Leonard Cohen ~ Everybody Knows

It’s getting harder and harder to find you tube videos of songs for this, due to copyright infringement, etc. So here we have Leonard Cohen’s Everybody Knows, which is a great song, but the video is to a TV series, The Man from Uncle. I first heard it in the wonderful and underrated Adam Egoyan film, Exotica. Actually, it was also in Pump Up The Volume, but I didn’t like that movie at all, so I guess I missed the song.

I also really like this L song, Liz Phair, Johnny Feelgood. Couldn’t find a decent video that was embeddable. So click and enjoy. There is certainly a less than savory feel to the song…he is abusive, she likes it. Not the message that you want your kids to hear, really. I can’t help it, though, I like the song a lot. Do I lose my feminist street cred? Watch out for one small F bomb.