• Back in Stockton

    Last week I was able to serve as an ‘emotional support cousin’, helping my cousin Carey to try to figure out the situation with her late father’s ex-wife’s final wishes. Confusing? Maybe. My uncle was married 3 times, first to Carey’s mom, then to K, and lastly to C, his widow. K never had children of her own, nor did her late husband B. She said that her plans were to leave her estate (such as it is) to her step-daughters (Carey and her sister), and B’s step-daughter. K passed away suddenly last month, and as is too often the case, a will and/or trust could not be found. I…

  • Action is the Antidote to Anxiety

    I saw a meme the other day that was 20 things you wish you had heard before, and the first item was this: “Action is the Antidote to Anxiety”. This is definitely true for me, and I think it’s a lot more helpful for my mental health to write postcards, attend rallies and demonstrations, exercise, and listen to music, than it is to doom scroll or listen to the news all day. So that’s what I’ve been doing. I wrote a lot (for me, I know some do more) of postcards to voters this week, for elections in Florida and Wisconsin. There were 2 protests this week in my town,…

  • Miscellaneous Monday

    This is my favorite thing that Maya has shoved in my face and made me watch recently. We had a good laugh. It starts with ‘my mom with the cat she didn’t want’, and we agreed, that’s Ted with Mulder. If you enjoyed this video, watch the next one, where mom makes kitty a beautiful dress and sings to her. Friday I slept until 7:15!!! I rarely am able to sleep that late, and it was DELICIOUS. I felt so well rested. I had a relaxing day, which included using a reverse vending machine to recycle some cans for CRV (California Redemption Value), which was kind of novel but a…

  • Friday Randomness

    Apropos of Elisabeth’s FIG challenge, where we looked for moments of joy in the (very stressful, dark, and for many of us, cold) month of February, the other day I heard a piece on NPR about searching out ‘glimmers’. The author being interviewed said that searching for glimmers is not the same as toxic positivity. “They’re not so that you forget the challenges or look away from the suffering,” she says. “But what they do is they build capacity in your brain and body to be anchored enough in safety and connection so that you can turn toward the suffering and the challenges and not be pulled into them, not…

  • Friday Randomness

    This week has felt pretty blah. I’ve felt pissy and grumpy, which is ridiculous because the weather has been truly lovely here (sorry to those of you still in the depth of winter). But it’s also not at all ridiculous, because there’s just so much bullshit going on, and it’s wearing on me. I don’t want to ‘fake it till you make it’, I don’t want to let the motherfuckers steal my joy, but I do want to stay engaged and find comfort in my family, and in making what difference I can. Engie had a great post yesterday, about how she’s feeling like crap and stressed out and how…

  • Spotted Photos Challenge – Pairs

    Almost a Wordless Wednesday, here is my submission for iHanna’s Spotted Photos Challenge. The idea is to look through the photos on your phone/iPad/computer and post the ones that match that month’s theme. The February theme is Pairs, so here is Mulder in a (smeary) pair of glasses. He was preparing for an important presentation on macroeconomics that day. He crushed it, obviously.

  • Friday Randomness

    I’ve long done Friday Randomness posts, and Elisabeth’s FIG Collective fits in so well, so here are my Random Thoughts/Figs for the week. Saturday – Time spent with friends. Ted’s BFF and his family moved away about 2 years ago, and I know that Ted misses him a lot. They were in the area for his MIL’s funeral. So it was a very sad occasion, but it was really nice to see them and spend some time together. After we came home, Ted was hungry, I was peckish, and Maya was not. So Ted and I walked over to a nearby hotel (which has a spa and is where I…

  • Flow

    Last night we watched a charming animated film, Flow via our HBO/Max app. Flow is the story of a cat who survives a cataclysmic flood in a world that is devoid of humans. There are traces of humans – a house, statues, sketches, boats, temples…but nothing very modern, no real idea of what has happened and where the people have gone. Where the people have gone is not important, nor is the reason for the sudden flood. The story is told from the cat’s point of view, and the cat does not know the cause of the flood. Flow is different than most animated films. There are no human voices,…

