Slow Dance
Slow Dance ~ Rainbow Rowell
Shiloh, Cary, and Mikey were best friends in High School. Shiloh and Cary had romantic feelings for each other, but they were always too afraid to act on them. Fear of rejection and of ruining their friendship keeps them platonic. Shiloh is growing up in poverty with her mom (I listened to this a month or so ago, and I don’t remember where her dad is. Another story with an unknown dad? Dead? No idea.) Cary is being raised by his grandmother, and he is told that he is hers, so he thinks that his birth mom is his older sister. He never lets on that he knows the truth, so everyone thinks he believes the lie. Mikey comes from a more traditional nuclear family, with two parents and hot dinner on the table every evening. Shiloh and Cary hook up once, when he is preparing to go to basic training for his Navy career, and she is starting college. Fast forward 14 or 15 years, and they are in their 30s, at Mikey’s wedding. Shiloh has married, had 2 children, and divorced. Cary has worked his way up in his military career. Is there a chance for them to reconnect?
Well duh, it’s a novel, so of course there is at least a chance for them to reconnect. What we need to get through first is all of their damage and poor communication skills, and let them continue to grow up a bit and prove that they can actually be there for each other when things get rough.
I liked this book, it was sweet. There was a false alarm at one point that was going to really piss me off, but it didn’t happen. Whew.

Ally Bean
The story sounds interesting. I like the cover of the book. I’ve said that IF I ever got a tattoo it’d be of an arrow or of a flower. This cover drawing shows me that I could have both, together, for the win. IF…
I laughed at your review- of course there’s a chance. It’s a novel. Duh. Not sure I will read this, but I do like the premise of high school friends with different backgrounds.
Yeah, I liked that he went into the military and she was a nurse who went to college and so on. The kids were pretty cute, too.
Nice, tattoo art solution right there!
Yeah, there would be no book if they didn’t reconnect! 🙂
Kind of like when you watch a movie and just want people to be smart and live a happy, uncomplicated life. BORING. Or at least short.
Sorry my comment became a response. Maybe bc my plane is about to taxi and I am rushing. 😉
No worries, happy travels!
I DNF-ed this book! I think it was just not the right time to read it – I was growing tired of all the backstory scenes. I might try it again sometime!
Maybe the wrong time, or maybe you just weren’t into it…I find that I am less likely to DNF a book when I listen to it, but then again I rarely DNF a book.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
I am passing on this one. Glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks Tobia!