C is for COVID (Wordless Wednesday)

(Ruining the ‘wordless’ part, but results were thankfully negative)


  • nance

    I’m assuming the test was for you. I’m glad it was negative, but I’m sorry you had to take one. Yikes! Jared had to take one recently as well. His boss was exposed through his little son, who caught it at school. It’s really becoming more common now among kids, and they’re bringing it home. I’m hoping parents will vaccinate their children.

    So, is it sinusitis, a bad cold…? Feel better soon!

    • J

      Nance, I feel fine. Maya was exposed at work, so she took the test. Thanks for the support, though!

      I have a couple of coworkers who have had breakthrough infections due to kids bringing it home from school. It’s a real problem.