream telling him to leave the sinful world behind. Taking two monks—young Trian and old Cormac—he rows down the river Shannon in search of an isolated spot on which to found a monastery. Drifting out into the Atlantic, the three men find an impossibly steep, bare island inhabited by tens of thousands of birds, and claim it for God. In such a place, what will survival mean?
I just finished ‘Haven’, by Emma Donoghue. Who knew the story of three early medieval monks going off to Luke Skywalker’s island to form a tiny monastery could be so compelling? But it was. Trian and Cormac follow Artt willingly, they have taken vows of obedience. At first, all seems as they expected. Difficult, challenging, but holy and guiding them toward what they want. Cormac is skilled in working with stone, and growing things. Trian is skilled at hunting and fishing, and is young and strong. He is spiritual and seems to find his relationship to God most dearly when he is in nature, and the hunting and fishing is difficult on him emotionally. Artt is focused on honoring God, praying and copying text to create a new bible. He hopes for glory. Then, of course, things start to go south (what novel would be interesting reading if things didn’t start to go south?)
Did you read ‘Room’? It was amazing. Fun fact, Ted went to High School with the mother of Brie Larson, the actor who played ‘Mom’ in the film adaptation, though he didn’t really know her well. ‘Haven’ is similar in that it works with a claustrophobic situation, though in ‘Haven’, the monks are not trying to escape, they are merely trying to survive and to honor God.
Amazingly well written, highly recommended.
One of the worst books we’ve ever read in Book Club was by this author. (“Frog Music”) Now I’m hesitant to read anything else by her although this book sounds intriguing.
I have not read Frog Music, but I’ve heard that Room and Haven are very different. So perhaps you might light it!
Ally Bean
This sounds like an interesting novel. I like the premise and am drawn into anything about Ireland. Thanks for the review.
You might really enjoy it! I had just heard about it for some reason, and then spotted it at the library, so it was kismet.
I’ve read The Wonder and The Room. This author writes on such a wide spectrum of topics. It’s really interesting. I wonder about her research process a lot.
I don’t think I’ve read The Wonder, I’m going to look at that one, thanks!
I recommend Matrix by Lauren Groff, which is an interesting novel about a novice nun who becomes the abbess and the political power struggles in medieval times.
Oh, that sounds interesting, thank you!
I’m intrigued; you had me, of course, with “Luke Skywalker’s Island” because my family is HUGE Star Wars fans.
I thought Brie Larson was incredible in Room; I can’t remember if I ever realized it was based on a book?!
LOL, the real life island the book is about (story is entirely fictitious of course) is the island where Luke went to pout and get away from it all. I also thought Larson did an amazing job in Room. The book was even better than the film (because, book.)