Dogs (mostly)

  • Friday Dog Blogging

    You wouldn’t believe the week I’m having!  Sorry, I forgot to say, “Hi Everyone, this is Genevieve”, but I was distracted by the week I’m having!  It started on Wednesday, which was a very bad day.  First off, I didn’t get any breakfast.  Medium Boss usually feeds me, but I think she forgot or something!  Then when we went for our walk, we stopped at the vet’s office!  I hate that!  Why should we stop there?  Usually when we stop there, whichever boss is with me stays in a little room.  The doctor takes me into another room and tells me what a pretty girl I am, and feels my…

  • Fingers Crossed…

    (You can click here to get a larger version and see more of what I’m talking about.) Gen’s going under the knife today, so keep your fingers crossed that she’ll come out fine, OK? If you look closely at this picture, you can see that she has a growth on her bottom eyelid. We call it her lump of coal, or sometimes, eye boo boo. It’s been there for awhile, but it has gotten progressively larger, to the point where her doctor suggested that we remove it. She said it’s unlikely that it’s harming her eye, but she’s worried that Gen will scratch at it more as it gets larger,…

  • Friday Dog Blogging

    Hi Everyone!  This is Genevieve, and I thought you might like to hear about the stressful week I’ve been having! So my Big Boss got the dopey idea this week that I might enjoy a trip to a very strange place called the ‘dog park’.  Have you heard of these places?  Scary!  What happens is, they take you in, take you off of your leash (how am I to feel secure if I’m not on my leash???  HELLO!), and then try to get you to join a wild pack of dogs that are running around like they might be insane.  What’s to like about that?  So I told him, using…

  • Guest Blogger Today

    Genevieve thought she might help me out with blogging today…the rules say that you have to blog every day during NaBloPoMo, but they don’t say you can’t have your dog blog for you, do they? No, they don’t. Gen has blogged over at Ted’s place before, so she thought she’d throw me a bone and come over here. Hi! I’m Genevive! I’m a baby. I’m 5. No, wait, I’m 12. I’m 2! (J’s note: Gen talks about her age a lot. She’s really 10.) I have three bosses: Big Boss, Medium Boss, and Little Boss. Big Boss is the Biggest, and Little Boss is the smallest, and Medium Boss? Well,…

  • Some goodish news amongst the painful crap…

    There’s been so much pain lately.  Mostly the pain of missing my mom and realizing, yet again, that she’ll never give me a big ol’ hug.  That hurts a lot. Then there’s the job search for Ted, where he finds some really promising leads, jobs that sound like a really good match, but they.just.don’t. call.  Asshats. Then there’s the homeowners crap, which is almost enough to make me wish we lived in a little cabin out in Nebraska somewhere, rather than a condo/townhouse in the Bay Area, because the finances SUCK right now.  Did I mention that Ted’s on the board, so he has to hear about it from everyone? …

  • Thursday Lion Blogging

    Maya just showed me this video, Christian the Lion, and then I went and looked it up online to see if it were real.  It’s real.  I dare you to watch it and not get at least a little choked up.  I full out cried.  Which Maya found totally hilarious,  and proceeded to tell the world via her Neopets chat.  So what, I’m a softy. [youtube][/youtube]

  • Genevieve (Friday Dog Blogging)

    A few weeks ago, I was petting Genevieve’s pretty face, and I noticed that she had a large bump on her jaw. What’s that? I wondered. It didn’t seem to cause her a lot of discomfort, though she did pull her head away from it when I pressed on it. That was a Saturday. Monday, I took her to the vet. The vet wasn’t sure what it was, but was pretty sure there was going to be surgery involved. They still needed to do a biopsy, before surgery, because if the lump is cancerous, they remove much more of the area surrounding the lump, so it is much more invasive.…

  • Friday Dog Blogging

    Samantha 1972 – 1988 Dear Samantha, my sweet doggy love, Thank you, for letting me come into your house and watch as you gave birth to your 13 puppies… for being my ambassador when we moved – I made so many friends while taking you for walks, because they wanted to know about my dog… for jumping over trash cans (upright, even!) when I pretended you were a horse… for letting me dress you up in long frilly dresses… for sleeping in my bed and keeping me company… for defending me from the creepy cable guy that one time… for forgiving me when I treated you badly… when I bit…

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  • Saturday Dog Blogging

    I know, dog blogging is supposed to be on Fridays, but oh well. Sue me. 😉 Maya has requested that I write a blog telling how we got Genevieve. I have mentioned it once before, when we had dog visitors, but here’s the whole story. Back in 2002, we decided we were ready for a dog. Ted and I had both had dogs a lot as children…Ted a series of dogs, his favorite being Chamailie, and me one dog, my beloved Samantha. I had Samantha for 16 years, and when she died, it broke my heart. So I wasn’t ready for a dog for quite awhile. Add to that the…

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