
(Genevieve looking somewhat crazed but happy, about 2 years ago)

The health issues with our sweet dog Genevieve have been continuing.  She is now almost completely blind.  It seems to have come on very quickly, and we’re not sure of the cause.  I’ve read that when dogs go blind, we don’t notice it until it’s in its final stages, which may be what’s going on here.  It may also be the result of a tumor, or of something called Cushing’s disease.  It does seem the most likely cause, and she has quite a few of the symptoms, but the first thing to do is to take her to an ophthalmologist to show whether there is in fact anything wrong with her eyes.   If it’s not the eyes, then they’ll start the tests for Cushing’s.

There are different types of Cushing’s, with very different treatments and outcomes.  It could be as easy as medication to balance out her pituitary gland.  It could be a benign tumor near her kidney, which can be removed.  Or, it could be a malignant tumor in her brain.  That, of course, is the outcome we fear the most.

But it seems like no matter what the cause of her blindness, it’s extremely unlikely that she’ll get her sight back.  Our poor baby, who was running around and playing and frisky just a few months ago, now has to be guided around so she won’t hurt herself, and guided to food that we put in her dish.

I’m heartsick thinking about it.  Hopefully, she’ll have the easiest type of Cushing’s to treat.  Hopefully, we’ll all adjust to her blindness somewhat soon.  I know she can lead a comfortable life as a blind dog.  I don’t mind being a seeing eye human.  I’m just sad for her.  Sigh.  She’s such a baby, too.


  • Starshine

    I’m so sorry to hear about G’s blindness. My mom’s dog started going blind about a year ago due to Cushing’s disease. She is now completely blind in both eyes. She does require some guidance, but I think she has also adjusted really well (and fairly quickly) and seems to make her way around in spite of the blindness.

  • Donna

    Poor baby girl! Big hugs to doggy G. Our little terrier Snoopy went blind, but from old age way back when I was younger. He adjusted quite well.

  • V-Grrrl

    I’m so sorry. This is heartbreaking. I hope that she can be treated, and my gut instinct is that a dog will learn fairly quickly to navigate by smell.

  • Shelli

    I’m sorry. I know how your furbabies can be just as much your babies as your babies that you gave birth to. It’s hard when they are hurting and you don’t know what to do to help them.

  • dadwhowrites

    That must be so hard – I’m sure she’ll adapt, given the amount of love and attention and patience she’ll be getting but it doesn’t help a great deal knowing that…

  • patois

    Such a beauty. I’ll hope for the easy-to-treat Cushings. I had a dog with it. Once the meds kicked in, you never knew anything was wrong with him.

  • Rain

    That’s tough. I do think animals adjust to thinks like that better than we expect. I have heard of other dogs with Cushings (check out Fran at Sacred Ordinary for her dog’s tratement for it) who do well; so hope this works out for your family

  • Kate

    I’m so sorry to read about your sweet Gen! It’s a real heartbreaker when our animals get sick — we love them so much and feel so helpless. Somehow, it’s almost worse than when our kids get sick!

  • Cherry

    Oh J! I’m so sorry she isn’t getting better. I hope they can find the cause and that it is fully treatable. How is her appetite?

  • Autumn's Mom

    That’s a bummer J. Animals adapt easier than we do…She’s lucky to belong to such good family 🙂

  • Jimmy

    Oh my gosh J.
    I’m heartsick for you , Gen and the whole family. Poor Gen couldn’t ask for a better seeing eye family to take care of her.

  • Chrissy

    Oh, sweet, sweet, beautiful Genevieve! How is she coping with the blindness? Poor thing 🙁 She is lucky to be loved by such a wonderful human family 🙂 Hugs! XOXO