Time for Bloggy Love

Last month, I was on the ball, and gave a ‘perfect post’ award. I kind of thought of doing that again, but for me to do that would mean keeping the idea in the back of my head all dang month, and remembering which blog would be worthy, and comparing it to others that would be worthy, etc. etc. etc. I know, I can copy and paste the URL into a draft, or I could go all 20th century and write them down on a piece of PAPER or something, but instead, I just think, “Wow, that was good stuff”, leave my comment, and move on. I read great stuff all month, and unfortunately, only the most recent posts escape my short term memory loss. So I kind of gave up on the ‘perfect post’ for now, but I’ve read some things in the last couple of days that I really, really liked. Check them out. You might like them as well.

Mom-101 had a great post the other day. She’s an amazing writer, and has only been doing this blog thing for a little while, yet she was chosen to interview Gloria Steinem! Pretty darned cool, huh? Anyway, in her follow up email question, she asked Ms. Steinem about women who go to college, get degrees, and then stay home with the kids, one of the false issues that is used to divide us in the stupidly named “Mommy Wars”.

Echidne of the Snakes wrote debunking a recent study that says that if moms work, their kids get fat. Thanks Echidne, because why the hell do working moms have to be blamed for every single ill in society? Pass the blame around a bit, I say. Anyway, it’s a well written post. Nice to have someone who understands quantitative research go in and look at the hard numbers and break it down for us liberal arts/qualitative types.

Beenzzz, who is new to this whole bloggy thing, wrote a moving post about moving to the U.S. (Utah) from Guyana as a child, and what effects that had on her. Well done, Beenzzz!

Bitch, PhD wrote about the Foley scandal, and the difference between public and private spheres. Well done. One small point she makes, that I’ve also been considering in the back of my mind, is that this is indeed a big deal, because the GOP loves to stick their noses in everyone’s private business, and covering up for a pedophile is unforgivable. But, unfortunately, all of the talk about this scandal is pulling the attention away from the much bigger scandal of suspending habeas corpus and allowing torture of detainees. I wish that more were being said about these issues in the public sphere right about now. Because if you think that suspending these rights for suspected terrorists means that there’s no way it could happen to you or someone you love, you’re kidding yourself. That’s why these rights need to apply to EVERYONE. They’ve gotta stop using the Constitution as toilet paper.

And just when I thought I was finished picking out my linky loves, I came across Jay’s post about the Foley scandal, which is about how if Foley had been picking on 16 year old girls, this whole thing wouldn’t have gotten NEARLY the traction it is getting.

Tiny Cat Pants has two posts that are really well written, about the horrific crimes in schools these last few weeks, specifically the ones in Colorado and Pennsylvania, that targeted young girls.

I’m not sure this counts as a ‘blog’, but I came across something the other day that I thought was interesting. How many times have you heard that, in order to lose weight (or maintain weight), one should not eat after a certain time of day? The idea being that food eaten before bed is converted to fat, rather than being burned. This never made sense to me. I mean, a calorie is a calorie, no matter what time it is, right? What makes more sense is that food eaten late at night is more likely to be snack food, which is notoriously high in fat and calories, and also more likely to be eaten while reading a book or watching TV, when we’re not paying attention to our portion size. So, this blog debunks some of the more popular diet ‘myths’. If you’re interested in this kind of thing, check it out. If you liked that, here’s part two.

Just to lighten things up a bit around here, because, hey, it’s FRIDAY and all, I saw a great post at Hello, Melissa!in which her kids decide that just because a book doesn’t exist yet shouldn’t stop them…they wrote the book, and then made the toy that OBVIOUSLY should come along with it. Very cute.

Last, but most certainly not least, Py Korry has a new mix six up, and I gotta say, any mix six that starts with U2 and ends with the Beatles is gonna be worth a listen.ร‚ย  Go check it out, and enjoy.