Friday Randomness

Elisabeth is encouraging interested souls to write down one thing for which they are grateful every day in February, and is calling this group of interested souls the F.I.G. Collective (FIG = Finding joy In Gratitude) In her comments, Engie said she’s in, but instead of waiting until February, she’s starting NOW. I feel like we could all use a little joy and gratitude, so I’m diving in early too. I started this post on Monday, so I could keep track.

Monday – I’m thankful that Monday is Maya’s turn to cook, and that Ted made enough delicious food for dinner on Sunday that we had leftovers, which meant I didn’t have to leave the house to go to the store on my lunch hour, which is what I do 3 or 4 days a week. Maya felt like since she didn’t actually cook, she just put food out on the counter for us, she would do the dishes. Excellent.

Monday – Also thankful for our washer and dryer, which worked all day and did several loads of laundry. That meant that Monday night we all climbed into bed with fresh sheets and had clean towels. Also, since I didn’t have to go to the grocery store, I cleaned the bath tub on my lunch hour, which is my least favorite chore, but I’m glad it’s done.

Tuesday – Today I am thankful for the delicious guacamole we had with our fajitas tonight. Maya’s been wanting this specific recipe, so I made a batch and we had it with fajitas and chips. I’m also thankful that the 7am meeting I had was a quick one, and I was still able to go for my morning walk.

Wednesday – Today I am thankful that Tracy, the sweet cat pictured above, was adopted. I’ve been volunteering to help out with a local pet rescue that places cats and kittens in local PetCo stores, going in once a week and cleaning up the pen, making sure she has food and water and a clean cat box, etc. This week one of the volunteers was sick so I filled in for her today (my usual day is Friday), and I’m glad because I got to see her one more time and I can decide to believe that it was the fact that her pen was so pristine that got her adopted. Probably the fact that she’s just darling was a factor too.

Thursday – Today I am thankful for Rest Days. Back in November I started loosely following Caroline Girvan’s Iron Series schedule, which means doing strength training 5 days a week, and resting the other 2 days. Rest days are Thursday and Saturday. Wednesday I did NOT want to do my leg workout, I just wanted to sit there and do my word puzzles and drink my tea. But the knowledge that I had a rest day on Thursday gave me the motivation that I needed, and I got it done. It’s such a slippery slope, and so easy for me to lose motivation, and a rest day can turn into a rest month. Scheduling them solves this for me. I find strength training so boring, but after 9 weeks, I am finally starting to feel some results. If I were younger, I suspect I would have felt results sooner, but I’m not. My arms especially are starting to feel stronger. Note that I never have the urge to skip yoga, I look forward to that every day (13 month streak, I haven’t missed a day).

Thursday – I am also thankful for those of you who suggested Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers. OMG, how I adore this character, she’s awesome. Review coming soon, once I finish, but I’m loving it.

Friday – Today I am thankful for my company’s Fabulous Fridays perk, and that I am going to both get a massage and get my hair done. Normally I would not do both on the same day, but the spa where I get my massage sent me an email for my birthday, giving me 15% off of a massage, with Jan 31st as the deadline. With 15% off, you’d better believe I went for the 80 minute option. Also, my hair salon gave me a coupon for $30 off of my (expensive – color/highlights/cut) service for Christmas, which also expires today. It’s been 8 weeks since I last had my hair done, and normally I would wait a few more weeks to try to stretch it out, but I can’t leave money on the table like that, even if it’s only $30. So today is the day! Ted gave me a gift card for the massage for my birthday, so that’s extra bonus delight. A Fabulous Friday indeed.

