Happy Friday!


Who likes to rock the party?  I like to rock the party!

OK, I’m a bit giddy right now because I just had a rockin’ good interview for a job that I REALLY want.  At one point, I told the recruiter that she was making me drool, that’s how much I like the idea of this job.  And you know what?  It’s nothing I would have ever seen myself doing before, nothing I had ever thought about, and I have no real-life experience in it.  So what?  I’m totally qualified for the job, and I would go out and make it my OWN.  I’m excited by the idea of what they want me to do.  When was the last time I’ve felt that way about a job?  Probably never.

The interview went well, and I now have an interview next week with the actual people who make the decisions, rather than a recruiter.  Yay me!

Cross your fingers for me, OK?