Covid Update – On the Mend

The picture above crossed my mind this week, with all of us down with Covid at the same time.
Thankfully this was not our experience at all. Ted was past the worst of it by the time Maya and I were down. None of us got all that sick, though being sick is never fun. We all took varying amounts of time off from work, we all worked some from home, none of us had to go anywhere. Ted’s parents cooked us dinner one night. His brother brought us lunch another day. We ate leftovers and got curbside pickup at the grocery store. A kind neighbor sought out the sore throat lozenges we needed from the store one day (I guess sore throats are going around, she went to 5 stores before finding them!) We are not entirely better, but we are all very much on the mend. Ted was able to go back to the office today. Mulder and I went for a bit of a Fabulous Friday walk…we were about an hour in, and I realized I was starting to feel tired, so we came home.
I’ve been lazy, watching movies and old TV shows. I haven’t been doing much blog reading or commenting. Seems like this would have been a good time for it, but somehow it felt like cheating to me to blog when taking sick time from work. That makes no sense at all.
I hope you’re all well, and I will come by and say hello SOON.
Glad that you’re all on the mend. I’m dreading getting Covid which I’m sure I will eventually. Between my mom and my grandsons, it will be tough to deal with–but what choice do we have? How nice that you got some meals and medication delivery! I need to hunt down some of my nasal spray which seems to be in short supply these days. Lots of stuffy noses?
Thanks Margaret, I hope that if/when you get it, it will be a very mild case. I hate being sick, I generally want to be left alone to die. I’m trying to rise above that and let people help me.
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie
I’m glad you’re feeling better. I remember my week of alternating work with naps and then being too tired to watch TV at night…it wasn’t THAT bad and also wasn’t great.
Every once in a while I take what I call a “personal day” from the internet. Yes I love all the internet things, but they’re not going anywhere so I don’t need to check in every day.
Beckett, apparantly I’m taking a bit of a ‘personal week’.
I so remember that passage *and* that illustration from the Little House book. That was when they all had the “fever and ague”, wasn’t it?
So glad that you’re all feeling better and had the support of family and neighbors. And that you had the good sense to rest and recover. Here’s to feeling 100% very soon.
Nance, yes indeed, that is when they had ‘fever and ague’, later known as malaria, and Ma thought you got it from watermelon. Enter Dr. Tan, the African American doctor to the natives, for the rescue!
I was JUST talking to a friend about that chapter in the Little House books!
I’m so glad you’re all on the mend, but ugh – sorry you had to go through this!
Thanks Elisabeth, it’s a scary chapter, to be sure! I don’t really remember understanding how serious it was as a kid, but as an adult I think about how isolated they were.
Yay! I’m glad everyone is on the mend and I’m really glad that no one was crawling trying to bring soup to another sick person. Maybe it was a good thing that everyone got sick in such a staggered fashion? Ugh. I imagine you just wanted everyone to be healthy ASAP, but maybe it was fortuitous?
Yes, very glad that Ted was feeling a little better by the time Maya and I got sick! Fortuitous indeed.
Ugh, I’m sorry your whole family was down for the count with Covid! It’s truly the worst. I was worried I was coming down with something early this week. When I’m sick like that, though, blogging is just not something I can do! Blogging (even reading blogs/commenting) takes so much more effort than laying on the couch watching TV!
Thanks Stephany! I need to get back in the roll of things, clearly.