Friday Randomness – Catching Up

First off, Happy (belated) Birthday to my wonderful husband, Ted! I shared this picture last year too, but I like it, so I’m sharing it again. His birthday was Wednesday, and he and Maya both took the day off from work. I worked, but knocked off a little early. Maya took Ted out for breakfast, and then they went bookstore shopping, which is something we all love doing. They came home and watched Dune, which they both enjoyed. Ted had seen it when it came out, but Maya hadn’t. I worked for the first hour, so I came in too late and didn’t really pay attention. We went out for a lovely dinner at a local French restaurant. Ted said he really enjoyed his relaxing day. Tomorrow we will fete him with a party. It will be nice to see everyone, though our place is pretty small and it may rain, so it’s going to be crowded. Oh well. I’m going to BBQ, and make my favorite black bean, corn, and avocado salad, which is delicious. Thinking I might grill some romaine lettuce too, just for fun. It will be a fun day. Today is prepping, meaning make the salad, clean the house, go to Costco, that kind of thing. Also, Happy (belated) Birthday to Nance! Nance makes it easy for me to remember her birthday, by being born on the same day as Ted.

Last year, we had an art installation around town, pianos placed around our downtown area. They were there all summer, and then put away for the winter. Last Friday, Mulder and I had one of our ‘Fabulous Friday’ walks, and discovered that the pianos are back! Yay! I’m not sure how they felt about being rained on, or if someone comes and covers them up, or what. But I do like making Mulder jump up on the bench and taking his picture. He’s very handsome.

Which means it’s time for a Mulder update. He was doing pretty well on the Prednisone, but it wasn’t shrinking his lymph nodes, and his spleen was involved, very swollen, which seemed like it would be painful. As time went by, he started feeling worse. I am pretty good at catastrophic thinking, so I started to worry, what if his spleen would burst or something. Also, he was breathing pretty heavily when he would try to sleep, and was panting a lot. And though he still wanted his walks, he would kind of peter out about half way, and was starting to lose interest in his food. I was thinking it might be getting close to his time. So off to the vet we went on Tuesday. She said his lungs were fine, his spleen was in no danger of rupturing, and we had an option that would make him more comfortable. It’s called an LSap (or Elsap) injection, and is enzymes. Combined with the Prednisone, it is very effective at shrinking the swollen lymph nodes and helps him feel better. We went for that option, and after feeling crummy and throwing up early the next morning, by afternoon he started to rally. He is now feeling MUCH better, almost his normal self. He didn’t want a break on our walk this morning, he seemed pretty happy with his food, his glands are no longer swollen, his stomach does not feel tight anymore. WHEW. That’s a relief. It’s a reprieve though, not a cure. This treatment lasts from a couple of weeks to perhaps a bit over a month, and if you were to keep giving them, not only would you be broke, but they also become less and less effective over time as the cancer gets better at fighting it. Just like it does with the chemo and the prednisone. So we’re living on borrowed time. Then again, if you want to get philosophical about it, we all are, right? But when one has a terminal illness, it’s more acute and in your face. Speaking of faces, isn’t that a darling face?
What else. Well, my friend Katie’s memorial was lovely and very well attended. She was a much loved school teacher, and very involved in her community and her church. Her husband is a retired fire department battalion chief, so there were lots of uniforms there as well. They had several hundred people in the church, and I think perhaps the majority of them also came to the reception at the house after. It was nice to have good stories and be with friends. And of course, seeing my friend Janet is always really nice. Ted and I went to dinner with Janet and her husband, Curt, the following night. They live in Texas and we don’t get to see them very often. We played tourist and went to dinner on Fisherman’s Wharf, which generally we do not do, and it was fun and the food was really good, and the restaurant even had complimentary valet parking. Unheard of in San Francisco. I suspect Ted and I will go back some time.
Last week my company had a volunteer event at the Habitat for Humanity site that is going up down the street from me. No one from my team was there, and I have never worked in an office at this company, always remotely, so I didn’t really know anyone, except for meeting them from time to time at volunteer events. It was hot, it got to about 92 that day, but there was plenty of shade and water. My job was patching things. First I went around looking for holes in the insulation paper on the exterior of the houses, and then I spackled over screws and little imperfections so they could be sanded and painted later. It was a satisfying day and better than sitting at my desk.
