Friday Fill-Ins

1. My favorite food seasoning is cumin.  No, basil.  No, garlic.  Salt?
2. A rainy night while I’m cozy inside is music to my ears.
3. Lucky is having family and friends who love you.
4. Politics (lately) are something I take very seriously.
5. Many people are celebrating Obama’s victory!
6. Diet coke and white wine were the last things I bought at the store.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing, tomorrow my plans include a party at Liz’s house, with Cherry and Dot and the gang, and Sunday, I want to get some really good apples at the farmer’s market!

This Friday Fill-Ins was actually for last week, but I didn’t see it in time, so I saved it for this week.


TGIF, right? Today’s plans include working, a meeting, and trying to figure out something yummy for dinner.  Not sure what yet.  Ideas?  (Update:  I made this, but I cooked it on the stove rather than in the oven, and I used thighs and drumsticks rather than breasts. It was good.)


  • Nance

    You know, I never realized how much I use a peppercorn mix. I buy a pretty standard blend of the black, green, white, and pink and grind it as I need it. I use it in pretty much everything, and I use a LOT. I’m also really starting to cook a lot more with wine.

  • C

    Mmmm…I’m curious to see what you are going to whip up for supper tonight! I’m sure whatever you make will be a culinary delight!

    I just had a curried lentil casserole for lunch. Mount Sinai Hospital does a lot better with their meals than I had expected. I’ve never had to stay in hospital before this pregnancy thing, so I have nothing to compare it with. It’s not that bad though! I still can’t believe they served Dahl the other day! Nice!

    Oh, I’m so jealous that you girls live so close and can hang out! Hope you have an amazing weekend! Enjoy! XO

  • Liz

    Yeah! Party!! 🙂 Looking forward to seeing everybody and wishing blog friends were close enough to join in! I’ll trade you dinner ideas. I think we are doing quesadillas tonight. Mostly because both kids will (usually) happily eat them, I have all the required ingredients, and I can cook them without using a knife. (And that matters because Miss Caroline has been exceptionally clingy in the evenings lately. I’ve decided that cooking with a kid on your hip is three times as hard.)

  • Molly

    Oh that looks like such a fun meme!

    I planned on poppin’ over here for a few seconds…NOT SEVERAL MINUTES…but, girl you just sucked me right in with all these interesting topics.

    I feel an RSS subscribe comin’ on.

    have a great weekend!

  • Cherry

    Hurray for hanging out tomorrow night!
    Hope I’m awake enough when I get home so I can post about it 🙂

    I love Cumin too. Coriander as well, but I love the smoky kinda exotic flavor Cumin gives dishes. But honestly, I love the salt. Sweet, Savory, it all goes well with salt.

  • C

    Hi, J!
    What a neat surprise to see a comment from Maya on my “Twilight” post! I left her a reply there. Are you going to see the movie with her? I think it would be interesting to read a review of the movie from her point of view and one from yours.

    Anyway, have a super weekend. Have a blast with the girls! Hanging out with great girlfriends is one of the best things ever!