Weekly Geek
Doublememe Palace*
Awhile ago, I signed up to be a ‘weekly geek‘, and take on the challenges put forth on Dewey’s blog. Alas, thus far I have sucked at it. I find that given a subject to write on, I kinda freeze and succumb to writer’s block, which is why I quit my brief stint at a mommy blog that I briefly contributed to quite awhile ago. Anyway, the prompt this week was pictures, and since it’s mostly book folks participating, it seemed like a good idea to post a picture of a book. However, I’ve already posted pictures of the books around here, twice actually. So I’ve been mulling it over.…
Dear Weekly Geeks
Dear Weekly Geeks, I’m officially one of you now! In case you don’t know, my bloggy friend Dewey is having a challenge where she gives a theme, and everyone participating either discusses it (where? probably in her comments, I’m not sure on that one), or posts on their own blogs about it. Sounded like it might be fun blog fodder, so I joined in. I’m starting to think that I’m a sucker for challenges, and that you all might have known that for awhile now. The theme this first week of the challenge is getting to know the other participants. We’re supposed to go visit 5 other participants, comment on…