
  • Five Things

    I got this one from Hope, who did not tag me, but tagged Gina in the comments to her paper plate post, and I read it and liked it, so here we go: Five Things In my fridge: Leftover ingredients from softshell chicken tacos we had for dinner last night. Old film for Ted’s broken camera. (I used it much more than he did, but since it was a gift from me to him, I will still call it Ted’s camera. He prefers the digital, though.) Berries – Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Eggs – with Omega 3 added, since we don’t eat a lot of fish or flax around here.…

  • Is it a Thursday 13? Or a HNT? You be the judge.

    Guess what? It’s 87 degrees here (or was last night at 6:00), and our pool is finally open! I knew there had to be a benefit to this condo livin’! So, in honor of the pool being open, and how happy that makes us all, I’ll do two posts in one day…I could play it safe and save the movie post until Friday, but I’m throwing caution to the wind! Here is my Thursday 13…13 things I’m liking right now… 1. That the pool is open! YIPPPEEE! 2. That I got a pedicure, and you get to see it. (That’s my HNT, if you hadn’t guessed) Try not to be…

  • Because I was tagged…

    Six Weird Things I was tagged by Black Belt Mama, so I’ve got a new meme…Six weird things about me. Define weird. Would that be unique, or strange, or both? Hmmm. I don’t know if I can come up with anything interesting enough for you folks, without giving away the store, (or using things that I’ve already used in my ‘100 things’) but I’ll try. 🙂 1. I hate cell phones. I hope I never have to get one. They suck. 2. My absolute hero in real life is Harriet Tubman. But one of my heroes in fiction is Scarlet O’Hara. How’s that for twisted? 3. Everything in life seems…

  • Regrets, I have a few…

    I was thinking about all of the MEMEs that we see on blogs, and funny lists of music, etc. Which started me thinking of the songs that I HATE. That make me sick to my stomach. That I wish I could extinguish from the earth. So, I put together a MEME about things I regret having in existance… Songs I wish I Had Never Heard (because they suck) 1. Superman (It’s not easy) – Five for Fighting (can be switched with 100 years, same group, if you hate that one even more.) 2. You’re Beautiful – James Blunt (I know it’s popular…but please, kill me now…he just sounds like a…

  • My Life in Music

    I saw this on Wendy’s website, and I thought, No, I could never think of enough songs…but then I decided to take a walk at lunchtime, and listen to my beloved iPod, and lo and behold, I came up with a bunch of songs to fill it in. Kind of fun to search around and think about what song is perfect for what situation, that kind of thing. I’ve changed some of the categories, and made it a bit more personal. 🙂 My Life in Music Opening Credits: Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto Waking Up: Good Day Sunshine by the Beatles Childhood: Ob La Di, Ob La Da also by the Beatles…

  • Thoughts on Reading…

    I’ve seen this posted a few places, most notably here and here. You fill in the blank, either on your blog or in the comments section. Everybody should read _____________________. So, here’s my list of things everybody should read: 1. This Post, from Angry Black Bitch 2. Chrysanthemum 3. The Lorax 4. The 100 Dresses 5. The Red Tent 6. The Unbearable Lightness of Being 7. Bel Canto 8. A Wrinkle in Time 9. The Handmaids Tale 10. The Mists of Avalon 11. The Forgotten Door 12. The Grapes of Wrath 13. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter 14. Invisible Man

  • I got tagged…

    I got tagged for a brand new MEME by L. Here goes: 1) What was the last thing you prayed for? I prayed for Autumn’s Mom’s Mom to get a job. I am an athiest, so I don’t know how much it will help. But I prayed for my mom to get a job, and she did, so I figure, it can’t hurt. 2) What was the nicest thing you ever did for someone else? I gave birth to my daughter. How can you top that, giving someone life? I try to be a nice person, generally, but I don’t know how much I succeed. 3) What do you think…

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  • 100 Things About Me

    Have you seen these on other websites? I’ve been enjoying reading other people’s “100 Things About Me”, so I thought I would join in the fun. 1. My favorite flowers are white tulips. 2. I recently turned 40. It’s ok, really. 3. My eyes are brown, except when they’re green. 4. I could eat pasta every day. Or at least, almost every day. 5. I love wine. And cheese nips. Together, as a snack. 6. Chocolate is fine, but I can live without it. 7. I don’t like being hot, so don’t ask me to go hiking in summer. 8. I like to swim. 9. I’ve known my husband for…

  • Another stupid list thingie? Am I insane?

    OK, don’t know why I decided to do this one…it’s just a bit different than the others one usually sees on blogs/gets via email. I got this one from MIM Feel free to play (or not): Five pieces of wisdom 1) Don’t be so damn mean to yourself all of the time. 2) Don’t be so damn mean to others all of the time. 3) Ask yourself if you really NEED to buy/eat/drink that thing…if the answer is an honest yes, then do it and enjoy it. If the answer is no, then put it back. This comes mostly from realizing that I live in a very small condo and…

  • New Years…time for lists?

    I was surfing blogs and came across this one, via Bitch PhD, but the post was here. If you want to play, copy, update with your info, and post on your blog. I cheated a bit. 🙂 A Pack of Four Leaf Clovers A “four” themed open meme. 1. Four jobs you’ve had in your life. A. Waitress B. Horse poop cleaner (in exchange for free horseback rides) C. Business Analyst and other variations of that job D. Hotel Concierge 2. Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over A. The Company (the movie really isn’t THAT great, but I love the dancing) B. It’s a Wonderful Life C. Out…