Yummy Rice Recipe
I posted a recipe last Sunday, for a vegetarian dish. Today I’m going to post a recipe for Saffron-Orange Rice, which is VERY yummy. My step-mom makes this recipe. I know it’s from a cookbook, but I don’t know which one. I’ve had it on previous trips to Portland, but I never thought to make it for Ted, because he’s not a fan of basmati rice AND he thinks dried fruit is devil food AND he’s not generally thrilled by nuts either. So I was excited when he raved about this dish, and said he would like to have it again. Right away, I emailed my step-mom for the recipe.…
Sunday Cooking
OK, so I know most people don’t bother reading blogs on the weekend, since you have lives and chores and families and so on, so I save the easy ones for these days. Posts that I figure maybe 3 people will read, and I’ll get maybe one comment. I’ve learned my lesson, people, I’ve poured my heart and soul into a weekend post, and seen on my site meter that it is basically ignored. The perfect lazy post is a recipe that I can just copy and paste from a website. I mean, at that point, why do I even bother? Because I can’t help myself, I guess. Maya has…
Grandma’s Famous Slaw
I consider myself fortunate in that I still have both of my grandmas. No grandpas left to speak of, sadly, but the women in my family tend to live a loooonnnngggg time. My mother’s mother lives in Stockton, and my father’s mother moved from Modesto to Portland last year. (We’ll be seeing her next week…)When she lived in Modesto, we used to go visit her a few times a year, and she would sometimes cook lunch for us. On one such visit in 1994, she served us dried out chicken and cole slaw. The chicken wasn’t anything to write home about, unless the folks back home enjoy reading about dried…
Chicken Avocado Tortilla Soup
Here’s a new recipe we tried the other night…not new, actually, but new to us. It’s in the same Sunset Magazine as this recipe. By the way, we had a lovely lunch with Pat (he that I mentioned on his birthday wish post) and other lovely folks on Monday, and I made the same tomato and bread crumb pasta again. Still yummy. Pat, in lieu of flowers, brought heirloom tomatoes and champagne. And cake. To his own birthday celebration! So, Tuesday night, we had this soup for dinner, along with some arugula and Pat’s heirloom tomatoes. Very yummy. Seems like the soup might work with tofu instead of chicken for…
Tuesday Cooking
I’m working on a longer post, which I had intended for today, but you will all just have to wait for it until tomorrow. It’s about how I came to meet my dad at the age of 21. That’s your teaser. For today, you get this yummy recipe, which I made for dinner last night. It was SO Yummy. Comes from Sunset magazine, 2003. Spaghetti with Roasted Tomatoes and Toasted Crumbs Ingredients: 2 cups cherry tomatoes, rinsed and halved Salt and pepper 2 tblsp extra virgin olive oil 1 clove garlic 2 tblsp finely chopped parsley 6 oz. dried spaghetti 2 slices sourdough bread, torn into pieces 2 tblsp chopped…
Russian Cooking Class
The main fundraiser at Maya’s school is a Spring Festival, which combines with a live auction, and raises much needed funds to keep the school doors open. The big ticket items tend to be the quilts, which are made from squares made by the students and sewn by dedicated parents, trunks made by woodworking parents, and excursions put together by the teachers. One of Maya’s teachers, Zhanna, is Russian. She emigrated from the Ukraine about 10 years ago. Her offering for the auction was a day of cooking, where the parents and kids would learn to make traditional Russian food, enjoy the pool at her condo’s clubhouse, and all around…
Our Summer So Far…
When planning our summer, with me working from home and Maya home as well, one concern that I had was too much TV/Video games. If we lived in a neighborhood full of kids, this wouldn’t be an issue, because she would be out playing with them enough of the time to counter-balance the time spent on XBox or Disney Channel. But we don’t. The other kids in our neighborhood are in summer day camps and their parents are at work. If I were a stay at home mom, I could keep her occupied for much of the day – we could go on day trips to the zoo, the park,…
More Cooking Today…