Speaking of money and massage, did you know that you can use your FSA/HSA funds to pay for massage therapy? You do not need a doctors note, just a receipt. I always stay ahead on the FSA spending, meaning I make sure to have always used up as much as I have contributed, or more, throughout the year. This is because it is a ‘use it or lose it’ benefit, and if I have put in $600, but only claimed $300, and I get laid off, the company can keep the other $300 (companies vary on whether they will do this, I think, but they have the right to keep it). This works in reverse too, meaning if I have spent $600, but have only contributed $200, the company eats the other $400 if they let me go. (None of this is true for Health Savings Accounts, they are portable and go with you when you leave a job, but you have to have a High Deductible Health Plan in order to contribute to an HSA.) One year, Maya needed braces, which she had put on in January. I put in my claim in late January or so, and then in February (2009, thanks recession!) I was laid off. Well, that $1,500 was most of what I had intended to contribute that year, so I came out ahead. Took a bit of the sting out of being laid off, but just a bit.

Other randomness. I spotted this parked car the other day on my morning walk. What do you think, why would someone be bringing home a Christmas Tree at the end of January? Maybe someone just got out of the hospital and they are celebrating late? Where did they get a tree this late?

Did you watch Squid Game on Netflix? If so, why? LOL, yeah, we watched season one while on vacation on Maui in 2021, and we just finished season two on Wednesday night. Bah, what a frustrating finale. The good thing is that I’m not completely finished with my rewatch of GBBO, so that has been a palate cleanser. We just finished the 2023 season though, and it feels kind of early to rewatch the 2024 season since we just watched it, so not sure what will come next in that department.

Speaking of Netflix, Maya informed me that there will be a new adaptation of Little House on the Prairie, which is exciting to me. I adored the books, they are a comfort re-read for me, I’ve read the books about the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder, all of it. I hope they are more true to the books than the Television series from the 70s and 80s, which really didn’t have much in common with her stories, other than characters. Will the books translate into another series? Time will tell.

Another thing I’m thankful for is that the weather is supposed to change starting later today. It has been an extremely dry January (maybe a 10th of an inch of drizzle near the beginning of the month), so I’m thankful for rain in our forecast, even if it goes north of us, as long as it hits the mountains and gives us snowpack, that’s a good thing. I resent having to water my plants in the winter. Also nice with rain is that it will warm up a bit. It’s been cold enough (low to mid 30s at night) that I have to cover my avocado and mandarin trees with a sheet at night to protect them. I hope this shift in the jet stream means that most of you who have been suffering with the bitter cold this month will get a warm up.


  • Elisabeth

    I LOVED THIS POST. So many happy things. You are truly a FIG-finding genius <3

    I am thoroughly perplexed by the Christmas tree atop the car as well. Maybe someone is celebrating late? A military officier getting home late on leave? But…really…what does one do with a REAL TREE in January?

    I had not heard about a reboot of Little House on the Prairie. I feel like it could be incredibly depressing because, if told accurately, it is a very sad story (have you read any of the biographies about Laura Ingalls? Pa is pretty awful and their life is just SAD, SAD, SAD). But like you, I have loved the books (I did skipped over the portions that have NOT aged well to my kids when we did a read-through a few years ago).

    • J

      I’ve read all of the biogrophies I think, and especially enjoyed Prairie Fires. I don’t think Pa was awful, any more than any other homesteader who took their family west. In Prairie Fires, the author talked about how the government policy luring people west was so disingenuous, and how difficult it would be to farm those crops in South Dakota. I listened to the Wilder podcast, and they sure thought Pa was horrible, didn’t they? They didn’t convince me. It is sad what an impovrished life they led, I wonder if they will lean into that in the series?

  • AC

    Little House is so entrenched in my mind that I can hardly picture any other characters. I once read the series to Sue at bedtime. She now listens to audio books by people who can read well, but we read many books together like this, incluidng Lord of the Rings more than once.

    • J

      I love that you read the books to your daughter! My mom got me into them when I was 8 or 9, by telling me how much Almonzo loved horses, so my first book was Farmer Boy.

  • Birchie

    Wednesday and Sunday used to be my rest days, and I liked Wednesday because it was right in the center of the week. So once I started the Caroline Girvan workouts it was a bit of a transition to switch my rest days to Thurs and Saturday. Now that I don’t do her workouts I put my weekend rest day back on Sunday, but I’ve stuck with the Thurs rest days. It feels like a “preweekend” celebration.

