1,000 Things About Me
OK, just kidding. But WordPress tells me that this is, in fact, my 1,000th post! Really, truly, 1,000! OK, not really truly, because there are a few in a holding pattern that I’ve started and not published. There are a few that seemed like a good idea, and then I ended up deleting them (like one I wrote last night about how I prefer to watch The Price is Right over American Idol). But this post has the distinction of being the 1,000th post that I’ve written, for better or for worse.
So, how to celebrate? How to commemorate this, er, occasion? I’m not sure. I could tell you a few things you don’t already know about me, but I suspect I’ve told you everything remotely interesting that there is to tell already. I could give you a recipe for pickled herring, but I don’t have a recipe for pickled herring. I could write a book review, but I haven’t finished my book yet. Hmmm.
I could tell you that it’s really windy here today, and there’s something either about the way the wind is hitting my window, or it’s something outside, but every once in awhile, we get an interesting ‘Whooooo’ sound, which sounds pretty much just like someone pretending to be a ghost. Do you think it could be a ghost?
I could tell you that Genevieve is blowing her coat, which means she’s shedding her undercoat, which she does twice a year. This is common in Keeshonds, and boy, it’s messy. Clumps of hair all over the house, and the need to brush her every day or two to keep her undercoat from matting up. Messy.
Did you know that some wines have more alcohol in them than others? I read about this in the newspaper awhile ago, but I didn’t think much of it. Then, last night, I had a couple of glasses of wine and I felt sick drunk. Blech. Went to bed early and woke up feeling hung over. I looked at the bottle, and the alcohol level was 14.1%, where it’s usually closer to 13.5%. Oh. I think the alcohol level for the next day or two will be closer to 0%, because yuck.
I could tell you that I went to see my mom yesterday, which stressed me out. Talking to Ted today, I realized (because he told me, and he’s right) that I’m still too involved in her recovery, and need to remember that there is nothing I can do to make her better, that all I can do is support her and be there for her, but griping at her about how she has to eat and exercise if she’s going to recover doesn’t help, and in fact probably just gives her something to rebel against. I’m telling you, this whole thing is a process.
I could tell you that the a/c went out on the Camry, which may be due to the accident I was in back in November. They had to replace part of the a/c that was damaged by that stupid tire that I hit, and they’re wondering if the part they received might have been faulty. Or, maybe we hit a rock on the freeway. The difference will be who ends up paying for it. If it’s the rock, it’s us. How much you want to bet it will be the rock?
I could tell you that I looked at our water bill yesterday, and our water usage has gone up 100 gallons a day from the amount we were using last year. I’m guessing there’s a leak somewhere, and awhile ago when people were working on the pipes around here, they said we might have a leaky toilet. So I’m guessing we need a new toilet. Sigh.
Oh, Starshine, Cherry, and I are considering hanging out at BlogHer, since it’s in SF this year. I hadn’t really considered going, actually, but if they’re going to be there, I might just go, at least to a party or two. Fun! Anyone else going to be there? Wanna hang out?
That’s it, I guess. 1,000 posts in, and all I can come up with is drivel. Oh, and this picture that I snapped out of the car window in San Francisco a few weeks ago…it’s just for my SIL, LaLuna.
1000 posts! You’re one prolific blogger! Congrats!
Theresa Bakker
You rule. Now I just have 998, wait make that 994. Oops. Wrong again. Heck, there are plenty more words where those came from to describe how awesome you are.
As for the situation with your mom, I think I would react as you have. Trying to “mother” if you will. But you know what, this is new for both of you, so try not to put so much pressure on yourself!
Autumn's Mom
Wow, you rock J! Congrats on the 1,000 posts. I know it’s hard, when you are stressed…every little thing seems like a mountain of poo.
I think you should go to blogher. I bet you’d have a great time 🙂 and you can take pics and come back and tell me all about it!
Py Korry
Happy 1000! I liked the random things you put in your post. It really does reflect the title of your blog — so it’s completely appropriate! 🙂
Congratulations! That’s quite a landmark, you should be so proud.
Congrats of you 1,000th post! I like the LaLuna sign. 🙂
Who would have known back in those days of November 2005? Or, would you have know? What a great journal for Maya to trip over in years to come.
Congrats on your 1000th post, J! It’s so amazing to chronicle your thoughts, life, experiences, etc. Imagine looking back in a few years? Blogging is just such a great way to discover yourself without even intending on doing just that! Does that make any sense at all?
Anyway, I love your blog and am looking forward to many more blog milestones!
P.S. You should definitely go to BlogHer since it’s in your neck of the woods this year! 🙂 KarenMEG and I mentioned being interested in going, but I think this year’s just so busy. Maybe next year! 🙂
1000. Holy crap. I’d better get busy.
Linda Atkins
Congratulations on 1000 posts, and it definitely is a ghost, I’d say. (What you said about your mom made me think of how family members of alcoholics go to Al-Anon to learn to detach with love; I was thinking maybe we need Bypass-Surgery-Anon or Major-Illness-Anon or something like that, to negotiate the tricky terrain of dealing with the illness of someone you really, really, REALLY want to be well.)
Well. 1000 posts. And I was just starting to be full of myself at my upcoming 500th post. Odd how we humans place so much weight on numbers with zeroes at the end. But there it is. Congratulations.
I learned in college that wines had varying amounts of alcohol the night my roomate brought some Mad Dog 20/20 home for us to guzzle over Mickey D burgers.
Congrats on your 1000th post!
LaLuna’s looks really cool. Congats on the 1000 post…