As Promised…

Here are some pictures of Maya and the ducklings. We live too far from her school to walk the whole way, but we park at a library about a mile from the school and walk. We bring the dog, so she gets her exercise in as well. One stretch of the walk is on a bike trail, and there is a little canal running through it. There are often ducks in the canal, and we’ve been waiting for ducklings since September. Well, we saw them a few weeks ago, but only this week did we remember to bring some bread to feed them. And today I actually remembered the camera. Of course, the batteries in the flipping thing were going out, so I barely eeked out any pics, and none that show Maya’s face. Maybe we’ll try again on Monday. Here’s what we got, anyway.  (The pics all died on the way over to the new site.  If you want to see them, they’re still on blogger.  Try here.)

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