A Good Day’s Work…
We put up the tree the other night…I love our fake little tree, though I wish we had a bigger living room, so it wouldn’t have to be smashed between the chair and the TV like that. But it’s a cozy little tree. 🙂 I bought about half of the ornaments all at once, when I first moved out on my own, and wanted a tree in my San Francisco flat. The other half have been bought or given to us since then. I’m a Donald fan, so there are several Donald Ducks, and lots of other cute ones, but one of my favorites is this one, that I brought back for Ted from a business trip to Minnesota a few years ago…

Ignore the really fake looking needles…isn’t that deer the coolest? Don’t you think he’s tired of being shot at, and decided, “Hell, turnabout is fair play, I’m gonna get me some corn-fed humans…” That’s what I like to imagine him saying, anyway. 🙂 Happy Friday!
Our tree is very similar in size & shape. You can’t imagine the hooplah from certain family members because we decided to go artificial. Anyhooo….the deer ornament is GREAT. I think I like that just as much as I enjoy the ad campaigns for Chik-fil-A. You know, the ones with the cows painting on the billboards & all. Anyway…..I like the ornament 😉
Beautiful tree!
Py Korry
At least with our tree, we don’t have to worry about it drying out. 🙂
I just LOVE your tree, J, especially the wonderful decorations! The deer is probably one of the more unique ones I’ve seen – he’s real cute! 🙂 We have an artificial tree, too. Like Py Korry said, there’s no worry about it drying out and nor do we have to worry about the shedding needles although the new Fraser trees don’t seem to have that problem.
I like your tree!
I like Donald, too! My most favorite keychain used to be this little Donald figurine. I carried it around for at least ten years and finally he went kaput. They don’t make that kind anymore, so I had to settle for a flat brass version. It’s so not the same.
I think your tree is great! That ornament is awesome. You know what would be funny, if he was on my tree next to our Remington Hunter with his shotgun. They could shoot it out!
Pony Storm
While other boys had their noses buried in Superman, Batman, the masked marvel, etc., my “superhero” was Donald Duck. Some of the best literature I’ve ever encountered was in the pages of Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories and Uncle Scrooge.
Even today when in a crisis I ask myself “WWDDD?”
(What would Donald Duck do?)
Your tree looks fabulous!
“Hell, turnabout is fair play, I’m gonna get me some corn-fed humans…â€
And we are quite corn-fed aren’t we?
J, you are a hoot!
Maya's Granny
I once saw a bumper sticker that said, “Defend the right to arm bears.”
Love it!!! And cracking UP at that ornament!
Beautiful tree, and I LOVE that Deer ornament! We have a fake tree. It’s so much easier than having a real one (drying out and mess, plus hauling it out after the holidays!)
i think i may have seen that gun-toting deer in the woods behind our house…
ann adams
I bought one real tree after I moved here and was terrified the entire time it was in the house.
Fake for sure but none of my ornaments compare to that deer.
I love your tree!!! I’m especially fond of the deer ornament! Live trees are over rated…they dry out and cause fires. Fake trees rock 🙂
Beautiful tree. Nice decorations. Gee I saw it in person, lucky me..
Is that deer wearing tighty-whities?