Facebook Friday
One thing I enjoy about Facebook is the Memories feature, where you can see what you posted in a prior year on this date. I thought it might be fun to share a few with you.
Sometimes I post something thoughtful, like a timely quote.

Usually it’s more about what I’m doing in my life. Like whether I’m having a decent hair day or not. For those of you not on Facebook, it displays your profile picture and your name, and then your text, so I was doing a third person thing here. Why? Who knows.

Clearly this is a different day.

Sometimes, it’s a meme.

There were plenty of Mulder pictures over the years. I’m not sure why, but I didn’t talk about his lymphoma there until he had finished his chemo. Unlike here where I poured my heart out the entire time. Here’s an early one, from January of 2016, when we still put him in his crate when we left the house. Once we could trust that he wouldn’t injure himself or eat our shoes anymore, we put it away and got him a bed.

Speaking of Mulder, this memory was from December one year, and the poor delivery people were dropping off packages REALLY early, which he HATED.

Our last dog, Genevieve, had a much slower leaving than Mulder. She went blind when she was almost 11, and lived to be almost 14. Her last year had some definite ups and downs. She was a sweet baby girl though, and we still miss her. She’s been gone since 2012.

Sometimes posts are pictures of family. This was my Grandma’s last birthday, she was 93. She sure loved Red Lobster and those cheddar biscuits.

Very occasionally, David Bowie visits me in my dreams.

Of course there are the daily type posts. Here’s one that I like seeing when it pops up every year.

Then there’s the battle over the thermostat, which thankfully seems to have calmed down these last few years. I don’t mind having the heater on (much), I just want people to be dressed appropriately before they turn it on.

Speaking of Presidents…

And speaking of weather…I remember this year, lots of burst pipes and issues with swimming pools freezing. Our infrastructure isn’t really set up for it to get really cold. I remember coming out of our room one morning and finding poor Rosemary asleep in front of the heater (it was a wall unit, like a radiator, and the bedrooms didn’t get direct heat). Thankfully that reminded me that we had an electric blanket somewhere, and she spent the rest of the cold snap not quite so miserable.

Then there’s the health type posts. This was late 2015 or early 2016. Couldn’t be before that, we got Mulder in November of 2015. (The posts say what date they are, but I removed those because it also shows your whole name. Do I want that on my blog? Not convinced that I do, though I’m sure anyone who did any searching could figure it out.)

Last but certainly least, I always laugh when this one comes up. As the only person in my household who still keeps track of my money in a checkbook, I do understand that I am a dying breed.

If you are on Facebook, do you enjoy the ‘Memories’ feature? If I had posted this in summer, you would have heard a lot bitching about the heat, so I guess we should all be thankful the idea popped into my head when it did.

Tobia | craftaliciousme
This is so fun.
I used to live on facebook and updated the status multiple times.
So much whining.
Also this third person talk was a trend. I have so many of those it is almost embarrising.
I haven’t been on facebook for years and just keep the account in order to work for clients.
I love you meme about the travel. Rings very true right now.
Tobia, I post every day now, but most of them are to a curated group of fellow Wordle fans, just posting my score. Other than that, not sure.
Ally Bean
I used that meme on a blog post a while back. It makes me smile still.
I’m not on Facebook, haven’t been for years, but I can see how this memories feature, that wasn’t around when I was on FB, is fun. I like how you can review what was up in your life back in time and who you were doing things with/talking to, Jimmy Carter! ?
Ally, maybe that’s where I got it, who knows?
Jimmy Carter LOL LOL LOL LOL
I know, she’s hilarious, right? Yesterday she said, “Pardon me”, and I said, “Who do I look like, Gerald Ford?” Presidential humor is big around here, I guess. Of course, then I had to tell her that Ford pardoned Nixon. It was a learning opportunity.
The Memories feature gives me hives. That’s all. Why am I so predictable?!
So many of mine are the same. “Nice dinner, sitting down with a glass of wine to read my book” or “had a long walk with my family today, what’s for dinner?” It’s pathetic.
Love this! I too enjoy (mostly) the memories feature although it’s poignant when loved ones’ death dates roll around. It’s fun to see slices of our lives from those different time periods.
Yes, I sometimes find myself dreading the poignant ones. Sigh.
Jimmy Carter! When I pitch small fits about environmental things, I get called Al Gore. LOL
At one point in my life, I was visited in my dreams by Harrison Ford. No idea why. I’ve never been a big fan of Harrison Ford, never had a crush on him or anything. All I could think of during that time was, “What a waste when I could be dreaming of Daniel Day-Lewis.”
I remember that photo of your grandmother and aunt! It’s spectacular. They both look spry and feisty.
Al Gore, that’s pretty good.
I definitely had a crush on David Bowie. I remember my coworkers telling me (pre-Iman) that he was gay. I said, “And that changes my chances how?” I mean, I worked at Mr. Steak in Stockton. My chances were nil either way.
I hate wasted dreams. Like if I dream about work or going grocery shopping or something. Couldn’t I dream about swimming with turtles in Hawaii with Ted and Maya, or being with my parents, or in France? So many better options.
Where? To work?
Too funny!
I know, I love that one!
I love that meme with the lion. Hilarious. Blessed, ha.
I don’t do much with FB. I’ve posted sporatically over time. I posted when we had to get 3 kids to 3 out of state colleges in the span of like 4 days. That memory cracks me up. Our house was up for grabs with bins and ripped open packages from Amazon everywhere.
I use FB now mostly when searching for families that need in home daycares. I post a ton on the small group I have there. The memories from that group crack me up because those little tots grow up right before my eyes. My kids are in several of the posts and they like to check those photos out.
BTW I had a great aunt flo too. Your grandma was the cutest.
Great Aunt Flos are the best! Mine will be 100 in April!
Kyria @ Travel Spot
Haha! Jimmy Carter! That is an odd reference; was he very stingy? I can’t remember that, but of course he was president a long time ago (actually he was president when I was born, so that IS a long time ago!) I love that photo of your grandma and auntie; those memories are precious! My grandma is 92 this year and she is still going strong!
LOL, no, not stingy. He was President during an energy crisis, and advised Americans to turn down their thermostats and put on a sweater.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I did not know that. I guess I need to brush up on my president knowledge. I know that the interest rates were very high at that time!! Every time our generation complains about 7% mortgages the boomers talk about the 70s and the rates in the teens.
I know, interest rates went up fast didn’t they? I remember when we first bought this place in 1998, I think our interest rate was about 8%. We have refinanced many times over the years as the rates went down, but clearly would not do so now.
The memory feature is wonderful and terrible at the same time… it usually goes like this for me “awww, I remember that”…. and … “Damn, where did the time go??”
LOL, yes, there certainly IS that ‘where did the time go’ aspect, isn’t there? The ones about Genevieve are poignant, and remind me of losing her, and of the 3 years in between her death and getting Mulder, and how much joy they both brought into our lives.