One of the comments I got on my anniversary post asked about a recipe for Roti, which is an Indian flatbread…very similar to Naan, though not exactly the same. Roti is better. 😉 The Guyanese commenter, Shelliza, noted that when her mother tried to give her the recipe, it came out, “a handful, a pinch and this much”, which is just how Ted and his mom make it as well. So I can’t give you their recipe. However, my friend Cherry tried to find a recipe online, and she gave it a try. She said it was very yummy. I asked her for the recipe, and she said she melded…
Recipe Wednesday
When Maya and I were trying to plan her summer a few months ago, one of the classes she was interested in taking was a cooking class. The only problem was that the class she wanted to take was through a program that would have her going at 9:00am, 5 days a week, which didn’t fit in with her plan of relaxing and sleeping in this summer. So, we decided that we would have our own cooking class, and I would teach her how to make some dishes. We bought a great looking kids cookbook, but we haven’t tried any of the recipes yet. Thus far, we have had one…
Ode to Vegan Lunchbox
Inspired by ‘Jennifershmoo” and her Vegan Lunchbox, and requested by Cherry, here is yesterday’s lunch. Maya takes her lunch every day to Girl Scout Camp, and I ordered one of the cool Bento Lunchboxes that Jennifershmoo turned me on to. We’re not vegan, so there’s dairy in here. Lunch is a homemade bean and cheese burrito, rolled like a wrap (with pineapple/mango salsa in case she wants it), apple/apricot sauce, grapes and cherries, and a Costco brownie bite that came with the lunch Cherry and I had at a new Japanese place near Kohls. Who ever heard of brownie bites at Japanese restaurants? Not me, but Maya will be glad,…
Recipe Wednesday
Back when I first moved to San Francisco in 1987, I moved there with Troy, who was ready to brush the stench of Stockton off of his shoes as much as I was. He found us a great flat in SF, at Fulton and Masonic, for only $850 a month. Boy, what a deal. Anyway, Troy was a great guy, he used to work at a hotel down near the airport on the graveyard shift, and I worked at a hotel in downtown SF on the 4 – 12 shift, and we both went to school in the mornings. A few times I woke up and found flowers on my…
Tuesday Cooking
OK, that’s kind of a lie, since we cooked this on Sunday, but since I put Sunday Yoga Thoughts on things that occurred to me on Thursday, what the hell. On Friday, I went to lunch with Ted’s Auntie Sondra, and we had Indian buffet. I’m not a huge fan of the buffet, but this one was pretty good. We went to Saroor, if you’re ever in Walnut Creek. One of the items on the buffet, which I had never tried before, was Aloo Gobi. Boy, it was yummy. So, on Sunday, when Ted woke up and declared that we were having curry for dinner that night, I raised my…
Recipe Thursday
I’ve never seen ‘recipe Thursday’ anywhere before, so I just made it up. I don’t want to talk about poop anymore, or God, and I haven’t thought of anything else exciting, so I thought I would just give away the store here, and share one of our family’s favorite recipes. This picture is what I got when I googled “Curried Butternut Squash”, but it doesn’t look exactly like the dish I’m describing. Similar though, and tasty looking. Ted’s parents were born and raised in Guyana, which is in South America. If you don’t know much about Guyana, it was a British Colony. After Great Britian abolished slavery, they still needed…
Weekend Wrap Up
This weekend was jam packed with fun. Got to leave work early on Friday, in celebration of the long weekend. 🙂 I went home and started dinner, which was fancy tuna sandwiches. We went to Ted’s brother’s house to eat dinner and watch Battlestar Galactica, which we do every Friday now. We don’t get Sci-Fi channel on our cable, but his brother has satellite or something. We can’t get it, because of the trees near our house, and we’re too cheap to pay for the expensive cable that would come with the channel. But it’s fun anyway. Saturday was cleaning day. Ugh. My kitchen was so disgusting, it was embarrasing.…
Weekend Wrap Up
This was a lovely weekend, which started with a brand new Sofa and Mattress set on Friday afternoon. Yay! The sad story of our old mattress is that it was a King, but to get it up the stairs of our low-ceilinged townhome, you had to kind of bend it…which may be part of why it was hurting our backs, that it got damaged somehow when we moved in. Or, it could just be that it was about time for it to die….it was about 9 years old. So, new mattress came, King size, a week ago, but it couldn’t fit up the stairs. 🙁 So they took it away.…