    Yay for Tracy’s adoption! I’m very interested in doing some volunteer work at a shelter. Before we got Doggo I thought that animal shelters were very sad, tragic places. I know that can be true, but I’ve seen the other side of the joy in taking care of the animals and getting them to good homes.

    I hope that the Little House adaptation is good – if so I’d be interested in checking it out!

    • J

      Our local county shelter accepts donations of old towels and rags, and I once arrived before they opened, and saw people bringing the dogs out for walks. The dogs looked SO HAPPY!!! I have considered volunteering there but I worry I would want to bring ALL of the dogs home.

  • nance

    I was kind of hoping that you had gotten a cat. But I’m happy now that someone did; it’s good to know that Tracy was adopted to a forever home. THANKS TO YOUR HOUSEKEEPING EFFORTS.

    What a Fabulous Friday you’re having today! It’s like a Princess Day. You should stop for ice cream on the way home.

    • J

      Nance, THANK YOU for recognizing my contribution and how that is what got Tracy her new home! Sadly, Ted is VERY allergic to cats, so I won’t be bringing one home.

      Great idea on the ice cream. Hmm…What flavor would I get?

  • Daria

    Cute kitty!!! Glad she got a home :))
    Squid game, so good, but omg, that gave me anxiety. I only watched a few episodes, from, I think season 1? I realize the show is supposed to keep you on the edge of your seat but still, ooofffff.
    I haven’t seen any trees but some people still have their Christmas decor up. Just a few.

    • J

      Oh, Squid Game totally keeps you on the edge of your seat. Ted and Maya mostly watched the first season, and I played games on my iPad, but it’s not a terribly difficult story to follow. I watched this season a bit more.

  • NGS

    This is kind of dark, but I read a book once where a terminally ill child loved Christmas, so the family just kept putting up Christmas, taking it down for a day or two, and then putting it back up again. Egads. That is the first thing I thought of as to why someone would get a Christmas tree in January.

    I am incredibly proud of you for lifting five days a week. If I find time for three days a week, I’m proud of myself. You’re doing such a great job!!!

    • J

      Thank you Engie! I mean, I’m not going to the gym and lifting a ton like Jenny, but I am doing a bit and it feels good.

  • Margaret

    These days, I’m more into contentment than joy; trying to find peace in these turbulent and scary times can be a challenge. A massage and hair! I like both those things. My hair does need a color and trim but I won’t have time for a while around appointments. Ugh. That book sounds intriguing! I haven’t watched Squid Game; John has and I think he enjoyed both seasons.

    • J

      Contentment is underrated for sure, it can bring so much peace. Peace is really what I want in life. BUT! Your life with your grands is full of so much joy, so that is wonderful too.

  • Michelle G.

    I like your F.I.G.S., J! It’ll be a fun month seeing what everyone writes on their worksheets. The Christmas tree on the car made me think of my town, where the nursing home was quarantined with Covid during Christmas and they just got everyone through it and had their Christmas party last week. It was sad that no one could go visit their loved ones for almost a month. Anyway, the photo makes an interesting premise for a story!

    • J

      Yeah, I’m thinking it’s something like this. Elisabeth said maybe a military person home, Engie said maybe someone thermally ill, you said nursing home. All possible. I just wonder, where did they GET the tree? Guessing they just went somewhere and cut it themselves.

  • Nicole MacPherson

    Mmm guacamole.
    Sometimes I am overwhelmingly grateful for things like washing machines and dryers. I mean, I think of my grandma with an actual washboard, hanging things to dry in WINTER IN SASKATCHEWAN MY GOD THE HUMANITY. My mom had one of those wringer washers and she was super young (say 16) and at school (boarding) doing laundry with her friends; this was the Sixties so her friend had super long ironed hair. Anyway, didn’t her hair get caught in the wringer. Three sixteen year old girls screaming until one of them had the wherewithal to unplug it. Sheesh. Oh also, so grateful for water. It’s just amazing, we can turn a tap and there is water! Clean! The temperature we want it at! Think of all the scientists who make clean water possible, and the engineers who put together a water pipe system. It’s pretty incredible.

