
  • Dear Me…

    The idea for this post comes from Miscellanous Mum, and I’m very sorry to say that I’m not positive where I first saw it. (Edited to add, I believe I first saw this on Ginger’s blog, Stuck On Survive. Thanks, Ginger!)  It’s a nice idea, though…you write a letter to yourself, the you from the past, and post it for the world to see.  I’ve been thinking about this for awhile, trying to decide which me needs my help the most. 😉  I’m going to go for 1987 me, I think. Dear 1987 J, Welcome to San Francisco, to the city you’ve always loved, the place you’ve always wanted to…

  • 5 Things To Do In San Francisco

    (This picture is from 2001, when we got snow in the hills….though sadly not outside my house or anything handy…but just so you know, the hills are not usually white…they’re green, or brown, but not usually white…) Flitting about the internets, I found myself at hamelife, where I saw this contest. Hmmm. A list of 5 things, huh? Any 5 things I want? OK. Some folks I know are coming to San Francisco in the semi-near future, so, in their honor, Five Things To Do In The City….and since they’re only in SF for a short time, I’m going to plan it like they are doing all 5 things in…

  • Real Moms teach by example…

    Have you noticed, when you get to know people, how sooner or later, your story comes out? Unless you’re hiding it, and sometimes, even if you are. But assuming you’re not hiding anything, your story explains to people who you are, how you got to be this person that they are talking to, how you grew and developed, what your strengths and scars are… Part of my story isn’t really mine, it’s about my parents. I’ve told it before, but the short version is that my mother wasn’t married to my father…or my brother’s father, and they weren’t the same man. My mother was divorcing her first husband when I…

  • Friday Foolishness

    You Are Bold And Brave But daring? Not usually? You tend to like to make calculated risks. So while you may not be base jumping any time soon… You are up for whatever’s new and (a little) exciting! How Daring Are You?

  • Food Meme

    I’ve been tagged by Ms. Mama, and since I do love food, I’m in. 🙂 1. What’s your #1 comfort food? Um…maybe mac and cheese? 2. If you were on a deserted island, what one food would you want to have with you? Pasta with veggies. 3. What is/are your signature dishes? (What dishes are you ‘known’ for?) I don’t know if I’m ‘known for’ any dishes, but I’ve passed on my recipe (well, Greens recipe) for Black Bean Enchiladas, and I have gotten a few folks hooked on my version of my favorite pasta at California Pizza Kitchen. I love that dish. We eat it a lot. Probably a…

  • I’m Blue…but not sad…

    Your Brain is Blue Of all the brain types, yours is the most mellow. You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don’t try to think away your troubles. Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life. What Color Is Your Brain? OK, maybe I’ll come up with something of my own later…but I didn’t write anything yesterday for today’s post, and now I just finished exercising, and have to jump in the shower, wake up Maya, get her to school,…

  • Thirteen Reasons my Daughter is Cute…

      I keep a little journal for Maya, and in it, I’ve been writing off and on since she was little…memories of times we have together, updates, cute things, etc.  I looked at it the other night and I realized it’s been a LONG time since I wrote in it.  Like maybe a couple of years, except without the maybe.  I was looking back, and I found some very cute things that Maya said or did when she was very small…she still says and does very cute things, but since she’s older now, she might not appreciate me sharing them now. 🙂 So, 13 cute things Maya said or did when she…

  • Sunday Funnies

    One for Miss Cherry, because she gave Maya her vintage “My Pretty Pony” collection, so I thought she might have a laugh at this: [youtube]NEZ5kNZf-7I[/youtube] And one for Autumn’s Mom, and maybe LD as well, because of their Coach addiction: Click the comic to see it larger…

  • I’m either in denial, or I’m the most boring person EVER…

    You Are 14% Borderline Your personality isn’t borderline anything. You’re happy, stable, content, together… ever consider being a therapist? Do You Have a Borderline Personality? I saw this over at Wendy’s blog, and thought I would play. Am I kidding myself, or am I really that well adjusted? And if I am that adjusted, why aren’t I more successful in my life? And really, what is successful anyway? How would I measure that? Why am I here? Why do I take these tests? What was I thinking? Clearly, I’m kidding myself.

  • Thirteen Memes…

    I was recently tagged for two memes that I’ve already done, and I don’t think I could go through with doing them again, as much as I do love me a good meme. So, I thought, why not milk this for a Thursday Thirteen, another type of meme….I mean, really, why not. So, here you go, Thirteen Memes I’ve completed. Wendy and Curiosity Killer, the first two are the ones you tagged me for: Five Things You May Not Know About Me – Okay, Wendy, yours was 6 things, so here’s one more: I confess so much to you people, that there is nothing left to put here. That’s something…