Friday Randomness

My darling friend Marilee, who lives in Upstate New York, near Niagara Falls, sent me a link to a Literature Clock. When you go to that website, a quote from literature will appear that corresponds (sometimes exactly, sometimes loosely) to the current time. I forget about it for days or weeks at a time, then I see it in my Safari tab, and I check it out. I like it, it’s a small pleasure.

As you can see by my last 2 posts, Maya and Mulder both had birthdays recently. For Maya’s birthday, we had a party on Saturday, and the menu was appetizers…we have varied dietary restrictions around here, so that’s an easy way to have something for everyone. We made far too much food, however, so ended up having leftovers during the Academy Awards. Nice to not have to cook, after such a busy day prior.

On her actual birthday, we took Mulder and went for a hike at a local reservoir, and the weather was perfect. She didn’t want to go out for dinner, didn’t want to deal with hair and makeup and so on, so we stayed home and had takeout sushi. Overall a success!

For Mulder’s birthday, we sadly did not take the day off from work, but we did make steak for dinner and give him a bit, and he got a new toy that he loves, so overall a success there as well.

In other news, Ted started a new job last week! After years in radio, blogging, and podcasting, he has now moved into government work…he is the new Public Information Officer for our county District Attorney’s office. That entails writing press releases and meeting with newspaper and TV reporters. So far he is liking it, though it does mean a big wardrobe change from radio. Radio is pretty casual, I think you could show up in sweatpants and a fanny pack if you were so inclined. D.A.’s office is lawyers, and means suits on more formal days, slacks and dress shirts on less formal days. So he had to go out and buy a couple of suits. He looks very handsome. Here he is at the swearing in ceremony, with the District Attorney.  I take full credit for the tie.

In other other news, there is a new baby in the family…Ted’s youngest cousin Sewdaye (he has plenty of cousins, and the age range is vast…the oldest is in their mid 70s I think and Sewdaye is 5 years older than Maya) had her first baby in March! We haven’t met her yet, but they are planning to bring her for Easter, so we are really looking forward to getting to meet her.

What else…well, I have a fuchsia plant hanging on the back patio.  It’s not the same one that I bought several years ago, though I still have that one.  That one takes longer to come back and flower and everything, since it is outside and not in a nursery, so I took it down and put it somewhere else, and bought a new one to hang so I can look at it from the kitchen window.  Well, there are some sweet little birds that have chosen to eschew the 2 perfectly good birdhouses in our yard, as well as the one in our neighbors’ yard, and are trying to build a nest in it.  I like seeing them fly in and out, but I’m not eager to drown anyone when I water the plant, so I’ve moved it to lower to the ground in the front yard for now.  I moved one of the birdhouses from the tree to where the plant was, but they are ignoring it.  I suspect it’s because the opening at the back is too large…I think it used to have a plastic stopper or something, which is now gone.  I may go out tomorrow and see if I can find one that I like for them.  Though with all of these options, perhaps a birdhouse is just not their thing, and they really want to nest in something bushy.  Looking at the local Audubon page, I think they are California Towhees.  They certainly were angry when I moved the fuchsia away.  They didn’t attack me or anything, but they were very vocal is expressing their displeasure.  I hope they find somewhere dry and safe to put their nest.

How about you?  What’s new in your neck of the woods?


  • NGS

    I bookmarked that Literature Clock tab. I have a feeling it will be something I need to check regularly during boring meetings.

  • Ally Bean

    The link is fascinating. I got a quote from Post Office by Charles Bukowski. Never read a thing by him until I just read that quote. As for new around here, I’d say spring has really sprung now. There are daffodils and crabapple trees blooming, while the redbud trees look like they’re almost ready to be gorgeous. Happy Weekend!

  • nance

    Thanks for the link to the Literature Clock. What a wonderful thing! I got a Jules Verne quote for the exact time.

    Love Ted’s tie. And shoes.

    We are currently in more grey and gloom with wintry mix precip AGAIN. I wish springtime would gain a foothold and get on. This sort of slow start is so frustrating. I’m ready for lake season and boating and flowering trees and all of that.

    Why not get a cheapo hanging basket for your birds if that’s what they really want? Or a fake plant? I’ve sacrificed plants to bird nests before; once they build in there, you can’t water it.

    • J

      Nance, I went out yesterday and looked at cheap hanging baskets, but they weren’t cheap. I thought about a fake plant, not sure they would go for it, also not that cheap. (Likely I am shopping at the wrong stores, I should have gone to a TJ Max or something). I ended up going to a local bird store, and the man there said that I was wrong about what kind of bird it is, and that he didn’t have a bird house for me…he suggested much like you, that I get some sort of hanging basket. So off I went to the nursery and they had a little hanging bird house that looks like a mossy bowl. I bought it, we shall see if they take to it. I do miss having my fuchsia where I can see it from the kitchen. Hopefully I can move things around a bit in a few weeks.

      • nance

        J–Fake plants are not very cheap at Marshall’s or TJ Maxx, either, at least initially. But you have the factor to consider that it will be a Forever Plant/Nest. At my funny grocery store, they sell the moss-lined hanging baskets for $2.99, and often have fake greenery for about the same price. Another reason for you to move here one day–stuff in NEO is really cheap, including real estate for both birds and you.

        In other birdie news, a mourning dove has taken over the robin’s nest that was the scene of my previous heroics. I’m so glad I left the nest up and clipped out all the fishing line.

        • J

          Yay! Glad it’s getting some love!

          So far I haven’t seen any birds giving my little birdhouse any attention, which is annoying. I’ll admit to wanting them to rush over and move in within 5 minutes of me hanging it up.

  • Joared

    We’ve gone from winter to a few days of summer — to 100 degrees — then back to cold temps again — crazy! I think it’s a mockingbird I’m hearing chirping at me when I go outside in front. I think i’m being told the area has been staked out as the birds territory. My yard used to be their dominant residence but now it’s secondary as they seemed to have moved across the street. Maybe it’s just a different generation.

    • J

      We’ve had similar weather whiplash up here, Joared. Not quite as extreme as yours, but it was in the low 90s last week, and right now (6:30 am) it is 38 degrees outside. It’s kind of crazy. We had a bit of rain the other day, and more little bits are supposed to come over the next few days, here and there. It makes me happy to have it, it will help with the pollen and at least keep things a little moist and green perhaps. But it makes me grumpy too. Why couldn’t we have this low pressure allowing storms in, when they were big winter storms that could help us? I hate drought showers.

  • Michelle Mitton

    Fun to have seen your comment and find my way here again! So much time! I feel as if I see you on FB all the time but I’d kind of given up blogging. Good to see you