I listened to a couple of good books…I’m sorry, I don’t remember who recommended it on their blog, but I first listened to The Glass Hotel, which I loved. It is loosely connected to a series we recently watched on HBO, Station Eleven. There are a couple of characters that cross over both books, but in more of a parallel universe sort of way than a straightforward way. I liked The Glass Hotel enough that I went looking for other books by the same author, and found Sea of Tranquility, which both is and is not a sequel to The Glass Hotel. Sea of Tranquility is Emily St. John Mandel’s most recent book, published last year. I’ll admit to being confused by one of the character’s fates, one that was in both books. I may need to listen to them both again, or at least the first one, to figure it out. I really enjoy re-listening to books, actually, so this isn’t a bad thing at all.
We just finished watching Indian Matchmaking on Netflix. We’re not huge on reality shows, but there’s something about this one that we just love. Sima Auntie, do your thing! Make those matches! What will we watch next? Ted and I have started watching The Last Thing He Told Me, which we are enjoying so far. I listened to the book last year and was very engrossed. Maya is watching Succession, in which I have zero interest. But then again, I haven’t given it a chance either. I do like hearing her laugh at their stupidity.
I guess that’s it for now. What’s new in your neck of the woods?

Kyria @ Travel Spot
I think that is cool that there are pianos displayed on the street; I am guessing they don’t like rain, but who knows! My neighbors across the street leaves their stroller out and it doesn’t seem to be affected (although I would think the kid sitting in it would get wet?)
I have heard good things about Succession but I do not have HBO so I have not seen it. However, I just finished Better Call Saul! I know it is a show that is not for everyone, but it was entertaining and was a good follow up to Breaking Bad.
My husband really liked both Breaking Bad and Better Cal Saul. I have trouble getting into them, just so dark.
The pianos are really cool, It seems like the water would damage them somehow.
Mulder is looking ever so handsome (as per usual), and I’m glad he’s feeling better. I hope the way forward is clear for everyone, though surely very bittersweet <3
Birthdays are so much fun. I love making an event of things and since I love food, birthdays are extra special because they tend to involve my favourites (and someone else prepares them!)
Thanks Elisabeth,
Yes, Mulder does look very handsome! He is feeling so much better for the moment, we are definitely enjoying it.
We enjoyed Ted’s birthday for sure. Wednesday at the restaurant, Saturday was a party. Nice nice nice.
So many ups and downs. I am glad that even the hard parts have their own positives.
That really is a fantastic photo of Ted.
I just read Sea of Tranquility and would be delighted to talk about it with you! I enjoyed it immensely but I think of the three books you mentioned it was my least favorite.
Suzanne, interesting that you have read all three and this was your least favorite. I’ve started re-listening to The Glass House and am catching things that I missed the first time around.
Happy Birthday to Ted, my birthday twin.
I’ve been wondering how Mulder has been doing, and I’m glad that you’re able to continue making him happy and comfortable. He’s such a smiley dog. It’s good that you can take a little of the unfairness out of it all for him.
Rick is watching Succession more than I am. I find it boring and difficult. All the characters are objectionable and unlikable, and each episode has become formulaic. I’ve been watching Call the Midwife on Netflix. It’s wonderful, but definitely not Rick’s cup of tea at all.
I’m not reading anything at present. I may be due for a reread of something. Did you ever read Mrs. March by Virginia Feito? It’s a sneaky book–very good and the story develops so stealthily.
Thanks Nance, we’re trying with Mulder. I find it to be low-level depressing interspersed with really depressing. I try really hard to just enjoy the time we have with him, especially since he is feeling good right now, but it’s hard for me. Sigh.
I really liked the first few seasons of Call the Midwife, but lost interest in it for some reason. We watched it on PBS.
I will check out Mrs. March, I like the idea of a stealthily developing story.
Mulder is such a handsome fellow and he looks very pleased with himself to have managed to get up on the piano bench!
