I’m Starting to Hate Blogger…

When I joined this bloggy world, just over a year ago, I quickly became addicted.  Now, I’m not a snob when it comes to techie things.  Blogger was free, and it was the service my friends had chosen, so I just joined right in.  And it worked OK.  Sure, there were issues…times when I would be unable to post a picture via the linky way, but that’s OK, I know enough HTML that I could add a picture anyway.  The visual verification pretty much sucks the life out of a person, so I put my comments on Haloscan.  There were the unintended outages, and the posts so carefully written that never saw the light of cyberspace, because they were dissapeared by those evil blogger gremlins. (Like how I used dissapeared that way?  That Pinochet way?  Aren’t I timely, with the old freakazoid evil dictator being newly dead and all?  Yeah, I know.)  But, seeing that all services seem to have their own problems, I figured, whatever.

Then, Ted bought domain names for us, and got some lovely server space from a cool group of folks, and I decided to bow to the pressure around here, and I moved.  I didn’t really have much of a problem with blogger, but I wasn’t wedded to it either.  So over to WordPress I came.

WordPress has it’s own issues…I’m not sure how to put a bit of padding between my picture and the words, it doesn’t have a spell check, etc.  I have a spell check on my google tool bar, but it flips out and messes everything up on the PC.  When I use the Mac, it works OK.  So if you see a ton of spelling errors, just know I’m a terrible speller, and I’m working on the PC.  K?   Even with all of this WordPress love, though, I’m still in constant contact with Blogger.  Because so many of my online friends and family are on Blogger, so if I want to comment, I need to log in.  Not really an issue. 

But lately, with the blogger beta, and the google, and so on, it’s getting to be a bit much.  Yesterday and today, I couldn’t comment on folks blogs as me.  I had to go in anonymously.  Hello!  Bite My Cookie was in labor for 2 days or something, and had been planning a water birth at home, and the suspense was KILLING me, and she finally just had her baby last night, and I can’t comment? WTF? They can’t find my stupid password?  Grrrr.  Same problem at Zee’s Space.  Then, on Lotus Reads, I found a comment that someone fixed the problem by signing up for a google account, and then they were able to comment.  Whew.  That’s a relief.  So, I went and signed up for a stupid google account, JUST SO I CAN BE A RESPONSIBLE BLOGGER, not just taking, but also giving….and lo, it worked.  Maybe I don’t hate blogger/google so much anymore. 

But wait…I then went to read Autumn’s Mom‘s post, and I wanted to comment…and my new google account wouldn’t take.  AARRRGGGHHHH.  So now, I’m going to have to figure out which of my bloggy friends are on beta and which are not, and sign in accordingly, just to make a comment?  Just to say, ‘Hi, I liked what you wrote today’? Carp*.  It’s enough to make a sane person…well, not so sane.  How do I hate you, blogger/google?  Let me count the ways…

*This is a bit of an inside joke…Cherry and I IM each other sometimes, and her fingers are often too fast for her brain, so she wrote Carp instead of Crap.  I liked it better, and here we are…Carp.


  • Dot

    Well, at least we are not alone. I realized just this morning that for the beta users I can use my google account which I had forever and never use. *sigh* I don’t like being forced into something and I feel that way about this whole Beta Bullshit.

    Can you guess which finger I’m holding up at you Blogger?

  • hellomelissa

    we’re all nodding our heads in a symphony of agreement. wish i was better at programming and could dump blogger altogether. either that or we all give out email addresses and send commentary personally.

  • L.

    I am not going to switch to beta until I back up my blog — I will let people know when I do, for exactly the reasons you describe above.

  • Melissa

    Do you have a google email address? I was having the same problems, but then I realized that if I put my gmail info in, it works….not sure why and not sure if that is your problem or not, but it’s worth a shot. Some places its blogger, if they haven’t switched, but the beta one is very assholey. 😉

  • Ml

    GRRRRR!!!! Blogger is really getting on my one last nerve! Thanks for taking the time to sign up for a Google account. It’s just been a pain in the a**, hasn’t it?

  • C-Lo

    That is a funny post. I could totally picture you losing it while trying to post on various blogs. Did you give in and down a 6er of Diet Coke?

  • starshine

    I know, J! I can’t stand that Blogger and Blogger Beta make you sign in two different ways. Whatev.

    Here’s my solution. I click the “Other” button and then key in my own screen name and my website.

    No problem that way, though a little more time consuming.

  • J

    Belive it or not, Starshine, I couldn’t even do that sometimes. Frustrating! I had to go anonymous, and then type in the J and the url. Lame, huh?

  • Beenzzz

    Blogger Beta sucks ass. Needless to say, I have it. I think the blog author has to sign in (on the upper right hand side) of their blog so that people can comment. ARGH! I’m switching soon!!!!

  • Py Korry

    The other day I was trying to link to Gina’s blog and the link wouldn’t take. I wonder if that had something to do with all the bugs Blogger is having.

    It’s nice having our own host and bloggy program, but spellcheck would be a nice thing to have for WordPress.

  • Maya's Granny

    Sometimes blogger spell check isn’t working and I cut and paste my post into Word Perfect, spell check it, and cut and paste it back.

    I’ve been having a terrible time with making comments, and when I signed up for a google account it decided I was Maya’s Grany, which I absolutely refuse to be, so I won’t use it.

    Damn. And carp.

  • Cherry

    Hmmm…. I must be the odd man out. I haven’t had any big issues with Blogger Beta. The spell check occasionally gets all confused if I have mucked with the HTML, but other then that it’s been cool… at least for me but I know that others have been having issue. Perhaps during my few day blog reading hiatus there have been some problems that I’ve been lucky to miss out on.

  • fred heidrick

    hi was surfing to see coment about swichung to blogger beta because they are holding my old blog ransone,cant edit, or do any thing as i see hear , others dont like the new format ether, probably just let the old blog die and stay on yahoo 360. nice blog front page

    peace fred hedirick