Meme Monday – Omicron

Stupid Omicron sure seems to be making the rounds. I know so many people who have COVID right now, so many more than at any time earlier in the Pandemic. Of course, we have tests (theoretically, since they are hard to find) now, so people have a better chance of knowing that they are infected. Everyone I know who currently has it (OK, not everyone, but 9/10) have been extremely careful and are fully vaccinated, though not all have had a chance to get the booster yet.

Early on in the pandemic, when we were all staying home and everything was closed, I thought we were all going to get it, the only goal was to spread it out and ‘crush the curve’ as it were. As more was discovered about how it was transmitted (remember people leaving their groceries outside and sanitizing them, because it was thought to stay on surfaces?), and it seemed that masks were really effective, I began to feel hope. Then we got a vaccine, and I had more hope. Now that we have Omicron, and it is so much more contagious, I am feeling more like it’s inevitable, we are all going to get it.

Thanks to the vaccines, most people will not need to be hospitalized. Most people I know who have it are reporting mild symptoms, though there are a few people who are doing much worse.

Stout hearts are needed friends. And like you and everyone else, I am damn sick of this entire thing and want it to be OVER.


  • nance

    Agree, agree. I do feel the desperation creeping in, that sort of fatalism and hopelessness, especially after getting Covid right after Christmas. I did everything right; I am fully vaxxed and boosted, and so are my entire family/extended family. It feels like All For Naught.

    But it’s not just about me. Hospitals here in Ohio (aka The Texas On Lake Erie; Arctic Florida) are already stuffed full of Covid patients and staffed by National Guardsmen/women. Elective surgeries are cancelled for the foreseeable. Our illness did not require that we take vital resources away from any of them. Thank goodness we are not Part Of The Problem.

    So yes, now is truly the time for Stout Hearts and Unselfishness. We must Be The Better People.

    • J

      Nance, thank goodness you did not have to be hospitalized, and that you are feeling better now. SO many fully vaccinated and boosted people are getting this, even in CA where we have had a better track record regarding masks, vaccination, etc. It’s discouraging.

  • Ally Bean

    I’m tired of the virus but people seem to have given up even trying to keep each other safe. Just read that last week Ohio had the second highest hospitalization due to covid-19 rate in the country. A feeling of inevitability looms large around here. It is tiring to think about it.

    • J

      Ally, I know…if so many people who have done everything right are getting sick, it’s hard to keep that feeling of inevitability away. Sigh. We cannot give up trying at least, but yes, so many people have.