
  • I’m either in denial, or I’m the most boring person EVER…

    You Are 14% Borderline Your personality isn’t borderline anything. You’re happy, stable, content, together… ever consider being a therapist? Do You Have a Borderline Personality? I saw this over at Wendy’s blog, and thought I would play. Am I kidding myself, or am I really that well adjusted? And if I am that adjusted, why aren’t I more successful in my life? And really, what is successful anyway? How would I measure that? Why am I here? Why do I take these tests? What was I thinking? Clearly, I’m kidding myself.

  • Thirteen Memes…

    I was recently tagged for two memes that I’ve already done, and I don’t think I could go through with doing them again, as much as I do love me a good meme. So, I thought, why not milk this for a Thursday Thirteen, another type of meme….I mean, really, why not. So, here you go, Thirteen Memes I’ve completed. Wendy and Curiosity Killer, the first two are the ones you tagged me for: Five Things You May Not Know About Me – Okay, Wendy, yours was 6 things, so here’s one more: I confess so much to you people, that there is nothing left to put here. That’s something…

  • Goodbye

    Goodbye to those I loved, lost one sad spring… My Granddad, whom I never had the chance to meet… My dog, whom I cherished… My Grandpa, who spoiled me and who I loved utterly… Spring of ’88, a time of falling in love, while at the same time, saying goodbye, so sadly, over and over again. This is my attempt at the Sunday Scribblings challenge.

  • Testing a Theory Here…

    If I have nothing to say, nothing to share on my bloggy blog today, no secrets or stories or even a meme or a recipe, will the world end? If Saturday fails to arrive, you know who to blame.

  • What’s With All of the Stupid Spam?

    Just looking at my spam filter, and it caught 355 spam comments.  Since YESTERDAY, when there were over 200.  That’s friggin INSANE.  I don’t know how they found me or whatever, but it’s bad.  I have a few ideas of what posts attracted them, but I don’t want to mention them, for fear of attracting even MORE.  I’ll give you a hint.  Nothing that interesting, just something about managing p*a*i*n in the noggin.  I get a lot of spam now for pharmaceuticals.  Ugh.

  • Blog For Choice Day

    Today is the second annual Blog For Choice Day.  I participated last year as well, and I’ve been trying to think of what I could say that would be any different than what I said then.  When I clicked the link from Brilliant at Breakfast to go over to the hosting website for Blog For Choice Day, it said the topic is: Why You’re Pro Choice. So…why am I pro choice…I don’t want to be glib here.  I want to be thoughtful, and give meaningful answers, so that those who disagree with me may understand my point of view, those who agree with me may understand my point of view,…

  • Measuring Success

    I’ve been thinking about goals lately. I’m the kind of person who works well with goals, as long as they are easily identifiable and quantifiable, and also fairly attainable. In the morning when I wake up, I start making a mental list, a list of things that I need to get done. Then I compartmentalize them into blocks of time – get up, brush teeth, check email, read a few blogs. Check work email, answer any that are pressing. Shower, get dressed. Wake Maya, dry my hair, make the bed, feed the dog, make Maya’s lunch, make breakfast, get out the door by 7:30, walk dog while taking Maya to…

  • 10 Things I Love That Begin With The Letter “M”….and 10 that I don’t…

    Lotus was assigned “B” by Heather, and then Lotus assigned me the letter “M”. So, here we go, Ten Things I Love That Begin With “M”. And, because my brain just works this way, 10 things that I don’t love, that also start with an “M”. Maya – Of course, she’s my baby, and my very favorite “M” of all. Mondays – Duh. Marriage – Of course, it helps that I married Py. If I had a crappy marriage, this wouldn’t make it on my list. But happily, it’s there. Muscrat Love – Duh again. Moms – I’m a mom, and it’s the greatest thing ever. My mom is a…

  • My Pretty New Header…

    Back when I switched over to WordPress from Blogger, I took a long time picking out my template, wanting one that was pretty, and that fit the mood of my blog, etc. The one I picked was very nice, and the header that came with it has some pictures of nature. I like nature, so OK, I’m in. (I still have that header up for a little while, here.) But then Ted said, you should have a custom header. Well, I had always wanted a custom header, but I have no software, no artistic ability, etc., so I said to myself, whatever. Ted’s buddy, Jefito, he of the music blog,…

  • 5 Things You May Not Know About Me

    One of the blogs I love to read, and I almost passed out once when she commmented on my blog, because, wow, you know, I got a comment from RSM, is Rockstar Mommy. I’m not sure we have a lot in common, other than that we’re both moms, and we’re both blonde (wink wink), and we’re both Capricorns, but I love her writing style (I’m a sucker for proper grammar, and a sense of humor to boot!  And she’s only 25! Or 26! She just had a birthday, but I don’t remember the age…she’s young, anyway), and she has very cute kids and very great taste in music. Heck, I…

  • Favorite Holiday Songs

    I like Christmas music ok, but not when it’s played all day, every day, on the radio. Ugh. And I like a Hanukkah song or two, which is why I titled this, Favorite Holiday Songs, and not Favorite Christmas songs, though, really, they’re mostly Christmas songs. Sorry. And, even though I was raised atheist, and don’t really go in for Christmas being that much about Jesus, kinda think it’s more about pagans and the winter solstice, and it was coopted by the Catholic Church early on while trying to convert said pagans, blah blah blah, etc. etc., there is truly something so wonderful and hopeful about the more religious songs,…

  • I’m Starting to Hate Blogger…

    When I joined this bloggy world, just over a year ago, I quickly became addicted.  Now, I’m not a snob when it comes to techie things.  Blogger was free, and it was the service my friends had chosen, so I just joined right in.  And it worked OK.  Sure, there were issues…times when I would be unable to post a picture via the linky way, but that’s OK, I know enough HTML that I could add a picture anyway.  The visual verification pretty much sucks the life out of a person, so I put my comments on Haloscan.  There were the unintended outages, and the posts so carefully written that…

  • Wish They All Could Be…

    What American accent do you have?     Your Result: The West Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you’re a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta. The Midland Boston North Central The Inland North Philadelphia The South The Northeast What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz I tried to make the text more readable, and only made it smaller…so here we go, I’ll paste it here, in case you’re wondering what the…