    • J

      Our modern world is pretty amazing, right? And ACK on getting your hair caught in the wringer! Terrifying. My grandma had to hand wash clothing too, and she loved dressing my mom in frilly white dresses, and my mom was definitely NOT a frilly white dress person. Pomegranates and mud, yes. Poor Grandma.

  • Lisa’s Yarns

    OK, I am so curious about that Christmas tree! Where in the world did they find that! Oh how I want to know the story behind it!!

    Hooray for a massage and a haircut! I did not know that about massages being eligible for FSA/HSA.

    I’m looking forward to participating in the fig challenge in February. January was kind of a slog for me and I’m finding I have to really look for the good things in life right now. I feel like guilty even saying that because I know so many other other people have it so much worse than me! But January was a harder month than I anticipated.

    • J

      I hear you…sometimes life is HARD, and just because it’s not as hard as someone else’s life doesn’t mean it’s easy. Surgery is hard, and can lead to depression because you realize your body is not as strong and healthy as you thought. Hang in there.

  • Ernie

    Ugh, I have to say that I did not like Prairie Fires at all. I loved the Little House books and the Little House show when I was a kid. I just heard today that they are making a new series. I’m here for it. The tree on the car is killing me. What is happening there? So curious. I want answers. I’ve just recently discovered some of the things I can use my HSA funds for. This is a great list of happy things. I did get a chuckle at your thinking about how you would prefer to play Wordle vs doing a strength workout. Ha. Oh, and the adopted cat was certainly adopted because it had a clean pen or cage or whatever (not a pet owner here, is that obvious?).

    • J

      You didn’t like Prairie Fires? Hmmm. I will say that the author went a lot into the politics of Rose Wilder Lane, which I wasn’t really that interested in, but I loved learning more about their lives and so on. The part that almost killed me though…JACK WAS ONLY THEIR DOG FOR A SHORT TIME BEFORE PA SOLD HIM! WHAT THE EVEN HECK???

  • Tobia | craftaliciousme

    You are crushing the Faboulous Fridays with all the perks and coupons and fun stuff scheduled. But the other days are also great. So much to be grateful for.
    I have printed the sheet and will add my gratitudes.

  • Stephany

    Dang it – I didn’t know massages would be covered under an FSA! I had all this money to spend on mine last year and definitely could have put that to good use, haha.

    I have so many questions about the Christmas tree but mostly… WHERE DID THEY FIND ONE?!

    I watched the US version of Squid Game that was basically just a reality show and then decided to go back and watch season 1… and it was so different and NOT what I was expecting. I didn’t watch past the first episode, lol. And now I’ve canceled Netflix so not Squid Game for me!

    • J

      Stephany, did you spend all of your FSA money? If not, depending on your employer, you may be able to use 2024 funds for purchases (like massage) in the first quarter of 2025. Worth a try, and if you have already spent all of your 2024 money, hey, at least you know going forward!

      Regarding the Christmas tree, YES, THAT IS MY QUESTION TOO!

  • San

    This was a great post, Julie. I will definitely try to participate in the F.I.G. Collective because I can really use some joy and positivity this month! I am also happy about the rain… it poured all day, but I loved it. We need the rain!

  • Jenny

    Wow, I feel like I MUST KNOW about that Christmas tree now!!! Your theory is a good one. But it’s still very odd.
    i’m also participating in FIG- I definitely need it!
    I’m not too surprised that Tracey was adopted- if you told me she was still at the shelter, I might have flown out to CA to adopt her myself! She’s adorable!!!!!

  • Anne

    Thank you for sharing your FIGs, Julie. I need them right now – few bright spots, it seems. So living vicariously through others, yet again, will boost me up. <3