• Atonement

    I thought I would publish this book review, which I wrote over a week ago but was waiting until after the weekend to post, and then things changed in my world and I forgot about it. But it’s been sitting there, waiting patiently, and it gets the pity party off of the top of my page. Can’t spend too much time feeling sorry for myself, can I? No. So, here’s a book review from last week. I’m writing this review a bit differently than I have in the past, in that I’m not quite half-way through the book, and I’ve got a lot of thoughts swimming around in my head…

  • 45(ish) Books

    I’ve seen people discussing the New York Times 100 Best Books of the 21st Century, and my first thought was, ‘that seems kind of premature, doesn’t it?’ Then I went and checked it out, and found I had read 25 of the books, so decided to write a blog post about it. Blog fodder! Then I found that Engie had done exactly that. Great minds think alike! So, here’s my list, with links to my book reviews. That’s it for the official list, which was compiled by writers. As might be expected, readers chimed in, and the Times compiled a list of readers’ 100 favorites as well. The two lists…

  • Buy A Friend A Book Week

    Buy a Friend A Book Week takes place the first weeks of October, January, April, and July.  The idea is that you buy a friend a book for no reason, except that you like them and would like them to have it.  Hey, that’s now!  OK, I’m in.  Sort of. You remember how we pared down our books last year, after moving our things back into our house, right?  You also remember that I’m trying to be financially responsible, right?  So, instead of buying a friend a book, I’ve decided to GIVE  a friend a book.  Guess what?  This means you!  If you’re interested in any of the following books…

  • In For a Penny, In For a Pound…

    I’m still working on my Book Awards Reading Challenge, which runs from July 2007 through the end of June, 2008, and requires participants to read 12 award winning books in 12 months. In addition, I just joined the Graphic Novels Challenge, and the TBR Challenge. I’m hoping to join a Non Fiction Reading Challenge as well, though that hasn’t been announced yet. So, what the heck, I’ll join one more, the Man Booker Challenge. The rules of this challenge are to read 6 winners of the Man Booker Prize, or books that were short or long listed for the prize, in 2008. OK, I’m in, though for this challenge, I’m…

  • Book Awards Reading Challenge

    I discovered a new book reading challenge that I’m all over like a cheap suit…this one is called the Book Awards Reading Challenge. Coincidentally, Ted got me hooked last week on yet ANOTHER internet timesuck, which would be goodreads, where you can keep track of all of the books that you ever remember reading, look at what your friends are reading, compare your lists and ratings with them, and figure out what NEW books you might want to read. Fun, huh? Definately. (Mom, it looks like you can upload your spreadsheet maybe…if you want another time suck in your life. 😉 ) Back to the challenge…this challenge is to read…