  • Same as it Ever Was

    Same as it Ever Was ~ Claire Lombardo Julia Ames is the 57 year old mother of two. Ben, her 24 year old son, is planning his wedding. Alma, her daughter, is getting ready to graduate from High School and is worried about college admissions. Her husband, Mark, is loving and attentive. Julia isn’t quite sure why she isn’t happier, why she can’t ever quite accept that life is good. At the grocery store one day, Julia runs into Helen, an elderly woman she was close to 20 years earlier, bringing back memories of their time as friends, and how her friendship with Helen brought about events that shook her…

  • Friday Randomness

    Today’s randomness post is mostly my contribution to Elisabeth’s FIG Collective, finding joy and gratitude wherever I can. The world is a lot right now, and I’m finding this exercise really helpful. Saturday – We had a nice day on Saturday, Maya went and had brunch with a friend, and Ted and I went to see his parents, and then we had dinner with some dear friends. They were in a horrible car accident several months ago, one that could have easily been fatal (but thankfully was not) – The wife is still healing, but is getting better all of the time. That’s a relief. Sunday – We blew off…

  • Mobility

    Mobility ~ Lydia Kiesling The year is 1998, the End of History. The Soviet Union is dissolved, the Cold War is over, and Bunny Glenn is an American teenager in Azerbaijan with her Foreign Service family. Through Bunny’s eyes we watch global interests flock to the former Soviet Union during the rush for Caspian oil and pipeline access, hear rumbles of the expansion of the American security state and the buildup to the War on Terror. We follow Bunny from adolescence to middle age—from Azerbaijan to America—as the entwined idols of capitalism and ambition lead her to a career in the oil industry, and eventually back to the scene of…

  • Supporting Girl Scouts

    I was thinking about this troop this morning, of Girl Scouts in the New York City shelter system. Maya was a Girl Scout for 10 years, and made wonderful friends, gained confidence, volunteered a ton, and learned valuable skills. Personally I will be happy if I never eat another GS cookie in my life, but when I see scouts selling in front of the grocery store, if I have any cash I will often donate to their troop. I don’t remember how much the troop keeps from the sale of each box, but just giving them $5 is like selling 10 boxes or something. Anyway, I learned about this troop…

  • Friday Randomness

    The cartoon above is one I have shared before, first in the summer of 2020 I think, but boy oh boy does it resonate now. HOW ARE WE HERE AGAIN? Onward. This is the first full week of Elisabeth’s FIG Collective, and I’ve been enjoying keeping track of little joys in my life. Appreciated in the best of times, much needed right now. SaturdayWicked – Ted is a member of SAG/Aftra, left over from his days working in radio, and he gets screeners of the films that are nominated for SAG awards. Saturday’s mail included a DVD for Wicked, which we hadn’t bothered to go see in the theater, but…

  • Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers

    Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers ~ Jesse Sutanto Thank you to those of you who suggested this book. I’m not really into the murder mystery genre, though when I read them I seem to enjoy them, so maybe I am into the murder mystery genre? Maybe I need to read some Agatha Christie books, my mom sure loved the hell out of them. Anyway, I loved Vera, though there are so many descriptions of her as being elderly and old, and she’s (ahem) 60. I mean, I guess when I was younger, 60 seemed pretty old to me, and my mom died at 66, and it’s close to retirement…

  • Friday Randomness

    Elisabeth is encouraging interested souls to write down one thing for which they are grateful every day in February, and is calling this group of interested souls the F.I.G. Collective (FIG = Finding joy In Gratitude) In her comments, Engie said she’s in, but instead of waiting until February, she’s starting NOW. I feel like we could all use a little joy and gratitude, so I’m diving in early too. I started this post on Monday, so I could keep track. Monday – I’m thankful that Monday is Maya’s turn to cook, and that Ted made enough delicious food for dinner on Sunday that we had leftovers, which meant I…