• Babysitting Theo

    This is Theo, a Keeshond that we babysat over the weekend. He is a foster dog at the rescue where we got both Mulder and Genevieve, Bay Area Keeshonden Rescue (BARK). His foster dad was going out of town for the weekend, and the rescue knew how much we have been missing Mulder, so they asked if we might want to babysit Theo. Theo is 18 months old, and has moved a few times. He came to Northern California from New York, and apparently his most recent family had two other dogs that didn’t adjust to him, so they had to give him up. He’s a very sweet boy, though…

  • Testing a Theory Here…

    If I have nothing to say, nothing to share on my bloggy blog today, no secrets or stories or even a meme or a recipe, will the world end? If Saturday fails to arrive, you know who to blame.

  • Friday Randomness

    What’s new pussycat? Around here, it’s gotten hot again, though thankfully only for a few days, and never over 100 degrees. Today is the beginning of a cool down. One nice thing about September heat waves as opposed to July or early August heat waves, is that the sun goes down a little earlier, so the full heat of the sun isn’t beating on our house for as long. It’s the little things in life, right? I kept seeing this ad on Facebook. It’s for a t-shirt company. My thought? Hannah’s an actor! (Hannah is Engie’s dog) Do you see a resemblance? Here are some gross things. We recently had…

  • The Neapolitan Novels

    Is it pretentious that I chose the Italian covers for these novels? Maybe. Anyway, it’s time to talk about the Neapolitan Novels, by Elena Ferrante. Many of us read the first book in the series, My Brilliant Friend, for Engie’s Cool Bloggers Book Club in February. Some of us adored it, some tolerated it, some wished they had taken that time to deep clean their bathtub. I’m in the adored it category, so I went on and read the other three books in the series, The Story of a New Name, Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay, and The Story of the Lost Child. I also listened to them…

  • Miscellaneous Monday

    First off, look at my beautiful Mother’s Day breakfast. We usually get danish for Mother’s Day, a tradition born when Maya was little and Ted worked early (before the sun came up) on Sundays, so this was something that he could put together before he left. She’s old enough to make me anything I might want now, and he works normal hours, but the tradition remains because I love danish, and the only time I eat them is Mother’s Day. Now look at this picture and tell me whether you think I have a skin cream addiction. I love skin cream, and I think I collect it now like I…

  • My Planners

    There has been some talk around the blogs lately about planning. Some folks use bullet journals, some use homemade spreadsheets, some use Google docs, and some use paper calendars or white boards. Here’s my system. At my work desk, I have a pocket sized refillable Franklin Planner that I bought perhaps 25 years ago on sale. I like the monthly tab calendar. I used to go into a physical store to buy refills every year, but those days are long gone, and I order them online. I keep track of birthdays and appointments, that kind of thing. Sometimes I keep a ‘to do’ list on a little yellow pad, but…

  • Catching up on Reading

    Reading for me is mostly audiobooks these days, as I can listen to them while Mulder and I go for our morning walk, or while I cook dinner, sometimes when I go grocery shopping. It’s a mixed bag, because sometimes my mind wanders and I find I have gaps. Recently I was listening to a book, and while I thought I had stopped it when I took out my earbuds, it was still going, and when I realized it I had lost a couple of hours. Finding where you were in an audiobook is very different than finding where you were in a physical copy. Also, you don’t have that…

  • Meme Monday – Omicron

    Stupid Omicron sure seems to be making the rounds. I know so many people who have COVID right now, so many more than at any time earlier in the Pandemic. Of course, we have tests (theoretically, since they are hard to find) now, so people have a better chance of knowing that they are infected. Everyone I know who currently has it (OK, not everyone, but 9/10) have been extremely careful and are fully vaccinated, though not all have had a chance to get the booster yet. Early on in the pandemic, when we were all staying home and everything was closed, I thought we were all going to get…

  • Catching Up….

    I’m not sure if you will be able to see this video or not…it shows for me. It’s just the view from the house where we stayed last weekend, and the delicious rain outside…not so delightful to those of you not in the midst of a drought. But delightful for me to be sure. It’s been a busy time around here. Or not around here, actually. Last weekend we flew up to Portland to see my family, and also to scatter my father’s ashes, as was his wish. I was simultaneously looking forward to and dreading the trip. So do I tell you about it sequentially, or start with the…

  • Happy New Year – Friday Randomness

    Hey There Party People, what’s shakin’? December was a good combination of busy and lazy, and somehow in amongst the lazy I did not post even once. That’s pathetic. In line with catching you up a bit, life here has been good, not crazy, not too different than it was before. We’ve had another month with dog-boy, Mulder, and he’s settling in so very well. We all adore him so much. He’s playful and loving and wonderful. He’s learning a bit of manners, learning to walk better on a leash, etc. He doesn’t jump on the furniture as much anymore. He doesn’t bark nearly as much anymore. He’s only vomited…

  • Friday Randomness

    Jumping right on in here…. I enjoyed my time off from work.  Sunday we had some friends over that we haven’t seen in ages.  There’s something about having kids who are in school and sports and trying to support them, that doesn’t leave one with much time, so it can be hard to get together.  Then there’s work, which is also a huge time suck.  So between the work and the commuting and the kids and so on, we haven’t seen them in awhile.  Finally we did.    I made a huge meatloaf, we laughed and ate and relaxed.  It was excellent. Also, went to Stockton to see my Grandma.  She’s…

  • Día de los Muertos

    Today is The Day of the Dead, otherwise known as Día de los Muertos.  It is a day to remember and pray for beloved family and friends who have died.  I thought maybe I’d slow down and reflect on some loved ones who are gone. First, of course, is my mom.  It’s been 4 1/2 years since she died, and of course, I still miss her every day.  I miss our long conversations, and I wish she were still here.  I don’t miss her being sick, and all of the stress that that gave me.  Mostly, I think about all of the things that she’s missing by not being here. …

  • Monday Randomness

    Last week was Ted and my 19th wedding anniversary (link is to Ted’s blog, where you can see a slideshow if you’re interested….we look so YOUNG to me). It seems so strange that so many years have gone by, and yet I still sometimes feel 27. But then I look at my pictures, at my face in the mirror, and I think, oh yeah, I’m not 27 anymore. Oh well. We had a lovely day. We started off by driving to Muir Woods for a hike, with a pit-stop in Sausalito for sandwiches. We saw a segment on Check, Please, Bay Area about a deli counter in a little market,…

  • The Leftovers

    Laurie Garvey hadn’t been raised to believe in the Rapture. She hadn’t been raised to believe in much of anything, except the foolishness of belief itself. We’re agnostics