Humid Day in Philly = Cranky BabyHere we are on Mother’s Day, Philadelphia, 1996. It was a humid day, and Maya didn’t like humidity. Good thing we moved back to California, huh? I look so young. That was 16 years ago, so I was 30. Look how dark my hair is! That’s the color of my dad’s hair, actually…his was blonde when he was a boy, and got darker as he got older, just like me. Unlike me, he didn’t care, and let it stay dark. I didn’t want to dye my hair whilst pregnant, so I had it colored my natural color before I got pregnant. Or close. But then I went red for maybe a year, and then blonde again.
That’s a lot of dribble about hair, but what I really want to say is how much I love being a mom. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there. You don’t have to tell your kids how much you love it, if you’d rather make them feel guilty for all of the sacrifice. “Oh, I never sleep.” “No, you take the last cinnamon roll dear. I don’t want it.” “Oh, I’d love a new pair of shoes or a new purse or a trip to Europe, but you know, kids are so expensive“. Go for it. These things may all be true, but really, it’s the best job ever.
Hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day, too, however you spent it. Jared scrubbed up the front porch and loaded all my porch furniture onto it for the season. Sam had to work, but he is coming today and mulching the backyard landscape beds. Rick grilled chickens, made French potato salad (under my tutelage) and broccoli, and I rescued our wayward fat goldfish who had gotten herself stuck in the rock layers of our redone fishpond. I WAS A HERO–AQUAWOMAN!!–ON MOTHER’S DAY! LOL.
My Mother’s Day was lovely. Maya made me a lovely breakfast (store bought danish, which we really only eat on Mother’s Day). I spent the whole day with her on Saturday, actually, running errands and going to lunch and hanging out. It was really nice. I loved it.
Do you miss Philadelphia at all? A good friend of mine moved back there. I knew him well in the late 80s and early 90s (partying together, part of the same social circle). After following a job to the south Pacific (Palau), he returned to the US and decided to move home. Married now, seems happy, we have a tradition of talking on election night, to read the tea leaves together.
Do I miss Philly? Once in awhile. Mostly what I miss is the culture, and being close to New York and DC. Also, there was a really good Chinese food place near our house…I think Chinese food on the East Coast is different than here. Actually, I wrote a whole post back when I started blogging, about what I missed about Philly…
(I feel the EXACT SAME WAY about humidity.)
Hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day, too, however you spent it. Jared scrubbed up the front porch and loaded all my porch furniture onto it for the season. Sam had to work, but he is coming today and mulching the backyard landscape beds. Rick grilled chickens, made French potato salad (under my tutelage) and broccoli, and I rescued our wayward fat goldfish who had gotten herself stuck in the rock layers of our redone fishpond. I WAS A HERO–AQUAWOMAN!!–ON MOTHER’S DAY! LOL.
Nance, you’re a hero! Congratulations!
My Mother’s Day was lovely. Maya made me a lovely breakfast (store bought danish, which we really only eat on Mother’s Day). I spent the whole day with her on Saturday, actually, running errands and going to lunch and hanging out. It was really nice. I loved it.
Do you miss Philadelphia at all? A good friend of mine moved back there. I knew him well in the late 80s and early 90s (partying together, part of the same social circle). After following a job to the south Pacific (Palau), he returned to the US and decided to move home. Married now, seems happy, we have a tradition of talking on election night, to read the tea leaves together.
What did you like about Philadelphia?
Do I miss Philly? Once in awhile. Mostly what I miss is the culture, and being close to New York and DC. Also, there was a really good Chinese food place near our house…I think Chinese food on the East Coast is different than here. Actually, I wrote a whole post back when I started blogging, about what I missed about Philly…
Love the picture! especially the hat!