
  • Picture of the Day – Mulder

    Mulder has now finished his first 2 months of weekly chemo, now he is moving on to the next phase, which is chemo every other week for the next 4 months. His weight has stabilized, he doesn’t seem to be losing weight anymore. He is not tolerating the chemo as well as he did at the beginning, meaning for the first 6 weeks, he only had one instance of losing appetite and diarrhea, and more recently it has been every time. It lasts a day or two, but is controlled by medication and us tempting his appetite with chicken and rice or scrambled eggs, which he gobbles down. He’s lost…

  • Picture of the Day – Locks of Love

    There is a relatively recent custom in Paris (and other European cities) for couples to put locks on bridges and railings, which is adding so much weight to said railings, fences, and bridges that they are threatening to destroy them. This is a railing near Sacre Coeur with thousands of locks, and you can see how they might do damage. Of course, the souvenir shops in the area sell the locks, so most tourists don’t know that it is doing damage and that the city has to remove the locks periodically. Personally I don’t get it, and I don’t find it charming or romantic, but clearly there are a lot…

  • Mulder Update

    I thought I’d let you know that Mulder is now 1 month in to his 6 month treatment plan. He was a little lethargic and had some tummy issues after the first treatment, but they gave us medication for that. Since then, he has been his normal happy self, no problems other than he is losing weight (but still eating normally), and that generally resolves itself soon enough, so our vet is not worried about it. She said his numbers are all looking good, he is responding well to treatment. One more month of weekly appointments, then the next four months will be every other week, and then he will…

  • Updates

    I think it’s time to fill you in on the life of J. First and most importantly, Mulder had his appointment with the oncologist on Thursday, and she said he is a very good candidate for chemotherapy, with a six month protocol having an 85% chance of putting him into remission for at least a year, though he has a marker that often means remission can last longer. We have decided to try this treatment, so he will have weekly appointments for 2 months, then maintenance appointments every other week for 4 more months. It is expensive, I would not buy a dog for that kind of money, but he…

  • Mulder

    We received some devastating news yesterday.  Mulder has lymphoma. I was petting him on Saturday and it felt like the glands on his throat were swollen.  We got him into the vet on Monday, and she took a bunch of tests which confirmed the diagnosis.  She could feel that it was not just the lymph nodes at his neck, but all of them that she can feel, they are all swollen with fluid.  After the diagnosis yesterday, she then sent out for some more tests to determine what kind of lymphoma he has.  What we know so far is that it is ‘intermediate to large cell, high grade’, and the…

  • Meme Monday – Catching Up

    Looking at this meme, you might think I had been to the beach. Perhaps back to Hawaii. Nope, life has been very local lately. I have no excuse for not posting here, other than laziness. I’ll catch you up, OK? Back in April, I took a drive out to see my Great Aunt for her 98th birthday. One of my cousins arranged a party at her retirement home, which was great. We had family come from as far as San Diego and Reno, and I saw folks I haven’t seen since I was 5 or 6. It was a relaxed event, KFC and strawberry pie. Aunt Flo’s memory is horrible,…

  • Y is for Yes Please

    My N post was about items that I will say ‘No, thank you’ if they are offered to me. Being that it is a holiday Friday, and I am lazy, here are a few items that I enjoy, and if they are offered to me, I will say, ‘Yes please’. In no particular order… Potatoes. French fries, potato chips, latkes (Happy Hanukkah tonight!), hashed browns, baked potatoes, whatever. I love them. Salads. So many different salads are delicious. Green salad, pasta salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, arugula salad, Caesar salad… Pasta. So many pastas that I love, but my personal favorite is the mushroom pasta at a restaurant in Oakland,…

  • T is for Tree

      Our first trip to Hawaii was in 2005, the same year that I started my blog.  There are no pictures of that trip here, because we went to Hawaii in June, and I started my blog in November.  One thing that amazed me was the Banyan Tree near the Waikiki aquarium.  California is not tropical, and I had never seen a Banyan Tree.  Banyan trees are not native to Hawaii, they were brought from India, where, according to this site, Banyan is a derivative of the word ‘Banya’, which means merchant in the Gujarati language of India, where Banyan trees provided much needed shade for merchants selling their wares.  …

  • S is for Smokey

    When I was very small, my brother Richard was my hero, and he was my curator for what was good and interesting in the world.  What Richard wanted, I wanted.  Then my mom and my Great Aunt Flo went to Yosemite for a little vacation, and my mom wanted to bring us gifts home.  She saw some tom-toms that would be perfect for Richard, but there was only one set at the gift shop.  She looked around, distressed, not sure what to get for me.  She settled on a stuffed Smokey Bear.  I never looked back.  Smokey was my absolute Best Friend.  I took him everywhere. I was, however, very…

  • H is for Horses

    I’m not sure when my love for horses started. As a small child I loved all animals, but at some point I fell especially in love with horses. Perhaps it was the influence of my friend Aimee, who lived across the street from me in Fairbanks and was a big fan of horses. She lives in California now, and she has horses. Look at that pretty face, the soft gentle eyes. I just want to pet this beautiful horse. Who knows, perhaps this horse is an asshole, but it looks like it would be so very affectionate and loving. My friend Nikki has horses, and when she goes to visit…

  • F is for Free

    My readers know of the free tickets that we were given on our flight home from Portland in June, and that we used those tickets to travel to Maui last month. I was so thankful for the opportunity to have a real vacation…traveling to Portland for a long weekend is always lovely, and I was thrilled to see my family there, but it doesn’t really feel like vacation, especially since our main purpose for going up was to scatter my father’s ashes. As I’m sure you have guessed, ‘free’ doesn’t generally mean ‘free’. The tickets were for the cheapest possible seats, and on Alaska Airlines these days, that means you…