Some goodish news amongst the painful crap…

Easter bonnet
There’s been so much pain lately.  Mostly the pain of missing my mom and realizing, yet again, that she’ll never give me a big ol’ hug.  That hurts a lot.

Then there’s the job search for Ted, where he finds some really promising leads, jobs that sound like a really good match, but they.just.don’t. call.  Asshats.

Then there’s the homeowners crap, which is almost enough to make me wish we lived in a little cabin out in Nebraska somewhere, rather than a condo/townhouse in the Bay Area, because the finances SUCK right now.  Did I mention that Ted’s on the board, so he has to hear about it from everyone?  Yeah, fun.

Then there’s poor Gen.  Ted told on his post today about how she’s been in a lot of pain since Sunday night.  Poor baby walks around all hunched up and crying.  So, two vet visits in two days, tests tests tests, and it looks like she has some discs compressed in her spine, probably from a fall that we weren’t here to witness.  :(   BUT, the good news is that she’s feeling better this afternoon, and they gave us pain meds and anti-inflamitories to help her through it all.  She’s going to get fat and lazy, too, because they said no exercise for two weeks.  I guess we’ll have to take turns feeding her bon bons and fanning her pretty face, huh?

Other good news, we went to a really fun concert on Sunday (also discussed on Ted’s post, so I won’t go into detail here).  Did I mention it was free?  And nice and cool in SF?  Ted told me about it Sunday morning, that it was Trip Hop, and I thought, “I don’t like Hip Hop so much, and I think I’d rather stay home and go through mom’s letters and so on”, but then he said, “No, not Hip Hop, TRIP Hop, kind of like Massive Attack and Tricky”, and I said, “Oh, OK, I’m in.”  And it was a really nice day, and a lot of fun to watch so many people get so excited about this group that I’d never heard of before.  Totally fun.

Thank goodness for free concerts and dogs who are not dying, huh?  Oh, and I’m going out for fondue with my dear friend Neva tonight.  Sunday was her birthday.  Yay, melty cheese!


  • MsMamma

    I hope it is the tastiest melted cheese, EVA. Sending you some healing thoughts and a few milkbones. xo

  • Violet

    I have never – ever! – had fondue. But somehow the idea of melted cheese makes me feel warm and happy – so here’s hoping it’s that kind of fondue for you, too.

    (Apparently I’m a poet tonight…)

  • Ted

    I think the dog is feeling much better. It blows that we had to pay all that money to the vet, but at least we know that it’s not an infection or broken bones!

    Hope you have fun with Neva tonight. “You deserve a break today, so get up and get away”…to fondue. 🙂

  • --Deb

    Poor woofy … Just be careful with the bon bons–they’re usually chocolate, you know. I’m sure she’d be satisfied with chicken, lobster, that kind of thing… (grin)

    On the upside for me, my sister was “cleaning out” an old camera and found puppy pictures of my dog when he was 3 months old–seven years ago! Oh, lordy, was he ever cute. I posted them over on my knitting blog last night if you want a cute-fix. I still can’t believe how tiny and fuzzy he was (sniffle).

  • joan

    It’s good you can appreciate the good things big and small. Also, thanks for your kind comments on my blog regarding my mother.

  • Kristen

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom… I dread the day. I hope things will turn around for you very soon! Enjoy pampering the dog 🙂

  • hellomelissa

    i know you’ve had a really tough year, and i keep thinking “i need to send her a little thoughtful gift,” but haven’t done it yet! bad, bad melissa. when the poop hits the fan in a big way, my mom always tells me, “this, too, shall pass.” and she is right. it does. but sometimes it’s not much consolation. here’s to brighter days… and give gen a hug from me.

  • Linda Atkins

    Oh, good, I’m glad Gen will be OK. I don’t like hip hop, either, but I believe Portishead is trip hop, and I do like them. I’m glad you enjoyed the show.

  • Angie

    You have got to catch a break here sooner or later, don’t you?

    Glad to hear your pooch is feeling better…..poor girl.

    Have a great night eating lots of fondue:)

  • Lalunas

    That is a classic photo of Gen. She looks marvelous. It has been donkey years since we’ve had fondue. That sounds fun… birthday fondue..

  • Jimmy

    Poor Gen. She found out for herself she’s gettin old and not the pup she used to be.
    Seem’s I’m always throwin’ something out of joint in my old age, and my pups are the same age as me now, but it dogs years of course.
    Wishin’ smooth healing and cheese covered dog biscuits!