
  • Bloggy Friendships

    There are different relationships in blogging. There are people whose goal it is to get as many comments as they can get (and there’s a hint of that desire in all of us, I suspect), so they go out and leave tons of comments everywhere. They do Wordless Wednesday and Book Reviews and all sorts of things where you leave your link so others can find you, and hopefully leave a comment. There is nothing wrong with this kind of blogging. I’ve participated in Wordless Wednesday and Book Review blogs myself, and really enjoyed it. But for me, that’s not where the lasting relationships, the real online friendships, are born.…

  • What’s new, pussycat?

    (famous black cat image, which I found here) I’m sorry, little blog, for neglecting you so.  It’s not that I don’t care about you, it’s just that I don’t care about you as much as I used to.  Harsh?  Indeed.  And I’ve noticed that many of my friends’ blogs are similarly neglected.  Not sure what to do about it, but one option might be to, perhaps, come visit once in awhile, write here, and make more of an effort to go visit my blog friends.  Sigh. So, aside from pancakes I made weeks ago, what’s new around here? Let’s see… Today is St. Nicholas Day. St. Nicholas was known for…

  • Things I’ve Done…

    (lovely art, titled ‘Regret’, found here) and would like to never do again.  I saw this over at Suebob’s blog, and I thought it was genius.  So here goes…a list of things I’ve done, and would like to NEVER do again.  Warning.  This may get gross. Get a bad perm Vomit in the bathroom of a bar Fall down while pushing my car, which was out of gas, and get dragged (drug?) across the street by said car, finally stopping when my car crashed into another car, and looking up and seeing that the car belonged to a guy in my French class.  Thankfully, his car was a beater, and…

  • Spaghetti Sauce Sandwich

    I was alerted by my blog/Facebook friend, Simon, that this weekend was Sandwich Party #5, which is pretty self-evident. Make a sandwich. Share on your blog. Well, I went to Stockton and took Grandma and Aunt Flo to Sizzler on Saturday, and dined on cheese and crackers on Sunday, so I didn’t get around to making a sandwich for the party until Monday. I thought about trying to do something fancy with arugula and brie or something, but decided to go retro instead. When serving spaghetti, some people mix the noodles together with the sauce in one big serving bowl, while others serve the noodles plain, and top them individually…

  • Cleaning House

    (graphic found here) I’ve been cleaning up the old blog a bit lately. Still need to find a few missing friends for my blogroll, I think. Interesting to me to look at it, and see how few of these people actually come here and comment anymore. I don’t know if they’re too busy to comment, but still read, or if they don’t read my blog anymore, or if they read me on a reader, or what. I thought of taking a few off for that reason, figuring that blogging is sort of a reciprocal thing, a community. Then I thought, no, I’m not in it for comments, I’m in it…

  • Google Reader

    Any readers who access my blog via Google Reader have surely noticed an abundance of prescription drug ads in my posts lately.  It appears my blog was hacked.  Joan told me about it over a week ago, and I looked around but the power was out that day and it seemed like a Google issue, so I forgot about it.  Then today, Michelle emailed me about it, and I thought, hmmm, maybe I should look into this some more.  So I searched around about WordPress/Goodle Reader issues, and found a page with some solutions, but they were above my technical ability to execute…so I asked Ted’s friend, Rahul, and he…

  • Help?

    Hi All, I don’t use a reader, I’m old school and click the blogs I want to read from my sidebar.  One of my bloggy friends, Joan, told me that my blog is coming up in Google reader with a bunch of pharmaceutical drugs next to it.  Once she clicks the link to my blog, all is well… Has anyone else had this issue?  Any idea of how to fix it?  I’m on WordPress, but hosted on our own domain.  I updated to the newest version, but it made things kinda wonky, so I reverted back to my old version of WordPress. Help?  Anyone? UPDATE: It looks like this is…

  • The Other End (Of the Telescope)

    Where does our responsibility as bloggers sit, with regards to one another?  Is it enough to be polite, to not insult or slam those whose blogs we visit?  Should we be honest above all else?  If a blogger that we like starts another venture, be it an online magazine or an etsy shop, or a real, brick and mortar store, should we support them in their endeavors, with clicks or cash or both?  Are we obliged to support them by putting a link to their other endeavors on our sidebar, if that will help them?  Does it depend on how well we feel we know them?  On if we feel…

