Friday Recap

Thanksgiving is over, and it was a lovely day. Mulder and I went for a very long walk in the morning, much longer than usual, and we were tired when we got home. Too bad, because I still had some cooking to do. Thankfully I had started the day before, or I wouldn’t have gotten it done in time.
We had all of the family favorites, which means there was way too much food and not everyone ate everything, but we all ate what we wanted. Some ate turkey, some didn’t. Some ate potatoes, some didn’t. Some ate cranberry sauce, some didn’t. The salad I made with Brussels sprouts, pomegranates, and apples was a hit, I think everyone tried that. But we all laughed and enjoyed each other, and it was a nice time. We had some delicious wine, and with dinner, champagne. We decided to skip the pie this year, since we’re generally too full anyway. I don’t think anyone missed it.
I’ve only spent one Thanksgiving with my Dad, but this being his first year gone, I missed him horribly. I’ve spent many Thanksgivings with my Mom, and I missed her horribly. I missed my grandma horribly. I guess as you get older, that’s a part of holidays, missing people horribly, and finding a way to enjoy your day nonetheless. I talked to my stepmom when we got home. She didn’t have a horrible day, she said it was OK. I think that’s the best things like this, things she and my Dad did together, are going to be for awhile. My heart ached for her. For all of us.
One of my sisters has been feeling pretty blue for awhile, having a hard time with losing Dad, (well, all three of us actually) and decided that she needed something to look forward to. So a month or so ago, she came home from work and booked a trip for the family to go to Hawaii. That’s what the picture above is from. I hope it helps, and she is a bit stronger when they get back. Sometimes you need a little sunshine.
Today I went to Stockton to see my cousin, who is up visiting from Santa Maria. We went to Manny’s for avocado burgers for lunch, then went to the hardware store to buy smoke detectors for my Great Aunt’s house. Do we know how to party, or what? On the way home, I was talking to another cousin on the phone, and we were laughing about how we all grew up in Stockton, and couldn’t wait to get the heck out. I don’t know how much you would have to pay me to move back there, but it would be a LOT.
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving, and that if you are missing loved ones, that the memory of times spent together will help lesson the pain a bit.
Ally Bean
The photo of a pie on a Hawaiian beach is perfect. This time of year can be difficult, so mixing things up makes sense to me. I like how you and your cousins get wild– burgers and smoke alarms. You crazy kids!
Overall, it sounds like a good Tgiving. People made adjustments, like people must do in families and for those they love, whether they are there or not.
The last time I bought a smoke detector/alarm, I didn’t get an avocado burger out of it. I’m hanging with the wrong crowd.
The picture of pumpkin pie on the beach is classic. I’m glad she was able to get away to a warmer (and sunnier) climate for the holiday.
I know Manny’s is always a great burger, but I was hoping you’d be able to try Michael’s Pizza. Ah well, another time perhaps.