
  • Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone

    It’s Wednesday afternoon, and tomorrow’s Thanksgiving. I got up early and went to the grocery store before it got too crowded and insane. Came home and started some cooking. Sweet Potato Pudding? Check. Homemade Cranberry Sauce? Check. Green beans prepped for my favorite green bean dish (green beans, steamed, then sauteed with butter, then tossed with Gorgonzola cheese and toasted walnuts. Yum.) Check. Pumpkin pie and pecan pie purchased? Check. All that’s left to do tomorrow is make my Grandma’s Fruit Salad, put together the green beans, and enjoy a lovely feast with the family. And, of course, stop to think about what I’m thankful for.  That is a long…

  • Ted is a Good Sport

    So for years, whenever I make a batch of cupcakes, Ted likes to amuse the family by cramming a whole cupcake into his mouth. It’s amazing. Today, Maya went to a birthday party, and brought home a HUGE cupcake for Ted, and double dog dared him to shove the whole thing in his mouth. He’s a pretty good sport, so he went for it. WARNING…if you’re eating or drinking anything while watching this video, it may end up all over your computer screen.

  • 13 Again

    (pic found here) I remember 13.  I remember how emotional I was.  Stupid hormones going crazy.  I remember crying bitter tears because my mother thought I was ugly.  My proof?  SHE LOOKED AT ME.  Clearly she hated me. And now, I’m the mom.  It’s a confusing position to be in, because there are days that are perfectly fine, with laughter and happiness…and then there are days when hormones run hot, and I feel like I can’t say anything right.  And when I ask her what’s wrong, she has been thinking I was mad at her the whole time.  Which I was not.  Not in the least.  I remember that, from…

  • Helpless

    When people talk to you about having kids, they often ask you if you’re ready to give up your freedom, your ability to go out when you want, see whatever movie you want, eat whatever you want, stay up until 4am, sleep in when you want, have sex when you want, work late if you need to, live in a crappy apartment in a bad school district if you so choose…so many sacrifices.  People list them and warn you.  And you say, “Yes, I’m ready.  I want a baby to love and to hold and to care for.  I want to smell the sweet smell of a baby’s head after…

  • Happy Anniversary!

    16 years ago today, I made the best move I’ve made in my life.  I married my best friend, my partner in crime, my love.  I think we all make mistakes in life, or wonder about the path not taken.  We wonder how things might have been different if we had taken x job, or moved to y city, or finished school (or not finished school).  One thing I know, is that I have never regretted the decision to marry Ted.  He has been, and always is, the best husband I could ever want.  Someone who is always on my side, always has me back, always trusts me to do…

  • Happy Birthday, Darling!

    Happy Birthday to my wonderful and amazing husband, Ted!  I hope this is a wonderful year for you, and that all of your dreams come true! [youtube][/youtube] I wonder if anyone has missed what an amazing weekend this has been for Calvin Borel?  First he won the Kentucky Oaks on Rachel Alexandra by over 20 lengths on Friday.  The Kentucky Oaks is like the Kentucky Derby, but it’s for fillies only.  People have been saying that Rachel Alexandra outclassed the horses in Saturday’s Derby by a mile, and if she had run, she probably would have wiped up the field with them.  They say she’s the best 3 year old…

  • 25 Things About Maya

    You’ve all seen the Facebook Meme, 25 Things about me, right?  Well, today is Maya’s 13th birthday, so in her honor, I thought I’d take a stab at 25 Things About Maya for you. As you can see in the photo, she’s absolutely gorgeous. She’s a loyal friend. She loves the group, Paramore, and all things Twilight. She loves her iPod. She’s generous.  She offered to give me her Target gift card when I mentioned that I liked a top there, but new clothes weren’t in my budget. She’s kind.  She doesn’t let this get in the way of her wicked sense of humor. She volunteers at a local animal…

  • Sleepless Thoughts…

    The other night, I was starting to drift off to sleep, and for some reason, the thought popped into my head, that Maya is going to be a teenager soon.  13, on March 29th.  Not that I haven’t realized this for awhile, but still, somehow, the idea that she is going to be 13 suddenly made me feel OLD.  I mean, the teen years…who doesn’t remember the teen years?  Some of the best and the worst in your life, with friendships that change, young love that opens your heart like a flower and crushes you at the same time, cruel jests from bullies, school getting harder when it has always…

  • Thankful

    My plan for today’s blog was to make a Thursday 13, and list 13 things for which I am thankful.  Family, friends, our health, having a job, good elections, etc. etc. As so often happens, though, life got in the way.  Let me tell you what happened. Ted and I use WordPress to maintain our blogs.  Ted’s really good about updating his blog to the most current version of WordPress, but often the update comes with a small hand full of problems.  There will be something new that he has to tweak, and it takes time, and blah blah blah.  Me?  I’m more the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix…

  • Back to Work

    Autumn’s Mom did a guest appearance over at The Mommy Diaries last week, and this morning I thought I’d see what else was going on over there.  Well, another guest blogger had stopped by, DC Urban Dad, and he wrote a post about being thankful for his wonderful wife.  In that post, he mentioned that his wife has been home with their baby for these last several months, but that time is coming to an end, and she’ll be back at work soon.  It was a nice post, but really, what it triggered for me was memories, memories of my first day back at work after having Maya. Maya was…

  • Birthdays…

    Traditionally, I am very punctual when it comes to birthdays. If you’re going to get a card or a gift from me (and not everyone does, don’t be hurt…remember, I’m poor), you’ll get it on time. For some reason, I have a weird gift for remembering birthdays, and it’s important to me that people know that I love them and was thinking of them. I would like to brag about this gift and be especially proud of it, but that’s like being proud of having green/brown eyes, or long fingers, or moles. It’s just how I’m made. I don’t have to work at it. At all. However, it seems like…

  • More Anniversary Stuff!

    For anyone who’s interested, Ted and I put together a cute (albeit longish) picture show, with commentary, with some of the pictures from our wedding, lo these 15 years ago.  Ted worked on it for HOURS, and it’s pretty groovy.  You get a bit of a feel for the day, which was hot, and the wedding, which was Hindu, and the ceremony, which was FUN.  Check it out!