
I first (well, not first) came to the bloggy world one year ago today. (I say not first, because I actually started a blogger account, wrote one post, then promptly lost interest back in the summer of 2002.) If you look at Cherry and Autumn’s Mom‘s archives, you’ll notice that they started the same month that I did. I’d like to claim that I started it all, that I was the leader of our little group jumping into this world, but the truth is that I was the holdout. I felt like if I started a blog, I wouldn’t really have anything to say. People would be bored and no one would want to read it and what was the whole point, really?

But I WAS enjoying reading Cherry and Dot’s blogs, and a few others of folks that I knew, and Ted was telling me that I should do some kind of restaurant reviews…because I really seemed to get into talking about meals we had at restaurants…what I liked about restaurant X, what I didn’t…where they shone, and where they failed. OK, I thought, I’ll give it a try. So I started writing, mostly about local restaurants, but not exclusively. That got boring pretty quickly. I don’t have the lingo or the passion to really make a go of being a restaurant critic, I guess.

But as I started reaching out there, looking at other blogs, I became hooked. I started finding myself thinking, hmmm…that would make a good blog post. Oh, I have to take a picture of that for the blog. Everything was for the blog.

I could talk about what blogging means to me…that I have had a lot of fun here, and ‘met’ some amazing people…that I have gotten to know some people that I already knew, that much better…that the opportunity to write and to have an audience, no matter how small and silent, has meant more to me than I ever would have thought. Instead, maybe I’ll toot my own horn, and pick out a few of my favorite posts…they may not be good, actually, but they hit the note that I was trying to hit, made the point I was trying to make, and they made me feel like I had accomplished something, no matter how small, when I was finished with them. Most of them don’t have any comments…when I was over at Blogger, I started getting a lot of spam, and I hated the squiggly little letters, so I signed up for Haloscan, and I didn’t bring the comments over with me when I moved. By the time I figured out how I could have done it, I had customized this blog to how I wanted it, and I didn’t want to start over. So, the comments are still there, but not here. Oh, how I miss them.

Without further sillyness, I’ve chosen one post from each month over the last year…that makes 13 in total, since we’ve got last November and this November as well. If you’re bored, read them all. 🙂

November, 2005 – My first post, appropriately enough, it’s about Thanksgiving.

December, 2005 – The War on Christmas. Not that it was that well written or anything, but I have a feeling this issue might come up again this year, so forewarned is forearmed.

January, 2006 – My take on Abortion.

February, 2006 – My take on Identity. I hit blog 100 at the end of February…boy, I seem to like this bloggy thing, huh?

March, 2006 – Maya’s Birthday post.

April, 2006 – My Fabulous Fur Coat.

May, 2006 – Good Food, Bad Food

June, 2006 – Flag Burning Debate

July, 2006 – Why we have an only child

August, 2006 (Are you getting tired of this yet? I am!) – Actually, I can’t find one in August that I want to share again. Sorry.

September, 2006 – My September 11th tribute.

October, 2006 – My Wise Child

November, 2006 – A Pretty Picture

There. Done. I think that wasn’t as good of an idea as I thought it was, and really, I’m tired of reading my own crap. On the other hand, it’s Thanksgiving, so who’s going to be reading blogs anyway? Not too many of my U.S. friends. Maybe Lotus and some of my other Canadian friends. 🙂 Speaking of which..Happy Thanksgiving everyone!