Wordless Wednesday ~ For Connor



  • J

    Shelliza’s son, Connor, looked at her school picture, and said she looked like Pocahontas. So of course, I had to pull this photo down from flickr for you all. 🙂

    Shelliza, here’s a picture of Maya dressed as Pocahontas for 1st grade Halloween. Their school had “Historical Halloween”, where they would write a report on an historical figure, and then dress up as that person for Halloween, and they had a parade. Her friend Chanel is perhaps Nefertiti, I don’t remember. Aren’t they cute?

    Other years she was Helen Keller and Queen Isabella of Spain. I don’t think they continued the tradition after that…

  • shelliza

    He said, “Thank you” and that he’s going to marry her someday. LOL!!

    That is such a cute picture of Maya and her friend. Maya makes a great Pocahontas look alike! This year Connor wants to be a Native Indian boy. Shocking, huh?

  • Ted

    I forgot about her bunny teeth. I know that sounds mean, but now that she has braces, I tend to forget what her teeth looked like before she got them.

  • Cherry

    I was going to say the same thing as Ted! Man that poor girl went through a lot with braces the first time. I hope this time around it isn’t so long or painful.

  • J

    Cherry, it’s worse this time, because they’re on all of her teeth, not just the top front four. Sigh.

    I kinda miss that bunny smile. 🙂