Our cat has been puking A LOT and a trip to the vet only really muddled what’s going on, but now she’s on a billion medications and it’s all very confusing (take this one every day for three days, then once a day for seven days, then every other day; take this for two days, then a day off, then three days, then a day off, etc.) so we have a calendar next to her food bowl with the medications listed and when they should be given and we have to cross the off when we give them to her and it’s ridiculous. But hopefully she’ll be back to her regular self as soon as all these medications are finished.
Oh goodness, I hope the medications help your cat! That sounds like a lot of opportunity for error, the calendar is definitely a good idea.
Nicole MacPherson
Happy birthday Ted! That salad looks amazing and I followed your link – I laughed at this: “Toss gently until the mixture resembles a Benetton ad from the eighties.” Ha!
I loved The Glass Hotel and read it on Suzanne’s recommendation. I thought it was just excellent.
Sorry about Mulder. It’s so hard to have an ailing pet. He’s a sweet guy and so very fluffy!
Thanks Nicole,
That salad is really good. I’m re-listening to The Glass Hotel and liking it again.
Happy Belated Birthday to Ted and what a lot of wonderful celebrations! I want that salad you’re making; it sounds yummy. Mulder is a gorgeous dog and I think you’ll know when it’s time. Until then, you’re making the best of a stressful situation and giving him his best life! I’m a huge fan of “Station Eleven” and found “Sea of Tranquility” thought-provoking. I read it a while back so I don’t remember whether I was confused or not. I do very much like St John Mandel’s writing. I’m watching “Picard” and seeing if I like “Astrid.” So far I’m one episode in and the jury is still out!
Margaret, I think I’ve figured out the confusion. It’s a slightly different reality, so everything isn’t EXACTLY the same. Just like the difference between Station Eleven and The Glass Hotel.
I liked the 3rd season of Picard. I haven’t seen Astrid.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
Happy Birthday to Ted! Yes we’re all on borrowed time and yes it’s totally worth it to have more time with Mulder.
I finally got around to The White Lotus, and I started The Last of Us. So far so good.
I liked The Last of Us a lot, but the 3rd episode was definitely my favorite. Really good TV.
Ally Bean
I’m pleased to know that Mulder is doing a bit better. The salad sounds delicious. I’ve not known anyone who has Succession, kind of with you on that point. Happy Birthday to Ted.
Thanks Ally. The salad is really good. 🙂
I’m so sorry to hear that the beautiful Mulder is out of remission, but I am glad that you get this time with him while he continues to feel like himself. It’s so very hard to lose them it has made me question why I have pets. Still, the time we have them is filled with fun and happy memories – as well as sad and annoying things but let’s focus on the fun and happy.
Thanks Zazzy,
We have these thoughts too. Will we ever have another pet when he is gone? Mostly I say yes, I love having him here. He brings me so much joy. But it is so really hard, and I know we’re going to miss him so very much.
Well, I’m “Catching Up” on your blog! Happy Birthday to your husband, and that is a great picture.
That salad sounds delicious, and I’m going to make it next week. My son is coming home from college and his roommate is also coming to stay for a few days, and I will need LOTS of food. I need things like that, that I can have in the fridge for them to snack on whenever they get hungry.
Oh, Mulder- yes, he is handsome! That’s a heartbreaking situation, to know that his days are numbered (although as you pointed out, that goes for all of us.) But right now he’s comfortable
and enjoying life, so that’s what matters. You’ve got many more “Fabulous Fridays” with Mulder ahead of you!
I haven’t read ANY of ESJM’s books, and I feel like I’m missing out. I’ll have to rectify that soon.
Thanks Jenny!
The salad is delicious as a side, or as a salsa with chips. Scoops are especially good for that, in my opinion.
Thanks for your words about Mulder. Yes, he is feeling good right now and we are enjoying him. <3
Mulder looks so happy and handsome in these pictures! I am thrilled to hear he’s been feeling better lately. It’s so hard to have a dog who you know is in his last days, but making those days as fun and comfortable as possible makes it feel less scary and sad, at least it did for me. <3
Happy belated birthday to your husband. That is a great picture of him in front of the blue wall! 🙂 It sounds like he had a great day.
Glad to hear a Mulder update – I am glad he’s doing better, if only temporarily and I know you’ll cherish every minute you still get to be together. I hope he’ll be comfortable for quite a long time .<3