  • Being a Mom

    KarenMEG over at A Day in the Life was tagged for this meme, which got me thinking. It was started by Her Bad Mother, who wants to know about 5 things you love about being a mom, at the same time acknowledging that it’s not all buttercups and milkshakes. That many of us feel ambivalent about the day to day frustrations in parenting, while at the same time deeply understanding the gifts that it bestows upon us. Like KarenMEG, and I suspect many parents, I am much more interested in my own child than in yours. Sorry, it’s just true. I wasn’t really interested in kids before I had Maya,…

  • Most Awesomely Yummy Cookies

    Imagine my surprise when I came home yesterday to find a box of yummy cookie goodness on my doorstep!  I opened it up and found a delicious package of cookies and a sweet note from my pdx bloggy pal, BMC, aka Bite My Cookie.  Maya was generous enough to model for me, both the anticipation of pre-bite into some chocolate chip gooey heaven, but also an action shot of an actual bite.  Notice the very cute new top she bought herself with a gift card from Auntie Janet, as well as the fierce pink streak in her stylish new hairdo! The cookies were pretty big, and mighty rich and buttery,…

  • Awards, lists, and plans

    C from Random Thoughts and Musings from the Island gave me this cheery little award a few weeks ago, and it’s about time I got around to passing it on.  I’ll admit that I wonder if perhaps it mutated somewhere along the way, because it’s a Kreativ Blogger award, but it doesn’t ask you to choose creative people, or talk about 6 ways you enjoy being creative, or anything like that.  Hmmm.  But it’s a fun award, and the perfect way to start out the weekend, so I’ll bite. The rules are that the recipient is to list six things that make him/her happy before subsequently passing forward the glee…

  • Pardon The Mess…

    My blog has been acting weird lately, and we suspect that the template that I’ve been using isn’t completely compatible with the newest version of WordPress.  Every few days, I get completely locked out of my blog.  And then Ted has to go in and fix it, because I haven’t asked him to show me how to do it myself.  I was locked out on Thursday or Friday, and vowed to get to it over the weekend. But I spent my weekend bike shopping, reading, watching BSG, watching the Super Bowl, gathering tax information together, putting together girl scout cookie orders, grocery shopping, reading some more, watching Big Love, and…

  • Blog Comment Day ~ Results

    (monkeys found here) Yesterday was Blog Comment Day, and the assignment was to leave at least 5 comments throughout your blogging day (I always do anyway), and that two of these comments should be to blogs where you have never commented before.  Rather than doing a random ‘next blog’ type thing, I decided to mine the blogrolls of some bloggy friends.  I popped over to Red Stapler, and picked two blogs from her blogroll with tantalizing names. I visited Godammit, I’m Mad!, and commiserated with her frustration at people feeling pretty high and mighty about buying the Starbucks coffee that donated $.05 to AIDS relief on December first. I also…

  • Thankful

    My plan for today’s blog was to make a Thursday 13, and list 13 things for which I am thankful.  Family, friends, our health, having a job, good elections, etc. etc. As so often happens, though, life got in the way.  Let me tell you what happened. Ted and I use WordPress to maintain our blogs.  Ted’s really good about updating his blog to the most current version of WordPress, but often the update comes with a small hand full of problems.  There will be something new that he has to tweak, and it takes time, and blah blah blah.  Me?  I’m more the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix…

  • Head Cold Randomness

    (picture found here) Stupid head cold.  Came in and decided to stay a little while.  With it here, I’m having trouble thinking of things to write about.  So too bad for you, this is all you get. I finished another book, but haven’t taken the time to write about it yet.  Maybe next week. I didn’t watch “No Country For Old Men” yesterday, because we couldn’t find it on our OnDemand.  Guess we missed that boat. I’m behind at work, because of being sick, so now I have to get caught up. I only have one book left to read of my 2008 challenges, “The Pillars of the Earth”.  I’ve…