Another Meme Monday

Part two of the meme I found at Daughter of Opinion awhile ago.  Part one was last week.

Five People Who Mean a Lot

1.  Ted
2. Maya
3. Grandma
4. Parents (Cheating…I know)
5. Siblings (I know, I cheated, but I have three!)

Four Things I’m Wearing Right Now

1. Wedding rings
2. Wedding bangles
3. Comfy Slippers
4. Sweater

Three Songs I Listen to a Lot

1. London Still ~ The Waifs.
2. Breathe (2AM) ~ Anna Nalick
3. Rocky Raccoon ~ The Beatles

Two Things I Want to Do Before I Die

1. Travel to Europe again
2. Hold my grandchild in my arms

One Confession

1.  My first election, I voted Libertarian.  It was 1984.


Tonight, dinner with my dear friend Neva.  Yay!  That usually includes a lot of talking, some food and drink, a bit of shopping, and lots of laughs.