The Secret Family of Jesus
[youtube][/youtube] (I couldn’t find a video of the right program, but this is very similar, and the same host.) We ended up watching part of this show on PBS the other night, The Secret Family of Jesus. We came in late and left early, so I will not pretend that anything I write here is correct or true. It’s all about the family of Jesus, and what information about his family made it into the Bible, and what did not. Discussions about how at that famous wedding where he turned water into wine, he was probably at a family wedding, that kind of thing. Then the idea was floated that…
Team in Training
Guess who’s doing a 100-mile bike ride on June 1st, to raise much needed funds to research a cure for blood cancers? That’s right, my own beloved Ted, aka Py Korry. If you can spare a buck or 5, and are interested in sponsoring him in his endeavors, hop on over to his Team in Training page, where you can click to donate. And if you think he’s all take take take, not giving back to you, you’re wrong. Check out the mix of songs he’s put together for your listening pleasure this week, posted at Popdose. Thanks, kids!
A Day at the Aquarium
Way back in March, Maya received gift certificates for the Monterey Bay Aquarium as a birthday gift. Between girl scout activities, school activities, trying to sell our house, trying to avoid crowds, etc., they have been sitting in a drawer since then. When we decided to take 2 weeks off from work for Christmas and New Years, we decided this would be a good time to make use of the tickets. And yesterday, finally, we did. We started out late, as befits a family on vacation, and stopped for a late breakfast on the way. I’ll tell you, I’d move to Monterey in a minute. It’s so pretty there, and…
Merry Sickmas!
(disgusting but sadly appropriate graphic found here) We’re home from Portland, and I must say, it was a mixed bag of a vacation. We arrived on Saturday evening, and my poor dad was feeling fine, but then not so fine, and by the end of the evening he had all of the oh-so-fun symptoms of either stomach flu or food poisoning. Yay. We all hoped for food poisoning (so it would go away quickly, and so no one else would get sick), and washed our hands a lot. Too bad, it was stomach flu, and the good news kept coming in. My sister, brother-in-law, and niece had a variation (though…
Thanksgiving, Past and Present
photo found here The first few years that Ted and I were dating, he would go to his family’s house for Thanksgiving, and I would go to my Grandma’s house. I had a lovely time at Grandma’s house, even with the talk of diets and the dry dry turkey and the taste of cigarretes, and it was nice to see my family, as I was living in San Francisco now, and saw them mainly on the holidays. But as time went on, Ted and I decided we wanted to spend our Thanksgivings together. So, one year, I invited Ted to Thanksgiving at my Grandma’s house. I think he was in…
The Ghost of Thanksgivings Past…
I’m sure that we must have celebrated Thanksgiving when I was a child in Alaska, probably with lots of friends, music, and laughter, but I don’t have any specific memories of Thanksgiving during those years. Halloween and Christmas, yes, but not Thanksgiving. My memories of Thanksgiving are of holidays at my Grandparents’ house. My Grandparents’ house was a place where you had to walk on eggshells & be careful what you said, because my grandfather (whom I loved dearly) had a very sarcastic tongue, and a perfectly innocent conversation could quickly turn ugly. Add to that some pretty divergent political and social beliefs around the table, and it’s a recipe…
(Not) Wordless Wednesday…Vernal Falls Edition
I was prepared to write up a long post all about our weekend in Yosemite, but Ted beat me to it. He did such an awesome job, you can read all about the bears, etc., here. I got our pictures developed…since we THOUGHT we had forgotten our camera (it was in a side pocket, which we didn’t check. NEWMAN!*), we bought a disposable camera to use…and we only took pictures on the hike up to Vernal Falls. No pictures of any other camping stuff, I’m sorry to say. Anyway, if you read my post on Saturday, you know that hiking to Vernal Falls was the one thing I REALLY wanted…
Wordless Wednesday – Baby Edition
New School…
Melissa wrote a few days ago about her kids’ first day of school…and about how glad she is that they have great teachers, and that she’s looking forward to volunteering again this year in the classroom. Her post made me nostalgic for Maya’s old school, Eagle Peak Montessori. Maya started Montessori school when she was 2, at Springfield Montessori, where she went through Kindergarten. We are big fans of the Montessori method of teaching, and were thrilled to find out that she could continue her Montessori education, because one of our local school districts was opening a public charter school. Public = Free. (as free as any public school is…
Vacation Wrap Up
Maya on the lake, enjoying the view of blue, blue water We’re home now. We had a lovely time in Tahoe, though we were limited in our activities by Ted’s leg. (The antibiotics are doing their job, and he’s much better now.) So Ted couldn’t swim, not really up to hiking, that kind of thing. Thought we might see a dinner show at a casino, but there weren’t any while we were there. We did rent a motor boat and go out on the lake one afternoon, which was FUN. It was a pretty powerful boat, and we were going pretty fast, which was fun, though Maya and I got…
OK, first things first. Chrissy, Scarlett, and Curiosity Killer have all decided that I’m a Rockin’ Girl Blogger! Tres cool! I think that I am now supposed to pick 5 rockin’ girl bloggers, and nominate them myself. Or award them, to be more precise with my language skills. But here’s the rub…how do I decide, from my many female blogging friends, which ones are rockin’ girl bloggers? How do I say to some, ‘hey, you’re a rockin’ girl blogger’, and not others, who are equally rockin’ in my book? So I’m breaking the rules. No paying this one forward. I suck like that. But you know what? If you are…
Wordless Wednesday II
Happy Father’s Day!
To all the dads out there, but especially to the three best dads I know, Ted (this picture is him the day Maya was born, and I’m thinking by that smile, he’s one happy, happy guy, huh?), Dad (My dad, Maya’s Gramps) and Danny (Ted’s dad, Maya’s Granddad). To all the dads out there, I hope you know how special you are, and how much you are loved by your families.
Separation Anxiety
This is Maya on her first day of preschool…before she realized that Ted and I were leaving… Ms. Mamma and her Snowflake are going through one of the more painful and poignant times in early childhood…first daycare. He’s missing her terribly, crying and sad, and she’s feeling like a horrid mother, guilty and like she’s doing something that will scar him for life. I remember that time all too well with Maya. When she was about 1, we started sending her to her Grandma’s house a couple of days a week, so Ted could work on his dissertation. Maya loved her Grandma (“Ma”), and loved going to her house…and even…