Happy Birthday
To Vin (Ted’s uncle), who thinks blogs are stupid, so he won’t be reading this. I hope he has a happy birthday, anyway. 🙂
To Pat, my ex-CEO, a guy who defines aging well for me. He rides his bike to the farmers’ market on Sundays. Twice if he needs to load up on heirloom tomatoes. He’s got a gorgeous significant other, and she’s not 40 years younger than he is. He defines a ‘superstar husband’ as one who realizes the value of wife and kids, and does his share in the care of children and home. He wanted to learn more about Civil Rights in the south, so he went down there and became great friends with some of the movers and shakers of the movement. He wanted to drive a trolly, so he got a job driving a trolly. He’s got family in PA, MA, UK, and an apartment in Paris. He makes a mean pesto sauce, and will do so for you if you ask nicely. He knows the meaning of ‘good champagne’, and likes to share that as well. He has a kind heart, which to me is apparant in all of these other things, and is the number one reason I am glad to have his friendship.
To Ma (my mother-in-law…tomorrow, not today), a woman whom I am proud to count as a member of my family. She raised 4 wonderful children, and worked very hard to make a good life for them. After her heart attack back in ’89, she turned her life around, giving up most meat (she misses lamb curry, and I don’t blame her) (she still eats fish sometimes), exercising, and taking up Yoga because it is supposed to help heart patients. She liked it. Next thing you know, she was subbing when the instructor was on vacation. Now she teaches 4 or 5 classes of her own, and is very dedicated, working toward her certification. She has taught special yoga classes to help people with M.S. I’m very proud of her dedication and achievements in all aspects of her life, and especially, like Pat (and Vin, though he won’t read this) of her kind heart.
(And Ma, you’re not last on the list because you’re last in my heart, but because your birthday is tomorrow, and Vin and Pat’s are today.)