25 Things About Maya

You’ve all seen the Facebook Meme, 25 Things about me, right? Well, today is Maya’s 13th birthday, so in her honor, I thought I’d take a stab at 25 Things About Maya for you.
- As you can see in the photo, she’s absolutely gorgeous.
- She’s a loyal friend.
- She loves the group, Paramore, and all things Twilight.
- She loves her iPod.
- She’s generous. She offered to give me her Target gift card when I mentioned that I liked a top there, but new clothes weren’t in my budget.
- She’s kind. She doesn’t let this get in the way of her wicked sense of humor.
- She volunteers at a local animal shelter, helping to socialize the cats so they are adoptable.
- She hates beets. She gets that from Ted.
- She is good at French. Don’t know where she gets that.
- She loves to read.
- She loves history as well.
- She looks great in red.
- She likes camping. That’s where she was with her girl scout troop this weekend.
- She doesn’t like hiking much. She gets hot. She gets that from me.
- But she does like hiking in Forest Park, in Portland, because it’s nice and cool. We can walk for hours in that park.
- She’s a wonderful swimmer.
- This year finds her much more interested in hairdos, clothes, and skin care than previous years. Welcome to the teens!
- She loves chocolate.
- Favorite ice cream: World Class Chocolate, from Baskin Robbins.
- She loves tuna tartare. I like to picture her out on a date with some poor guy, ordering the tuna tartare and making him feel like a bumpkin. Of course, maybe she’ll date guys with similar likes someday.
- She likes salad and broccoli, but the only way she likes green beans is with Gorgonzola and walnuts. They are pretty good that way, I must admit.
- She’s learning the value of jeans and a cute top as a way to stretch out a wardrobe.
- She LOVES Battlestar Galactica. Obsessed is probably a better word. I think her world got a little bit darker last week when it ended.
- She still likes Walking With Dinosaurs, et al, even after all these years.
- She’s the best thing that ever happened to Ted and me. We love her very much, and wish her a VERY happy birthday.
Karen MEG
Awww, happy birthday beautiful girl! No wonder your mom and dad are so proud of you; stunning and accomplished and you’re just 13!!
You are the best my Moonsie. Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Maya. We have a Paramore fan in our house as well (Zoey). Hope you have a great day.
Happy Birthday, Maya!
Jeans and a cute top are what I end up wearing 90% of the time! Love that look!
Happy b-day Maya! You’ve done a great job Mom and Dad!
Happy Birthday Maya. Have a SUPER day!!
Jenny (your cuz)
Happy Birthday Maya, go Teen Years 🙂
Hope you had a great birthday weekend!
and J and Ted – Congratulations on raising such a beautiful daughter inside and out.
Autumn's Mom
Happy birthday beautiful girl!! I hope she had a great weekend. You are raising such a lovely, loving girl. xoxo
Linda Atkins
Happy birthday (yesterday), Maya!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Maya 🙂
Debbie Davis
Hi, I’m Debbie. I’m glad I came across your blog today, it’s great. Happy Birthday to your daughter! I love celebrating family, food, fun and friends. Stop by and say hello soon!