Focus on What You Can Change
In April of 2020, my darling friend Marilee and I were commiserating about the stress of the world. About how suddenly fraught it felt to get groceries. How isolating to be trapped at home. Marilee and her husband Paul have a business, Spotlight Sojourns, which requires them to spend a lot of time traveling around the world. No travel, no leaving the house, was stressful. Paul made the Venn diagram above, and Marilee shared it with me. I was reminded of Paul’s diagram by Anne’s recent post, where she shared a quote that I liked a lot: “Caring about everything is a disaster. Caring about nothing is also a disaster.…
Finding Light
Back when Maya was little, she was a big fan of the singer Jewel. She was a toddler, and would carry pictures of Jewel that we printed from our computer around. She loved her songs, and thought everyone with long blonde hair was Jewel (at the time I had short hair, so no, I did not have Jewel hair.) One of my very favorite Jewel songs is Hands, which gave me support through September 11th, and the many times I have felt helpless since then. I’ve been so angry since the election, and have felt myself pulled toward despair. I am angry and bitter, and I do not want to…
No, I’m Not Feeling Better
I’m not feeling better today. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t laugh a little, and The Onion always does an amazing job when the shit hits the fan. Then there are memes, like this one, which would be funny if they didn’t feel so true. And this one. Here’s one, I think from the first Women’s March. We are tired and angry, but as Harris said yesterday, we cannot stop fighting for a better future. And lastly, here’s a meme of encouragement. Thanks you guys, for being that light for me.
What the Even Fuck People
I’m sorry to swear like that, but I’m ragey this morning. I hate people. (Not YOU, friends, but everyone elese? YES.) Jenny is right, the sun will come up tomorrow. Ted said this morning that we must be resolute, and that is a good word. We must go on and fight and blah blah blah. You know what? I’ll get there. Today I’m just pissed and scared of what this is going to mean in the world. Affordable Care Act? Ukraine? Palestine? Our economy? Social Security? Our basic human rights? Our courts? I mean, really? THE POPULAR VOTE??? What the even hell. I hate people. I’ll be back tomorrow with…
Miscellaneous Monday
This is going to be one of those random posts, just things I’m thinking about. (I mean, that is the name of my blog, right?) First I will dip my toes into politics a bit, and say that I am feeling MUCH more hopeful about the possibility of no Trump presidency than I was a couple of weeks ago. Ever since Biden’s horrible debate, I’ve been so stressed out. I think he’s been a very good President, and doesn’t get enough credit for his accomplishments. I honestly doubt that he could put in another 4 years, though, it’s a hell of a job. But we have a whole system set…
Summer Salad Challenge
I was going to write about politics today, about how genuinely afraid I am for our democracy since last week’s Supreme Court ruling. About how I fear that Biden’s age is going to be a real issue in the election this fall, and how I wish he had decided not to run for a second term, and yet I worry that if he drops out now, it will be too late and again, Trump wins and we are all well and truly screwed. About how I thought the insurrection on January 6th was the end of Trump’s political career, that there was no way folks would support him after that.…
Miscellaneous Monday
Many of you know Elisabeth’s blog, Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist. Elisabeth is such a thoughtful writer, I love her blog and am ever thankful to San for her organized NaBloPoMo for introducing so many of us to each other. Elisabeth sometimes has guest posts, and when she asked me if I would be interested, of course I said, Yes! So pop on over. Speaking of Elisabeth, she recently wrote about ice cream, and mentioned how much she loved the pistachio gelato she had in Spain. I decided I wanted to try some pistachio gelato with whole pistachios included, so I bought the Talanti brand, and it’s delicious! Is it…
A Shameful Past
Just across the street from our Airbnb in Juneau is a lovely Russian Orthodox Church, which I remembered seeing the last time I was there in 1999. While waiting for it to be time to meet the shuttle for our whale watching trip, I decided to walk over and see if I could peek inside the church. It’s a lovely little church with a long history in Juneau. From the church website: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church was founded in 1893, at the request of the local Tlingit community. Constructed locally by Tlingit people and Serbian miners in 1893-94, the church was built on land donated by Yees Ganalax and using plans and…
Wordless Memeday
Recall Stupidness
California is sometimes a wonderful place, with our amazing produce and wine and sunshine and coastline. It is sometimes a horrible place, with our wildfires, droughts, insane housing prices, our never ending homeless problems, and hot hot weather. And sadly, it is often a stupid place, with our ballot initiatives and our recall elections. This history of the process goes back to the early 20th century, when sweeping reforms went through in an attempt to weaken influence of private interests, and give more power to the voter. Sadly, this means we often get to vote on stupid things, including sometimes contradictory measures that confuse the voters. Our recall process is…
Meme Monday
Over 500,000 Americans dead in 1 year from COVID-19. Record weather and power outages combined with unfettered greed, leading to entirely avoidable deaths. American terrorists attack the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the 2020 Presidential election. Huge protests in our streets, fighting for social justice and expressing outrage over the continued murders of black men and women. Huge wildfires, caused by a combination of drought, poor forest management, and climate change, becoming an annual occurrence in the West.
Meme Monday
One last meme while the shit head is President. We are all looking forward to the end of this Presidency. What a relief it will be to know that the person in charge is not a psychopath. I like Biden just fine. I like Harris even more. But honestly, I would rather have a rock in the White House than Trump. Right now I’m wondering in what order the Presidential pardons will come…my guess is first, people who have paid for them, then friends, then family, then traitors and terrorists who attacked the Capitol building, then he will pardon himself. He’s going to have a busy couple of days. We’re…
Meme Monday
The attempted coup last week was in no way funny. However, I am going to post a bunch of memes/cartoons that I saw online anyway. What I really want to say, however, is screw these assholes. I would add, “And the horse they rode in on” but I like horses, so I will omit that part of the phrase. I have some Republican friends that I love and adore. Thoughtful people who know better and do condemn the President, and do not think it was an Antifa hoax. This post is not about them. I have some Republican acquaintances, people I went to school with or worked with at some…
Wordless Wednesday – Dark Day
Photo credit – Reuters via CNN
Meme Monday – Birthday and Politics
I hope you all had a lovely New Year. We did…I had a four day weekend, to celebrate my birthday on Thursday, and then the New Year on Friday. Thursday, Ted and Maya both had asked for the day off but could not get the day off. She had to work in the morning, and he had to work in the afternoon. So in the morning, Ted and I went for a nice walk with Mulder, then we came home and took showers and so on, and he started work. Maya only had to work a half day, so once she was finished we went to our outdoor mall and…