Perfect Post Award
I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon and award a perfect post. My mom received a perfect post award last month, which was pretty impressive considering how new she is to this whole bloggy world, but not at all surprising when I consider her heart, warmth, and damned-smartness. The other place I’ve seen these awarded is over at Mom101, who is one of my biggest blog crushes. Love her. Her site is where I first heard of the concept, which originates with Mama K, the queen of Petroville. The problem of course is, how to pick one perfect post out of so many wonderful submissions? Every day I go and…
Happy (Belated) Birthday, Sesame Street
I have a couple of Portland related posts in mind…one is about the yummy and not-so-yummy restaurants we went to, one about books I read or bought there…one about the beautiful world of Forest Park. But I had to stop and do this, because Issa and Mom-101 did it several days ago, and it will soon be too late to jump on the bandwagon. Stupid vacation. So, this started on Mrs. Davis’s blog, where she talked about popular culture influences you had as a child, due to the new season of Sesame Street starting on August 14th. She gave out a bunch of linky love on the 14th, but I…
Convoluted Vacation Wrap Up
Hello Bloggy Blog Blog Blog, I’ve missed you so. I’ve posted, sure, but it’s not the same as actually writing something NEW, and I haven’t been reading my friends’ blogs, and I haven’t been commenting, and boy, I have a LOT of catching up to do. Let me start by saying, I’m still Biff, because I’m thinking…One Week Ago Right Now…I was getting ready to go to Seattle…on vacation. Sigh. So, today I’ll tell you what we did on our vacation to the Pacific Northwest. (Mostly Portland.) We left home and drove to Ashland, where we hoped to see a play, but we got a bit of a late start,…
That Seems About Right to Me…
You Are 64% Open Minded You are a very open minded person, but you’re also well grounded. Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints. But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line. You’re open to considering every possibility – but in the end, you stand true to yourself. How Open Minded Are You?
25 Peeps
Does anyone know anything about ’25 Peeps’? It’s this site that is used to promote your blog, and you can also use it to find other people’s blogs. I found out about it at Sprigs, and thought, well, that might be fun, so I put my picture & blog in for submission. That’s me up there, at the Sacre Coeur, on my honeymoon back in 1993, and the glamerous looking woman is Sprigs. 🙂 So, with 25 Peeps, if people come to my blog and click the picture there, it gives me points, which keeps me on 25 Peeps. Then, since my picture (and link to my blog) are on…
Fast Five Friday
Between terrorist plots, trying to get work all settled for while we’re gone, and a million really boring details about laundry and so on before we go on vacation, my mind is braindead for some deep post. Perfect time for a quick, fun, breezy meme type thing. I got this from Mom Maam Me, and I guess she’s done a couple of them in the past. 🙂 Thought I’d copy her, just for fun. Feel free to do a Fast Five Friday if you wish. I was trying to decide which Fast Five to do, but I like them both, so I’m doing both. Then I added my own. Guess…
Double Thursday Thirteen (Thursday 26?)
I was thinking the other day of things I would like to do if I had more money. Then I thought, that would be a good Thursday 13! So I daydreamed a bit, and started feeling kind of spoiled and selfish, and that I lead a pretty good life….so I thought of days when I had much less, and I decided to do a SECOND Thursday 13 of things I would do if I had less money. OK, so that’s TWO Thursday 13s. I considered using one this week, and saving one for next week, but next week, I’m on vacation (I know, Biff again) and I don’t know if…
They’re Tempting Me…
We’re going on vacation in a few days, and this means…no blogging. We don’t have a laptop, and unless we decide to beg use of my dad’s computer (which isn’t beyond the realm of possiblity, but might be seen as sort of rude…) or we shell out $$$ at an internet cafe (also not beyond any possibility realms, I hate to admit…), we’re going to be incommunicado with the bloggy-verse. Which is just horrid to me. Here I was, minding my own business, and then I fell in love with blogging…sigh. And, just to taunt me, my spam mailbox is full, FULL of offers like this one, test drive a…
How To Be Annoying….
Back in my sordid days as a front desk clerk at a fancy hotel in SF, (OK, they weren’t really sordid…I just say that to give myself street cred) I had a VERY annoying coworker whom I shall call Biff, because, well, his name was Biff. Really, his name was Jason, but he went by Biff. Why anyone with a perfectly good name like Jason would go by Biff is beyond me. Maybe there were too many Jasons in the family, and that was his family’s way of telling them all apart. Maybe they read too much Superman. (Wasn’t there a character named Biff in the Superman comics?) Anyway, in…
Post Waste
If you’re going to let your beautiful 16 year old daughter, who for some reason only LOOKS 10, get married…you may want to make sure you meet the groom before the big day. Otherwise, he may turn out to be only 6, and you’ve spent all of this money on something really weird and creepy. That’s what I learned from my dream this morning. Hope it helps you out in YOUR real life situations. Actually, no, I hope you NEVER need this advice. 😉
Sometimes I Read My Spam…
And I get gems like this, which kind of makes me wonder if this is a frustrated writer, making a living finding ways to get past spam filters so the stupid stock they are trying to get me to buy or whatever since I never actually GO to the sites, so maybe it’s something else entirely…anyway, some of this stuff is so bad it’s good, and here’s one damn fine example of that. Taken directly from a spam to my work email account, and only edited to remove the stock info. but I could go with you. He held onto one thought – she was going to lift him into…
A Few Tings
(I say tings because I’m trying to affect a Guyanese accent…) 1st. My mom (aka, Maya’s Granny) wrote a post yesterday that really gave me a peek into growing up in the 50s, being a girl. I would say that this is her best writing so far…good stuff, and definitely worth the time. Check it out. And now that I mention it, today’s post isn’t shabby either…I wrote a quick post back in March about Feminism, and she gives it a more thorough treatment today. She’s on a roll. 😉 2nd. I’m guest blogging over at Birth Stories. My fellow ‘J’ blogger, Black Belt Mama started a new blog, and…
Guest Blogging!
Hey Everyone, Py Korry (aka, Ted) has invited me to make a mix of six songs on his site! I pick the songs, according to his rules, then he mixes them and puts them online for your enjoyment. Check it out, and let us know what you think. Weekend fun!
Friday Cat Blogging
This is Acidophilus, Ted’s cat. But this is pretty much the only view we ever got of her, because she was a feral cat. Ted, for those of you who don’t know us personally, is VERY allergic to cats. VERY. His eyes puff up like a boxer who has been hit in the face 3 too many times, his throat constricts, and asthma kicks in. And that’s from being in a room where a cat has been. I’ve never seen him actually have to deal with a real live cat. So, back when he lived on Fell St. in San Francisco, he lived on the 2nd (or was it 3rd?)…
Thirteen Grammar Pet Peeves
Here is where I make everyone think I’m a big grammar snob. I don’t THINK I am, but maybe I’m wrong. I’m a horrible speller (though I promise to TRY to run spell check before publishing my posts from now on!), and I do not claim to have perfect grammar. I loves me a split infinitive from time to time, but it drives me crazy to read (or hear) certain mistakes over and over again. It’s careless, and I think people should take a little bit of care when they’re trying to communicate. Otherwise it distracts them from your meaning, and you’re not communicating well. Here are the ones that…